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Song: "Body Say" by Demi Lovato


Heather ate lunch inside the following week. She knew all the boys from the fraternity would be outside, and she wasn't in the mood to see one in particular. She knew she'd have to see him later at school, and she needed to prepare for it. What do I even say to him? What will he say to me, if anything at all? She nervously took small bites from her peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

A few minutes later, she got a text from Courtney. 'Hey, where are you, Heath?'



'I just don't want to eat outside today.'

'Want me to come in?' Courtney frowned as she texted. By now, she knew something was wrong with her best friend. It had been weeks, and she was still acting strange. But she also knew she couldn't get anything out of Heather easily. She felt like Heather always held so much back from her from the start.

'I don't care. Do what you want.'

Courtney sighed and went inside. She sat down on the couch next to Heather. "Come on, H. I want my best friend out there with me! It's nice outside." She shrugged in response. "You know, this is really bothering me, Heather."

"What is?"

"Your recent mood."

"This is my mood all the time."

"No, it isn't."

She crossed her arms. "You know what, Courtney? Why don't you talk to Alejandro? I'm sure he'd love your company."

"Whoa, um...ok?"

"What? You told me you enjoyed your date last night. Go and have fun. I don't feel like talking to anyone."

Courtney furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait a minute...I know what this is about. You like Alejandro."

"I already told you I don't! What makes you think that?!"

"Hmm? Maybe when you snapped at me last night for no reason? Or, you know, what you JUST said to me?"

"Courtney, I simply don't want to talk to people. Why can't you understand that?"

"You've been like this for over two weeks now. I'm not stupid. You've had plenty of chances with Alejandro-"

"Just shut up! I don't like him!"

She rolled her eyes. "Ok, fine. Fine. I won't ask you again. And we will be going on a second date at some point this week. I'm starting to like him more. Who knows? Maybe after a few more dates, we'll become official."

She's moving way too fast. Would he want to become official with her? Cause from what I've seen, he's not a commitment type of guy. "Ok, whatever. I don't care." Heather only told herself that so she could get over him. The moment she felt the slightest of feelings for anyone or anything, she would immediately bury them deep into the ground so they'd never resurface. That way, she'd never get hurt. I've done it before. I can do it now.

Courtney looked at her, trying to figure her out. Then she shook her head. "I've got to get back on campus."

"Bye." Heather checked the time on her phone. It was almost time for the last two classes of the day. She just wanted to get it over with- especially the last class. She grabbed her things before throwing away her half-eaten sandwich and walked to school.

The first hour was uneventful. She listened, took notes, and left. She mentally prepared herself for business class as she shuffled down the hallway. Her knuckles were white from her death grip on her textbook.

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