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Heather walked into calculus class. She sat near the back of the room, barely able to stay awake. She had only gotten three hours of sleep the night prior, thanks to Courtney messing around with all her folders and notebooks. I forgot how annoying it could sometimes be being her roommate.

Sierra sat next to Heather. "Hi, I'm new here, and I recognized you! You're in the Amazon house, right?"

Heather rolled her eyes. "Yes."

"Ooo yay!!" She squealed.

Heather covered her ears. "Could you stop that?!"

"...Oh, sorry! I'm just so excited to know another girl in here. I'm Sierra!"

Might as well try to make nice with her. Maybe she'll end up getting food for me when I don't feel like getting out of bed. "I'm Heather," she put on a fake smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Heath! Is it ok if I call you that?"

She cringed. Only Courtney called her that. "...Yeah, it's fine."

"Awesome!" She got out a bright, sparkly pink notebook. What is this, the third grade? Heather thought.

She gasped when she saw Courtney come in. "Courtney!" She waved.

"Heath!" Courtney quickly sat at the desk in front of her. Heather was pissed now that she knew her best friend was in a class with her. I could've avoided this wing nut!

"You're in the Amazon house too, right?!" Sierra exclaimed.

"Uh...yes," Courtney nodded but kept her attention on Heather.

"I'm Sierra!"

She sighed. "I'm Courtney."


"Why aren't you fifteen minutes early to a class like usual?" Heather smirked.

Courtney blushed deeply. "You know why."

"I thought you had a little rule about morning sex before school," she whispered.

"Well...I did, but it just sounded good to me."

"Where'd your guys...?"

"Bathroom. But don't worry, it was nothing but hands. There's no chance I'd do anything further in a place that disgusting!"

"And you say you're done letting Duncan hold you back."

"Hey! I wasn't late to class, was I?"

"Fair point," Heather rolled her eyes playfully.

"But this is the last time it's ever gonna happen! And I'm serious. I'm dead set on getting into law school. I can't have any distractions."

"And what's Duncan set on again?"

"Fixing cars. It's...whatever he wants to do, but not the ideal career."

"Compared to yours? No," she laughed.

"But engineering does involve a lot of math. I'll
Give him that. Sometimes I just...I wish he would do law school with me. We already have enough good people fixing cars. We need more good lawyers. Rules need to change around here!"

"Oh, definitely. I think we should have an international me day. People seriously don't realize how valuable I am. I'd go to court to fight for that."

"Unfortunately, Heather, we have to consider our fellow Canadians."

"This is why I want to rule Europe. Even the queen of England will bow down to me."

Courtney stifled a laugh.

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