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"I can't wait to see Gwen's room," Cody sighed dreamily. The fraternity guys were invited to a party hosted by Bridgette this time.

"Dude, you're not allowed to go upstairs. House rules," DJ chuckled, shaking his head.

"As if I pay attention to any of that crap," Duncan smirked.

"Because you and Courtney frick upstairs?" Harold teased.

Duncan smacked him upside the head. "Who the fuck uses the word frick?"

"I know, lame!" Geoff cackled. Alejandro came downstairs in a black suit with a red tie. Geoff stopped laughing and awkwardly cleared his throat. It irked Alejandro that he was getting along so well with the other men. Yes, he had made up with Geoff, but he still wasn't talking to him. And he knew Geoff had a right to be angry with them. But frankly, he didn't care. The last thing he wanted was for any of his peers to hate him. If any of them didn't like him and found out about José, they'd use it to their advantage.

"I am very excited about this party," Alejandro grinned. "Especially if this one is as fun as Geoff's was."

"Really? You thought my party was cool?"

"Absolutely. Anyone would be lucky to attend such an event."

"Hmm..." Geoff smiled a bit. "Thanks, bro."

"Of course."

"Woo! Let's go PARTAY!" Geoff threw his hands in the air. They guys headed across the street.

"Geoffy poo!" Bridgette grabbed Geoff and immediately started making out with him at the door.

"Um, hello? How are the rest of us supposed to get in?" Duncan asked. The couple moved aside, letting everyone in.

Alejandro smirked to himself as he entered the sorority. This is the perfect opportunity to get more than one girl. I must avoid LeShawna, Katie, Sadie, and Anne Maria. Mostly LeShawna. He shuddered.

He scanned the room for any women by themselves. Or a group of women. A threesome wasn't so bad. I could always do one again. He saw Beth and Lindsay standing and talking right beside the couches. Might as well get the easy ones over with.

"Hola, ladies. You two look breathtaking tonight."

"What does hola mean?" Lindsay asked.

"It means hello in Spanish!" Beth answered, a proud smile on her face. "I totally know your language," she blushed.

Ugh, maybe this was a mistake. "Thank you. I love a woman of culture."

"Well-ha, I have so much of that," she swooned.

"Ooo! Me too!" Lindsay raised her hand excitedly.

"That's wonderful. It was Lindsay and Beth, right?"

"Yes!" They both squealed.

"I love your names. Beth, meaning 'God is my oath.' And Lindsay, meaning 'Lincoln Islands'."

"Oh...I have no idea what that is, but it sounds beautiful!"

"Wow, I had no idea that's what my name meant! Well, Beth could always mean something new. Like, Alejandro's," she giggled.

"Mmm, I love the sound of that," he smirked seductively, his voice low.

"I wanna be Jalapeño's too!" Lindsay whined.

"You can both be mine."

Lindsay gasped when she saw Tyler. She pushed past Alejandro. "Taylor!! You're here!! Eee! You have to meet Alejandro! He's so handsome!"

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