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Alejandro looked at himself in the mirror one last time after fixing his hair. He wore a dark blue t-shirt with jeans and his black lace-up boots.

"Would you hurry it up in there?" Duncan knocked on the bathroom door. "I have a class in less than twenty minutes!"

He sighed, annoyed. I wish I had my own room. He walked out. "I'm done. You can go spray your mohawk now."

Duncan raised his eyebrow. "Was that supposed to be an underhanded comment?"

"Qué? No, absolutely not," he lied. "Don't you spray it?"

"Yeah, but just the way you said it..." he squinted.

"I am truly sorry if that sounded like an insult. Cause it was not. I would never insult my roommate. Especially you. What's to insult?"

Duncan blinked, then smirked confidently. "Well...that is true."


Duncan walked into the bathroom, humming to himself happily. Alejandro knew exactly how to manipulate every guy in the fraternity now. He knew their strengths and weaknesses. And Duncan's happened to be flattery. Justin's was similar, except it was more based on his looks. All he needed to tell Duncan was that he was a badass, and he didn't need anyone.

He walked out of the fraternity. He saw a few girls outside the sorority talking to each other. He strode over with confidence.

Anne Maria immediately swooned. "Whoa...look at that man candy over there."

Alejandro smirked. What a bold young woman. "I don't assume you're speaking of me?"

"Oh, I am. No one else could possibly be that sexy."

"Hey, watch out for him," LeShawna passed by, shooting daggers at the Spaniard.

"You're just jealous, girlfriend."

"Jealous? Pfft, anything but it. I already slept with him, and he told me he didn't feel anything for me."

"Nuh-uh, there's no way someone with that kind of face could have any bad intentions."

"I know not what LeShawna is talking about," Alejandro said through clenched teeth.

"Just ask Bridgette and Heather," LeShawna shot back.

"...Yeah, Anne Maria. I don't think he's a good idea," Zoey joined in.

Heather. Alejandro swore he was going to explode if he heard that girl's name one more time. How much has she slandered my reputation around here?

As if on cue, Heather walked out the door with Courtney. She was wearing a yellow tank top with blue denim jeans, and her hair was in a low ponytail. Alejandro couldn't help but notice all this- the exposed skin on her waist between her shirt and shorts- her slim legs and thick thighs. But he didn't let that distract him too much. He kept his eye on the prize. "So, Anne Maria, would you like to go out with me tomorrow night?"

"Oh sure, you could take me anywhere," she purred lowly.

"And I'd be honored to-"

"Courtney, this is the lowlife I'm talking to you about," Heather's voice interrupted him. He looked up and saw her index finger pointed towards him. Courtney looked at him, and Alejandro could see the instant attraction on her face.

"Let me know about that date later, beautiful," he told Anne Maria before walking over to Heather and Courtney. "Hola. You've distracted me with your unearthly beauty, señorita."

"Nice try, but I'm with Duncan," Courtney said proudly.

Of course, they're friends. "Really? I never pictured that...neanderthal's girlfriend to be this attractive. It's such a shame that you've chosen to give yourself to a man of his nature. He doesn't deserve you."

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