Chapter XV

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It was early the next morning. The sun was just beginning to peak through the thick branches of the trees. Not a living soul had awoken.

Except for the ten.

Eight of these ten had gathered by the gates of Rivendell, waiting to depart on what seemed a doomed quest. Boromir, Gwen, Legolas, Gimli the Dwarf, the four Halflings, Frodo, the Ring Bearer, Sam, Pippin, and Merry all stood in a semi circle, awaiting the blessing of Lord Elrond. 

"Oh, where is that Elf?" Gimli grumbled, cleaning the metal of his new axe blade with the hairs of his beard.

"Patience, Dwarf, he will be here shortly," Legolas said shortly. 

Gimli huffed and growled in response.

Sighing at the guaranteed Elvish-Dwarvish feud accompanying them to Mordor, Gwen walked a short ways away from the crowd, fiddling with the hilt of her sword. She was not alone for long, however. No more than a few minutes passed before she felt a gentle tap on her arm and a quiet "Excuse me?" Looking down, she smiled at the sight of Frodo.

"What may I do for you, Master Baggins?" She asked.

"Do you know where Gandalf and Strider may be? They have yet to show up."

Gwen furrowed her eyebrows. She remembered the Halflings and Gimli calling Mithrandir by the name of Gandalf several times, but Strider? Who was Strider? "I am afraid I do not know of whom you are speaking."

"Strider... You know... Aragorn?" Frodo asked uncertainly.

"Oh!" Of course, Aragorn! She had heard the Halflings address the Ranger as 'Strider' several times the night before. "They should be here any minute, I would think. We are leaving as soon as the sun rises up over the mountain."

"I am worried they have decided not to come with us any more. What if Gandalf decides to not accompany us?" Frodo asked, suddenly turning very pale, grasping chain around his neck as if it had suddenly become a great weight.

"You listen to me, Frodo Baggins," Gwen said sternly, looking Frodo in the eye. "Mithrandir - er- Gandalf and your Strider will not abandon you. They have promised to protect you. They will not fail you today."

"Nor will we fail you any other day." Both Gwen and Frodo looked up, finding themselves face to face with Aragorn.   

Frodo smiled widely. "I'd knew you come!" He declared before scampering back to his friends.
Gwen, too, attempted to return to the group, but was stopped by Aragorn. 

"Thank you, mellon," he said, nodding towards Frodo. "You made him feel better about me, and about this quest. He has the confidence now to carry through.'

"It was nothing," Gwen smiled shyly. 

"You gave him hope," Aragorn glanced at Frodo, then back at Gwen, before bowing and walking away.


"The Ringbearer is setting out on the quest of Mount Doom and you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will." 

Elrond stood in front of the Fellowship, giving them one last piece of wisdom.

"Farewell. Hold to your purpose and may the blessings of Elves," he looked at Legolas, "And men," he glanced at Boromir and Gwen, "And all free folk go with you." He raised his hand and gestured for them to begin their journey.

Mithrandir looked around the Fellowship, before his his eyes finally landed on Frodo. "The Fellowship awaits the Ringbearer."

Frodo looked around nervously, before turning around and walking through the marbles gate way of Imladris.

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