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Heather took a deep breath as she finished touching up her hair and makeup. Her first ballet recital of the semester was in a couple of hours, and she was a bit nervous.

"Want any comfort food?" Courtney asked her, holding out a bag of potato chips.

"No," she shook her head. "I already had dinner. Plus, I don't want to barf on stage. Imagine how humiliating that would be!"


"Especially since my dad's coming," she smiled at herself in the mirror. "He'll be so impressed with my performance that he'll tell my mom. And my mom will have nothing to insult me about."

"Who cares what your mom thinks? She's always been so rude to you."

"I know she has. But once she realizes how good I am, she'll treat me with more respect." She put on her pink lipstick. "Does this look good?" She showed her face to Courtney.

"Always! You'll be the prettiest girl at the show tonight."

"I know," she smirked with confidence.

"I'll be in the front row, of course. And if someone thinks you're bad, I'll make sure they regret ever being born."

"Courtney, you're the best."

"I know. Now let me drive you up there. I know you'll be too tired to drive back later. If I had a penny for every time you complained about your feet hurting after ballet practice, I'd be a millionaire."

"Yes, I know," Heather rolled her eyes. They got in Courtney's car and left for the recital.

"Dancers only," the security guard told Courtney sternly when she tried to go backstage with Heather.

"She's my best friend, so it's ok," Heather grabbed her hand.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way."

"I am Heather Wilson. Do you know who my dad is?!"

His eyes widened. "Oh, I am terribly sorry, Miss! Go ahead and bring whenever who want with you!"

She nodded, a proud smile on her face. She brought Courtney back with her. Fellow ballerinas stretched out and practiced their dances, using headphones to play their songs.

"Heather, what was that?!" Courtney snapped.

"Hey, I got you back here, didn't I?"

"Yes, but you didn't have to do that. I would've been fine just sitting in the audience."

"You need to see the backstage. It's incredible! I usually get ready here, but I didn't feel like sharing my space with the rest of them."

"I wouldn't either, honestly. There's no room to breathe."

"Exactly!" Heather sat her bag down and started stretching.

Courtney watched her. "How are you that flexible?"

"It comes naturally. My siblings called me a freak when I was little because I could do the splits at five years old. But they're not in my position right now. Losers."

"Are any of them coming tonight?"

"No. They all have their own things. And that's fine. I don't want them here anyway."

"I'm glad I'm an only child. Although it did get lonely."

"I WISH I was an only child. My siblings can suck it."

Courtney laughed. "I'm so excited to see you steal the show out there."

"I'm excited too." Ballet was Heather's pride and joy. She loved being the center of attention on the stage.

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