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Heather knocked on the door to Alejandro's parent's house. They were doing the last bit of their project at his house because he was over there for the weekend. They had been working together for nearly three weeks, and although Heather hated to admit it, he was starting to grow on her a little.

She heard yelling from behind the door before someone opened it. "Hola, you must be Heather." She nodded. "Great. Alejandro's in the living room. I'm José, Al's older brother, by the way. And I'm single."

"Ok," she replied, unamused.

His face fell. "...Come on in." He stepped back, and she walked into the house. The first thing she noticed was the candles around the hickory sofa table and the chandelier hanging right above it. There was a picture of the family aligned with the fireplace.

"Wow, impressive decor," Heather complimented.

"I know. Our mom is very precise when it comes to house decorations."

"I'm sure you were being very hospitable, José," Alejandro got up from the couch, subtlety glaring at his brother. "But she's here to work with me."

"I'm aware, Al. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to the store to get some things for dinner. Mom will be so proud that I fixed tonight's meal." He went and grabbed his wallet.

Alejandro growled under his breath. Heather noticed and remembered back a couple of weeks ago when he told her not to call him Al. This must be why, she figured. "It doesn't matter what mom thinks. Shouldn't you be fixing dinner just to help and not expect any praise in return?"

"I know you'd do the same thing, Hermano," José smirked before leaving the house.

"Ugh, he is the bane of my existence."

"I can tell," Heather snickered.

"Don't laugh," he groaned. "He seriously makes me want to jump off a bridge! Or better yet: push HIM off a bridge!"

"I don't think I've ever seen you this mad, Alejandro."

"José makes me furious! He always has to win! And he calls me Al just because I hate it!! And I've told him a bunch of times not to, but he never listens!"

"Siblings suck," Heather said. "My older sisters used to call me fat and poke at my stomach. I got revenge on them by always buying them junk food. Now they're way heavier than me."

"As if you were ever fat," he chuckled.

She laughed awkwardly. "I think we should start working. We're literally on our last day, and our presentation is going to make the others worship me."

"You have quite the god complex, chica," Alejandro smirked.

"Because I am a god. Or goddess. That's what I believe."

"And yet the most powerful being can't write a good song."

"Are you ever going to let that go?! And it wasn't even a full song!"

"I'll never let that go. You deserve it for being so cute when you're angry.

"Ugh...w-what did I say about compliments?!" Her cheeks were bright red.

"By your flushed appearance, it looks like you love them, señorita."

"Well, it's scorching in here!"

"Mhm," he smirked.

"Just shut up so we can start on the project."

He got his laptop out, suppressing a laugh. They started working and continued for the next half hour until Heather got on her phone. "I need a break."

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