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Heather kept replaying yesterday in her head. She felt something. She really had. However, she wasn't sure if he did. She didn't want to ask him because either answer scared her. If he said no, she would be devastated. If he said yes, she would be terrified. Heather always ended up burning every bridge she ever built with anyone- except for Courtney, so far. She found it easier to avoid any kind of relationship. If the thought of losing Alejandro freaked her out now, she couldn't imagine what it would feel like if they were closer.

She spent most of her Saturday looking at her phone, constantly checking her messages. She told herself that it didn't matter anyway because she saw him every day in class, but a part of her wanted him to text her. And there was no way she was going to put herself out there and text him first.

Eventually, she forced herself to put her phone down and read. She couldn't focus on the story, for Alejandro was still on her mind. She wondered what he had been doing all day. Was he flirting with girls? Probably. Sleeping with them too...?

Just then, Courtney came in with a long bag. "Guess what I got?" She beamed.

Heather raised an eyebrow. "What?" She unzipped it, revealing a long red dress. "Whoa! How did you afford that?"

"Haven't I been telling you scholarships come in handy?"

"What is it even for? You can't go out with Duncan anymore," she rolled her eyes.

"Thanks for reminding me of that, Heather. I'm going back out into the dating world. I thought it over last night. And I think moving on will definitely help."

"I love this side of you. Show him he meant nothing to you."

"Well...he kind of did mean something," she frowned.

"Then make him believe he meant nothing to you. I know Duncan enough to know he won't be able to stand that you've moved on. Cheaters always want the other person to try and get them back. It's pathetic."

Courtney smirked. "Yeah, true."

"Did you make an online dating account?"

"No, not yet. I actually have someone in mind," she blushed.

"Ooh, who's the lucky man?"

"It's Alejandro."

Heather's heart dropped to her stomach. She opened her mouth to say something when her friend interrupted her.

"Yes, I know he's a player. But hear me out. I'd just like to go on a few casual dates. Maybe once I get to know him, it could be something more. But for now, I'm going to try different men. It's good to keep your options open! Plus, a player can't play a girl who's already playing the field," she winked.

"Ok, have you officially lost your mind? Alejandro isn't a guy you want to go out with! He only wants one thing from you! That's what he's shown with LeShawna, Katie, Sadie, and Anne Maria! And who knows who else?!" This means he probably only wanted that with me too.

"Heather, relax, ok? I'm smart enough to know my limits. I told him yesterday that I wasn't ready for a serious relationship. If he plays me, I'll leave him. And again, it's not like I want him to be my boyfriend for sure. I want to know what it's like to talk to multiple guys at once! So exciting!"

She sighed. "...Ok, fine. Just...please don't do anything stupid. Should I tell her what happened between us yesterday? No. It's not like she's in a relationship with him. She doesn't have to know.

"I won't. I never do," she said pridefully.

"So, when's this date?"

"Tonight. I talked to him earlier today about it."

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