Chapter 31: Shut It Down

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"What the hell?" My eyebrows furrowed, witnessing one of the racers trying to bump Jisoo off the road. "Yunho shut down the cars of racer 07, 012, and 014 now. This type of foul play is prohibited."

"I can't override the emergency system, Hongjoong. Someone must have disabled the system manually." Yunho was furious. Whoever tampered with his system will pay the price.

"Wait, do you guys see that?" Hoseok asked, pointing at the screen.

"What the hell? Where did that kid come from? This isn't looking good." Namjoon said with concern.

"I'm sure Y/N has already figured out something," Jongho said confidently.

Yeosang stood up angrily, heading down to the track. "I'm going to fucking kill them for fucking with our sisters."

Everyone stood up, following behind him. "Get in line," Yoongi said with a clenched jaw and balled fist.

San immediately ran to Y/N and hugged her. "Sis, are you alright?"

"I am, but my baby is not, and that bitch will pay for crossing me," she said while looking at my precious car.

Seulgi got out of her car. "Well, you are one hell of a driver. Now I see why they call you the Goddess of Hells Peak."

The anger took over Y/N. Y/N slammed Seulgi on the hood of her car. "What the hell was that out there?" she said with a clenched jaw, slowly applying more pressure around her neck.

"What? I was only racing." Seulgi smirked. "I didn't commit a crime,"

"Attempting to run racers off the tracks, kidnapping, gambling with the lives of others, oh, did I mention kidnapping. Those sound-like crimes to me, heinous crimes punishable by death." the smirk on Seulgi's face was faltering.

She tried to regain her composure. "What proof do you have?"

Bambam suddenly appeared. "Don't try to play semantics." behind him stood Chase and his parents.

Irene stood in front of her girls protectively. "Wait, can someone tell me what's going on?"

Chase pointed at Seulgi. "She had Georgie, the new guard, trick me, and if it wasn't for Ms. Y/N saving me, I could have been killed."

"You little shi-" Seulgi walked towards the kid but was stopped by his mother slapping her.

"Don't you think you've done enough? You are so self-centered and selfish, don't you have any shame?" the mother yelled angrily, which she has every right to be.

Seulgi held her face in shock. "Did you just strike me?"

"I can do more than that for what you did to my son."

Wendy shook her head. "Damn, Seulgi, that's low even for me."

"I thought you were on my side, Wendy?"

Wendy scoffed. "I am, but I draw the line at harming a child."

"He's alive, isn't he?"

Irene couldn't believe the words coming out of Seulgi's mouth "Do you hear yourself? Do you have any idea how your actions will have consequences not only on yourself but the rest of us as well?"

"Will you relax? Their little operation will be exposed if they do anything to us."

Hongjoong laughed, completely baffled at this girl's stupidity. "Expose? Expose what? How you and your friends were a part of an illegal race? At least the video evidence will show."

Seulgi pulled out a gun. "How about we stop wasting time arguing, and I kill you right now."

Y/N smirked at her. "Do you think you will be able to leave after killing us? Look around you. You are in our territory. This is the home of second chances that we provided. Now, whatever deal you had with the guard to allow you in here is not my concern, but if you think you will leave this place in one piece, you have another thing coming. Oh, and thanks for making my plan a lot easier."

She looked at me, confused. "What are-"

"What's going on here?" one of the members of the League Council asked.

"Councilman Yang, these girls committed treason." Jongho quickly answered as he pointed at the five perpetrators.

"We did no such thing," Seulgi argued.

"What? Did she just-? How dare you lie so quickly while still pointing your gun towards us. I should kill you and your little friends for what you did." Jongho said while trying to walk towards them but was being held back by Mingi, Seonghwa, and Wooyoung.

"But we didn't do anything," she said while fearfully stepping out from Jongho's reach.

San was beyond angry at this point. "You dared to attempt to harm my sisters, an innocent child, and now you dare lie to one of the League Councilmen! You must really have a death wish."

"Jongho and San, take a breather and meet us in the League C conference room when you've both cooled off." Councilman Yang suggested in an attempt to take control of the situation before bloodshed.

"Yes, sir." they both said, walking off.

Wooyoung followed behind them. "I'll keep an eye on them."

"Now, let's discuss this in a more disclosed setting so someone can please enlighten me on what the hell is going on in my city!" he said with authority.

As soon as they entered the conference room, Seulgi was the first to speak. "Oh great, Councilman, you see, these people here are accusing my friends and me of something we didn't do. They are incompetent to see the truth, and I believe they should be punished for causing emotional distress," she said with a smirk.

Delusion is a disease was all Y/N thought. She looked over to Irene to see her massaging her temples and Joy rubbing her shoulders. "These girls will be the death of me," she mumbled.

"Flattery will get you nowhere here, miss--" Councilman Yang paused.

"Seulgi," she said proudly.

Councilman Yang looked at her smugly. "Well, miss Seulgi, I must amend you for being so boldly ignorant. But the fact that these people you're speaking down on are right hands to the founders of this Underground is sealing your fate. So, if I were you, I would watch what I say."

We tried holding in our laughter, watching how Seulgi's smug look faltered and was replaced with confusion and fear.

"Now, can someone of importance please tell me what happened?"

"I would be delighted to tell you all the devious things that had occurred before you graced us with your presence," Yeosang said halfheartedly.

"Uh-huh, go on, Yeosang." Councilman Yang knew he meant no disrespect.

"Gladly, to simply put it, three of the five nonfactors are being condemned for foul play. First, they tried to run Jisoo and Y/N off the road, kidnapped the little guy, and stationed him in the middle of the racers' path. Then, a moment ago, you saw Seulgi with her unauthorized gun on us. Ah, and let's not forget they are practically trespassing. Seulgi also threatened to expose the city's location." he said in one breath. "Did I miss anything or was that about it?" he asked as he turned to face the others for reassurance.

Mingi blinked a few times before saying, "Nope, I couldn't have said it better myself."

"Bambam and I found out how they managed to bypass the dead zone," Wooyoung said as he walked in, followed by a more levelheaded San and Jongho.

Councilman Yang beckoned him to continue. "Seems like a few of the newbs were seduced and manipulated to letting them in. We overheard their conversation while taking a much-needed walk."

"This matter cannot be taken lightly, there are thousands of lives we swore to protect, and I plan on doing just that. I would like the names of these perpetrators so they will..."

"Don't worry, Councilman. They are receiving proper punishment as we speak." San said, knowing that the boys didn't deserve death but a more constructive punishment that they would never forget.

Yang nodded his head in approval putting his trust in San. "Hmm, even so, what do you oppose we do with them?" He asked Y/N and the girls since most of the crimes were geared towards them.

"Councilman Yang, I request we take this matter up with the high table to have a proper trial so that these unknowns can pay for their crimes," Lisa suggested.

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