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The next day, Heather woke up in her undergarments. Then she remembered what had happened. Did I really sleep that long? It wasn't even late when Alejandro and I cuddled. She sat up and heard the shower water running. She took a deep breath.

She felt terrible for lying to Courtney. And her reaction was exactly what she feared. Now all she wanted to do was make things right with her. She doesn't trust me anymore. My best friend doesn't trust me...

A few minutes later, Courtney came out of the shower in her clothes for the day, a towel wrapped around her head. Heather opened her mouth, then shut it. I have no idea what to say. I can't say sorry. That is not going to work.

Courtney hummed to herself as if nothing ever happened, grabbing her shoes. She didn't say a word to Heather before going back into the bathroom to put her makeup on.

Heather realized she needed to shower. She waited for a while, keeping track of the time. She now only had an hour until her first class. She sighed, getting up and knocking on the bathroom door. "Courtney? Um...can I borrow the shower quick? I have to get to school in an hour." When there was no answer, she tried to open the door. Unfortunately, it was locked. "Courtney?"

"I have to be there in an hour too. Hello? Same Damn class? Why don't you just go use your boyfriend's shower?" She retorted.

Heather gasped. "Courtney...look, I don't know what else to say. I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you."

"Then you should've told me the moment you realized you liked him."

She sighed, her eyes watering. "I want us to start over. I want us to be friends again. Please!"

"I'm not friends with liars."

"And I'm working on that!"

"Working on it? All you need to do is tell the truth. It's pretty simple!"

"It's really hard for me."

"Obviously. Now get lost. I'm going to blow dry my hair."

Heather swallowed, backing away from the door. I can't fix this. It's too late. She grabbed some clothes for the day and decided to wait until later to shower.

A very enraged Courtney finished getting ready for the day. I can't believe she has the nerve to talk to me after what she did! Ugh! She grabbed Heather's shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. She opened each one and poured it down the sink. She made sure to leave them there for her to see whenever she got back. She can buy all of that again. She deserves it. There was a part of her that thought it was too far, but that part of her wasn't ready to come out yet. Right now, all she knew was anger and revenge.


Heather was sitting in calculus class, dreadfully awaiting Courtney's arrival. She got there early so she could scroll through her phone. Her face twisted in disgust. Why am I still following Duncan on Instagram? She unfollowed him.

"Hey, girlie!" Sierra sat next to her.


"Is something wrong? Oh, I just know something is! Your face says it all!"

"It's nothing, Sierra."

She frowned, not buying it. But she changed the subject. "Well, anyway, I think now that Gwen and Duncan have been together for a while, Cody is finally getting over her."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. He'll never stop simping."

"He will once he realizes how EVIL that goth is!"

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