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⚠️Since I'm nice, I will give you guys another reminder that this story is MATURE, 18+, because of chapters like this. Read at your own risk⚠️

Song: "False God" by Taylor Swift
-This chapter just has that mood


The next few days were hell for Heather. Courtney and Alejandro seemed to be spending more time together. Alejandro still wasn't talking to her unless necessary. It got so bad that Courtney didn't come home until late last night. When she questioned where she was, she only told her she was out with Bridgette. She didn't buy into it one bit.

So today, she was doing a little spying. It's for her own good, she told herself. Since she won't tell me what's going on, I must find out myself.

Heather snuck out of class to go to the "bathroom" so she could head to Courtney's class at the time. Good thing they knew each other's schedules each day like the back of their hands. Courtney's first class was calculus that day. She peeked behind the door and saw her friend taking notes. She squinted to see if she was doodling anyone's name on her paper. Specifically, Alejandro's. But she couldn't tell. Fuck. Nothing interesting is happening now. She decided to go back to class but couldn't focus for the rest of the lesson.

Lunch was a whole other story. Courtney sat with her and Bridgette, but this time, she was sitting away from everyone with Alejandro. Ew, he's on the girl's side. She got closer to them but stayed far away enough so it wouldn't look obvious.

"Oh, Alejandro," she heard Courtney giggle. "You're so handsome."

"And you are beautiful," he smiled. He noticed Heather had stepped within earshot and mentally smirked to himself. "In fact, you are the only pretty woman here."

Heather's eyes widened. Did he just say she's the only pretty one?! Why is he acting like he never met me?!

"Thanks...you," Courtney sighed dreamily, bopping his nose.

"Of course. Ah, I could get lost in those eyes forever." Alejandro had gotten Courtney to the point where she no longer had to be around Duncan or Gwen to flirt with him. He saw this as a victory. She was the most intelligent woman he had ever tricked. He couldn't wait to brag about this to José. And soon, she'll be in my bed.

Heather was desperate now. It's been almost a week, and he hasn't even looked in my direction. She felt around the back of her shorts. "Oh no... did I just sit in gum?"

"You're good!" Sierra answered.

Heather ignored her. When Alejandro didn't look away from Courtney, she spoke louder. "I think I sat in some gum!"

"No, I said you're good," Sierra repeated.

Heather shot her a glare. "Someone look at my booty! Is it-"

"Totally clean!" Sierra snapped. "Wow, obsess much?"

"Ugh!" Heather crossed her arms. Forget this! She stormed off.

Alejandro nearly burst out laughing. How cute. I've never seen her like this before. She's so desperate for my attention- just one glance. As much as I want to, I won't give it to her. I'm working on Courtney now. However, he couldn't help but look at her butt from the very corner of his eye. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Courtney noticed the way her friend was behaving. "Wow, Heather's been acting weird lately," she told Alejandro. "Like, really weird."

"Que? What has she been doing? Besides this incident?"

"She's been getting little to no sleep, she hardly eats her breakfast, and she sings in the shower. Heather never SINGS in the shower. Yes, she quietly hums, but they're like full-blown concerts in there now!"

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