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"Ladies," Alejandro walked up to Katie and Sadie during school. He was getting good at spotting the Amazon sorority house sign, whether it was on their bags, shirts, or water bottles. Soon I will have slept with all of them, and José will regret ever making fun of me.

"Omg, Sadie, it's him! In the flesh!" Katie squealed quietly, thinking he wouldn't hear them.

"Eeep! I can't believe it!"

Pathetic. Alejandro mentally rolled his eyes. "Katie and Sadie, was it?" They both nodded excitedly.  "I was wondering if one of you would be willing to go on a date with me tonight?"

"Ooh! Pick me!"

"No, pick me!"

"Hmm..." he rubbed his chin. "You two are both so beautiful. It is so hard to choose."

"Take me on a date, then Sadie."


How can someone be so stupid to fight over a man who is willing to date their best friend too? He wondered. I guess I'm just that good. José couldn't even dream of this happening to him. "Alright, señoritas," he cleared his throat. "I'll just take you both out at the same time. There's plenty of me to go around."

"And we're so glad..." Sadie sighed dreamily.

"Yes, so glad."

And I'm glad this is only for one night. Alejandro didn't want to sleep with the both of them simultaneously, so he knew he had to come up with a plan to get each of them alone.

"Alejandro!" He heard LeShawna call from behind him. He spun around and put on a suave smile.

"Hola, LeShawna."

"Can I speak with you alone?" She asked, flustered.

"Wait, why does she get to?!" Katie pouted.

"Yeah!" Sadie agreed.

"Girls, I will speak with you later." He gave them a discreet wink. They both nodded, blushing before walking off and giggling with each other. "What was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Last weekend at the party. I-I felt somethin' between us. Somethin' special."

"...LeShawna," he took a deep breath, pretending this was hard for him. "I am terribly sorry to say that I am not ready for a committed relationship. I must focus on my studies."

"Wait, what? Really? You don't wanna be with me?"

"Unfortunately, no." He hung his head.

She blinked in disbelief. "All that romantic stuff you said to me...it was all fake?"

"Yes, I was caught in a moment."

"Wow. I guess Heather was right about somethin' for once," she muttered.


"She told me you were nothin' but a fuckboy. I didn't believe her at first, but maybe I should have," she glared. "I should've known after what you did to Bridgette."

"Wait, go back to Heather. She 'warned' you about me?" He laughed sarcastically. "We've only spoken once to each other. She doesn't know a thing about me."

"Well, whether she was lying or not, you're still a player!" She flipped him off before stomping away.

Alejandro completely ignored LeShawna's reaction. Heather. Her name already made him clench his teeth in frustration. If she's telling every girl in that sorority about me, my plan will be ruined, and José will win once again. I can't let that happen.

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