Authors Note!

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Normally I wouldn't put an authors note as the first chapter, but I felt like this story would need one since there may be a lot of questions that'll be asked lol So I decided to let you guys know about some things~:

#1-I'm sure you've noticed that Tsumugi is on the cover of this story...I'm sure you guys may know why XD For this story, I actually made her older then the rest of the Danganronpa characters lol I felt it would make more sense for her to be older. She's gonna be at least 8 years older then everyone else.

#2-If you feel like Kokichi and Shuichi's relationship is going too fast, there's a reason for that. Keep in mind that they've been friends for years along with them having a crush on each other lol I will say, ones been crushing longer then the other.

#3-Other characters from the Danganronpa games will have appearances in this story~ I'm not really sure how many, but there will definitely be some appearances lol

#4-Shuichi will be cursing A LOT in this story XD idk why, but I've always liked the idea of Shuichi cursing and being kinda violent lol

#5-In this story, Kokichi and Shuichi's personalities will be half pregame half ingame lol I wanted them to be kinda mixed since I don't really like the thought of them both being full on pregame. (I've read too many fanfics to know how things would turn out if they were both pregame XD)

#6-When Kokichi or anyone else writes something down, the text will be bolded and italicized lol If its a flashback, it'll be just italicized.

#7-No Kiibo is not a robot in my story XD I promise I'm not being robophobic, it's just him being human fits the story more lol

There's one more thing I'd also like to mention~ The more likes this story gets, the quicker I'll put out chapters~^v^ Tbh I actually have this story almost finished~ I've been working on it while I've been sick lol Also, if there are parts in the story that you think would be neat drawn, let me know~! I've been wanting to do more art for my stories lol

Alrighty! That's all I wanted to say lol I hope you guys enjoy this story~!

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