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Alejandro's eyes shot wide open in the middle of the night when he realized something. I haven't slept with any other women for almost a whole month! And the entire time, I've been sleeping with Heather. I don't want any other woman when she's with me. He sighed, sitting up. "Aye, no," he rubbed his forehead. I think I... have feelings for her. But what do I do about them?

Duncan hadn't been asleep the whole night because he was texting Gwen. He rolled over when he heard his roommate. "What's up, man?"

"Ah! Duncan! I didn't know you were awake, amigo."

"Yeah, I'm not tired. And neither is Gwen."

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not tired either."

"You were just asleep a few minutes ago. Don't play dumb. Now, what's going on?"

"Uh..." Quick, think of something! "I think you should get back together with Courtney."

"What? Are you high? There's no way I'm going back to that psycho. She's hot, and I tried to get to know her, but she has way too many screws loose."

"I don't know," he shrugged. "I think she's hotter than Gwen."

"Wait a minute...weren't you just on a date with her the other day? What are you trying to do?"

"Nothing, amigo." He faked a yawn, laying back down. "Just a late-night thought."

"Whatever, man." Duncan rolled back over to continue texting.

Should I talk to Duncan about it but keep her name out of it? He wondered. He's had a girlfriend or two, and he has one now. Or should I? Because he did cheat on Courtney. He claims he was in love with her before, but how could it have been true love if he was willing to hurt her? He decided to stay quiet and try to get some sleep, although it seemed impossible now. I think I'm in love with her, but I don't want to be. I want to show José that I can get more girls than he can. I must fight these feelings. I must.


Heather didn't get out of bed the following day. Courtney felt awful for her, but she had no idea what to do. Heather wasn't exactly easy to comfort. "Um...want anything to eat?" She shook her head, burying her head into her pillow. "...H, you've got to get up at some point. You didn't eat anything yesterday."

Heather ignored her and covered her ears with the pillow. She has to eat; eventually, Courtney thought. "Hey, I'm going shopping if you want to come with." She got no response, unsurprisingly. "...Alright. I'll see you later, hon." She grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

Heather turned back over, staring at the ceiling. I just want him back. Her stomach did flips when she thought of what her mother did. How could she? She hates me so much. I just wanted a burial! That's all I wanted.

She got up and threw up again in the bathroom. Ok, maybe Courtney's right. I do need to eat something. She grabbed a piece of toast and ate it plain as she went through all the pictures she ever took of Bruiser. She had a special album for him in her photos.

Her favorite had always been the one with her holding him as a kitten. Seven-year-old Heather looked so happy in that picture. She squeezed her eyes shut, letting a single tear stream down her cheek. I'm sorry, Bruiser. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for the last few minutes of your life.


Alejandro saw Courtney when she returned to the sorority from her shopping trip later. He smirked and caught up to her. "Hola, Courtney."

"Hi Alejandro," She smiled.

"How are you this fine evening?"

"I'm alright. How are you?"

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