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Heather was miserable. She hardly got any good sleep the past week, thanks to morning sickness—that, coupled with the fact that Bruiser wasn't there anymore, destroyed her mental health.

She felt so alone. Even when Courtney came back and told her all about her date with Scott, she still felt alone. She noticed Courtney seemed to adore Scott. She spoke about him differently than she did with the other guys. At least Heather had that to focus on instead of wasting away in the depths of despair.

But of course, Courtney fell asleep, leaving her with no one to talk to for a distraction. She found herself picking up her phone and clicking Alejandro's contact. She hesitated before texting, afraid he would have some other girl over there again. She couldn't get that scene out of her head. It bothered the hell out of her in so many ways. She didn't think she could be this jealous. She felt as if something was building up inside her that would explode at any given moment.

Nevertheless, she texted him. A couple of text messages later, she headed over to his dorm.

Heather had no idea why she found it harder to talk to Alejandro than let him make out with her against the wall. That was exactly where she ended up with him again, even after all that with the blonde girl the other day. She felt kind of hostage to her own emotions. She knew he was very capable of hurting her, yet she still let him do whatever he wanted with her.

Alejandro kissed her neck wildly. Every time he did this with her, he felt closer and closer to breaking. He didn't know how much longer he could hold back about his feelings for her. "You're so beautiful," he mumbled against her skin.

His words infuriated Heather. She suddenly pushed him off her. "Oh yeah? I'm beautiful, huh?!"

"Uh, yes, I do not understand what your issue is with that."

"I can't even believe you have the NERVE to put your hands all over me and tell me I'm beautiful when you do the same thing to every other woman!"

"What else would you want to hear, Heather?"

"I literally cannot believe I'm still doing this shit with you! I mean, what is wrong with me?!"

"I don't know. You are the one who freaked out."

She glared at him. "You know exactly what you're doing to me. Can you just please do me a favor and never agree to have sex with me again?"

He blinked. "Wait...are you implying that you're falling for me?"

"As if!" She blushed. "I'd never fall for a jerk like you! I heard you talking to Justin yesterday about how hot Courtney is!"

"But I forgot to mention that you are hotter, señorita." He was telling the truth, but he made it sound like flirtation.

"You can cut the act." She kept picturing every girl in the world's hands all over him, and she would never admit it, but it killed her.

"I think I finally got you, Heather. It took a little more time and effort, but I got you to fall for me."

"I didn't-I... didn't fall for you," she choked on her own words, bowing her head in embarrassment.

"Hey, it's nothing to be ashamed of. I have this effect on every woman, no matter how long it takes." It really hurt him to say that to her. He felt like he was forcing himself to break her heart.

"Well..." she thought of everything they've ever talked about together - well, the small talk - and all the times he made her feel like she was in heaven with his holy touch. And then there was the baby. He's good. Too good. Terribly good. "...Congratulations then. Tell me, Alejandro, what number am I on your stupid body count?!" She angrily shoved past him, tears blurring her vision as she walked out the door.

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