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'Hey, Duncan and I are stuck at a restaurant, and his stupid car broke down. Can you wait another hour and a half?'

'Are you fucking kidding me?'

'Sorry, Heath. I wish I were :(.'

Heather sighed. Courtney was supposed to be her ride back from ballet practice. Now she was stuck walking back to the sorority a good five miles away. At night. In the rain.

'It's fine. I'll walk.'

'Not in the rain :,(. '

'I'll live.'

She put her phone in her purse and stepped outside. The rain was coming down hard. She cringed, attempting to use her arms as a shield for her hair. But she should've known that wouldn't make a difference.

"Ugh!!" She trudged past the flooded areas on the sidewalk. It had been raining for the past two days, so there was no way she could avoid puddles.

Alejandro was driving back to the fraternity house from work when he saw her. He was tempted to pass her, but he kind of felt bad. Kind of. He pulled up next to her.

Heather glared as he rolled down his window. "What do you want, jerk face?!"

"Where's your car, señorita?" He smirked, amused at her expression.

"Well, Courtney was supposed to pick me up, but she's with Duncan, and of course, his dumb car had to break down!"

"Need a ride back to the sorority?" He offered.

"Pfft...no," she crossed her arms. "I'm fine."

"Alright then. You looked like you were really struggling, and those ballet shoes aren't going to survive for five miles in this mess."

Heather looked down at her already sopping wet shoes. "...Ok, fine," she muttered. She reluctantly walked over to the passenger door and got in. She felt the heat in his car surround her.

"I have seat warmers too. I can see you are shivering." He motioned to the switch in between the seats. She rolled her eyes and turned it on. Alejandro began driving. "Mierda, the main roads are terrible." He turned around.

"Um, the houses are that way. What are you doing?"

"I'm taking the backroads."

"What makes you think those will be any better?!"

He shrugged. "I don't know, but I can try, can't I?"


He turned on the radio. Spanish music filled the car. "What is this crap? I don't even understand it." Alejandro rolled his eyes, ignoring her.

Heather sighed loudly, wanting him to say something in response. But he didn't. She gave up and looked out the window, focusing on how the raindrops slid down the window side by side, as if they were racing each other to the ground.

"So, ballet, huh?" Alejandro asked a few minutes into the drive.

"So? Are you mocking me?"

"No, no. Not at all. It's a very admirable...hobby," he smirked, knowing that would get her fired up.

"It's not a hobby!" She snapped. "It's a sport, and it requires skill and talent! All of which I have!"

"I know. I saw you practicing yesterday morning."

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