Chapter XI

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Gwen reached for the branch above her head, pulling herself up and peering through the top branches of the tree. She searched the horizon, looking for any signs of life. 


Sighing, she started to descend, but something caught her attention at the last minute. An eastern breeze blew through the tops of the trees, tousling Gwen's hair. Her gaze turned east, and that is when she spotted them.

With a pleased smile dancing on her lips, Gwen climbed down the trunk if the great oak tree, jumping the last several yards and landing in the middle of the group. She was met with the faces of her eleven companions, anxiously awaiting her report. Wiping off the dirt from her pants, she smiled proudly at them.

"They light their fires foolishly and without fear. We are no more than a kilometer away from passing over the Orcs," she gave her report to Nálor.

"Do we cross the river to slip by?" Nálor asked quietly.

Gwen shook her head. "They lie east of the river."

Nálor nodded his approval. "Good." He said said shortly, motioning his men to continue on.

A while later, Gwen fell in step with Nálor. "What I wonder is why the filth rest so close to Osgiliath. It would have been wise to launch a surprise attack in the middle of the night, do you not think?"

Nálor chuckled. "It is not always wise to attack right away. The Orcs may not exert energy as quickly as we do, but perhaps they think it wise to attack at their full strength. Which, fortunately for us, is a good thing, as we are able to slip by." At this, Nálor pointed to the Orcs' encampment across the river.

Nodding, she asked, "how far to Osgiliath, Nálor?" She whispered, wishing to change the subject. as she ducked under the tree branch.

"A mile," Nálor looked past the river. "Maybe less. I see this silhouette of the city against the mountain." He turned to the rest of the men. "Carry on! We have just over an hour's walk."


They judged it to be around two o'clock in the morning when they reached walls of Osgiliath. Nálor halted his men. "Be silent and stealthy," he whispered, pulling the hood of his cloak over his head and tightening the dark gray mask over his mouth. "We do not want to risk them shooting at-"

Without a second warning, an arrow implanted itself in the ground, inches from Nálor's foot.

"Not one more step, or the next shot will not be a warning," a voice hissed from the shadows.
Nálor instructed his group to lower their bows, speaking out.

"I am Nálor, son of Nátel. We are Rangers of Dol Amroth. We have come to aid you."

"How can you prove this?" The voice asked.

"I bring with me the seal of Leomar, Captain of the Dol Amroth Rangers."

Gwen looked at him in surprise. She had not known Nálor brought Leomar's seal.
'A good call,' she decided.

"Bring it to the gate," the voice commanded.

Nálor nodded to the group and proceeded towards the gate. They waited until the Ranger showed himself. Nálor removed his hood and mask, bowing slightly, and handing over Leomar's seal.

The Ranger looked at Nálor. "Who you say you are is true. Follow me, the captain will want to see you."

"Thank you," Nálor said as they followed the Ranger in.

Once inside, Gwen looked around, taking note of the sleeping Rangers and those on guard. She sighed. There were very few here, less than one hundred at least.

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