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Start the song on the second section of the story for the effect

I know having song lyrics in fanfiction is looked down upon, but to me, it's like a movie, and we need sound👏🏻👏🏻


"Ugh!" Heather slammed the door when she got back from ballet practice. "I practiced for two hours before school today, and I still can't get my landings perfect!"

Courtney looked up from her book. "Are you serious? Mikayla is really on your ass about this."

"It's not even fair. I try ten times harder than the rest of those losers, and I get no appreciation! I swear to god she has a bias against me because I'm half Asian."

"That's the only reason I can think of. I've seen you dance before, and you're outstanding! There's no way you still need to improve."

"They're probably just jealous that even they can't be as good as me."

"That could be it too. I knew this one girl Shelley at C.I.T. camp, and she'd always tell me what I was doing wrong. She was such a hypocrite because she forgot to give the kids their daily medication one time. That is a huge mistake! When I'm off my medication for more than a day, I start to lose it."

"Um...yeah. More importantly, how am I going to show Mikayla that I don't need any more critiques on my leaps?"

"I have no idea, Heath. I think the best option is to keep doing what she tells you to."

"But I have been for weeks now! Nothing I do is ever good enough for her! She's starting to remind me of my fucking mom."

Courtney frowned. "Heather, just calm down."

"I am calm! And you know what? It doesn't matter what she says because I know I'm the best at everything I do. And I will practice until I can prove it to her and laugh in her face. She doesn't know what true talent is."

"That's right; she doesn't."

"I'm going to practice some more now since I'm not tired."

"It's 10:00 at night. You need to get ready for bed."

"I won't be able to sleep unless I get this perfect."

"And you won't be able to do your best unless you get some sleep."

"Guess what, Courtney?"

"What?" She groaned, shutting her eyes.

"You're not my mom, so I'm going to do what I want."

Courtney knew there was no use in stopping her now. "Ok, fine. But don't complain when you have to get up at 8:00 in the morning."

"I won't." She grabbed her half-full water bottle and put her ballet shoes back on. "See ya, bestie."

"Mm-hm, see you."

Heather laughed before she left the room. She had a special place to practice just across the street behind the sorority. It was a basketball court- not ideal, but perfect when it came to floors and space.

She did a few stretches and set her phone down on the ground, starting the song she would use for the upcoming recital next month. She started strong, barely up on her tiptoes.

When it was time for her to do her leaps, she stiffened up, stumbling slightly. "Ugh!!" She stopped, starting the song over again. She took a deep breath, taking it from the top.

Heather tried her leaps again and again and again- and then five more times, going harder on herself each time. On the last time, her legs gave out, and she fell on the hard tile. "Ow..." she moaned, rubbing her backside. She sighed, tears of frustration filling her eyes. She was beyond excited for this show. This was the show her dad was finally going to be able to make.

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