Chapter XXIX

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Gwen looked Faramir over as the messenger left, scanning his body language as she tried to guess his next move. His back was still turned to her, staring after the Ranger who had brought the news. 

"What are you going to do?" She finally asked as he stood there, motionless.

Faramir finally turned around and faced her, a thin blanket of grief still cast over his soft gray eyes. He took her hand in his, running his thumb over the scarred skin of her knuckles. Slowly, he brought her hand to his lips, kissing it softly.

"I do not know," he said, dropping his hand to his side and placing it on the hilt of his sword. "We will find out when we see this creature. Come." He beckoned her to follow him out of their quiet alcove and into the open area of their hideout.

"Where are the Halflings?" Faramir asked a nearby Ranger who pointed him in the direction of the storage room. Faramir motioned for Gwen to wait for him as he entered the storage room. Inside, the Halflings were asleep, hovered close to each other as if they were trying to protect the other even in sleep. He stopped abruptly in front of Frodo, causing the Halfing to wake up suddenly at the noise. A look of confusion filled his face as he stared up at the Man in front of him. 

"What is it?" He asked.

"You must come with me," Faramir said. "Now." He turned and walked out of the room, past Gwen, offering no further explanation.

Frodo looked up at Gwen for reassurance. She merely nodded her head towards the retreating Faramir, urging him to follow. 

The Halfings left the safety of the storage room and immediately were surrounded by several Rangers. 

"You will stay," one of them said to Sam.

"I will not!" He shot back indignantly.

"Sam," Gwen knelt down. "We will be back shortly. I will be with Frodo the whole time so that nothing will happen to him."

"You swear?" Sam asked, his fists clenched.

"I swear."


Frodo was lead out of the cave and up a narrow path to the top of the rocky hill.

"Down there," Faramir pointed as they came to a halt.

Frodo looked down. 

Gwen, too, overcome by curiosity, cast her gaze downward, her eyes resting upon on a small pool, illuminated by the light of the moon. Something in that light caught her attention, almost out of view but for the corner of her eye. 

Gollum was diving into the water.

"To enter the Forbidden Pool bears the penalty of death," said Faramir, returning to Frodo.

The movement of archers stepping out from the bushes surrounding the top of the pool made Gwen look up. She saw that their arrows were drawn.

"They wait for my command," Faramir said. 

Gwen looked at him abruptly, a small frown playing on her lips. What was he about to do?

Faramir continued. "Shall they shoot?"

"Faramir, I do not think-" Gwen cut in, but was interrupted by a quiet, eery sound.

It was Gollum. He was singing.

"Rock and pool is nice and cool, so juicy sweet!" He raised the fish in his hand, smashing it against the boulder upon which he sat. "I only wish to catch a fish, so juicy sweet!"

Faramir raised his hand to give the order to fire.

"Faramir!" Gwen hissed, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Is there not another way-"

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