Chapter 14~Shuichi's Risky Move.

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Rantaro's POV:

After a while of hearing Miu's explanation, Shuichi, Kiibo, and Miu start to plan our retaliation against Tsumugi. Me on the other hand...I sigh some and look over at Kokichi, who's leaning on my shoulder asleep. I'm keeping an eye on Kokichi...hearing Miu's explanation really upset took both Shuichi and I to calm him down, which irritated Shuichi some. Despite his hatred towards me, he understood that I was his closest friend.

I notice Kokichi stirring, making me smile and pet his head, calming him down some. I look down some. Honestly...I wish that it would've been me he chose...Shuichi is just...hes possessive of's...honestly scary. I felt like if I even looked at Kokichi he'd kill me...I don't understand what he sees in Shuichi, but I can't say anything...I sigh a bit to myself. Shuichi is his...I have no chance with him. Even if I did...I wouldn't take it. After everything I've done...I don't deserve someone as sweet and adorable as him...

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I see Shuichi walking towards me, noticing a recognizable look on his face. Heh...he looks jealous...~ Of course I can't say anything...I was jealous just watching him and Kokichi being all cute together...I wanted to be in Shuichi's place..."He fell asleep..." Shuichi says, making me look at him. "Yea he did...I'm not surprised to be honest..." I say as I look over at him and pet his hair, "It was a lot for him to take in...I'd be the same way..."

I look back at Shuichi, laughing a bit, "You don't have to look so angry...I'm not gonna steal him from you~" I say with a slight smirk, "I'd like to keep my life intact~" Shuichi unclenches his fists and takes a breath, "Listen...I want you to stay here with Kokichi...don't let him leave this room..." he says, confusing me some. "What do you mean stay here...where are you going...?" I ask as Shuichi kneels down, moving hair out of Kokichi's face and kissing his forehead. "I'm going after Tsumugi." He says as he stands back up, surprising me some. No...he can't go!

"You can't leave! What about our plan...?" I say, making him sigh some. "You guys can follow your plan if you want, but I have my own personal plan." I watch as he walks towards the door, "I want this fight to be between me and her." He says, making me sigh some. Im not surprised that he'd do this...I honestly expected it, but..."You can't Shuichi! What about Kokichi!" I say as Shuichi puts his hand on the door knob, looking down some, "Your putting yourself at risk! He's gonna be upset if you do this! He Ah...he may even hate you for leaving without telling him!"

Shuichi looks back over at me, "He may, but I'm doing this anyways...for him. Im not gonna let Kokichi suffer like this anymore..." he says as he looks back at the door, "If...something happens to me...take care of him. As much as I despise you, your the one other person he trusts more then anyone..." I watch as he leaves, making me look down and sigh some. That's...pretty ironic that you say that Shuichi. I take my necklace charm in my hand, griping it tightly. Kokichi...I'm sorry...

Shuichi's POV:

As I leave Miu's room, I clench me fists. I hate it...I hate so much that I had to leave Kokichi with Rantaro of all people...someone who...has feelings for him...I look down some. He'll probably take Kokichi away from me if's not gonna happen. Me confronting her may be risky considering how dangerous she is, but I'll come back to him...I won't be defeated by Tsumugi.

I sigh a little and walk up to my locker, opening and taking something out of it. I smile some as I look at it. This...what I have in my something I've kept for a long time...~ It's...the one thing I always bring with me...wherever I go...~ I kept it in my locker as...I guess a good luck charm...and for once it actually worked...~ I was about to put it in my pocket, until I heard a familiar voice. "I didn't think I'd see you so soon Shuichi..."

I turn around, smiling when I see who it is. It's the one friend that I made at my last school...Kyoko Kirigiri~ She was the one who first showed me around and she kept me out of trouble...~ I hung out with her and her boyfriend, who was honestly pretty annoying, but I had to tolerate him if I wanted to hangout with her. " told me to call you if I was having issues...I'm just doing what you said for me to do...~" I say with a slight laugh, her shaking her head with a sigh. "Your a mess..." she says, smiling a little, "So...what is it that you need...?"

I sigh some, setting was I was holding back in my locker, "Do you remember that close friend that I told you about...?" I ask, Kyoko raising her eyebrow some. "You mean the one you have an excessive crush on...?" She asks, making me blush some and look away. "Yea...he goes to school here and...he's in danger." I say, surprising her a little. "How so...?" She asks curiously. I sigh a little. I feel bad getting her involved with this, but she's the only one that can help me...

I sigh some and look back towards her, "Do you happen to know a girl named Tsumugi...?" I ask, her expression immediately changing. "You know of her...? My team has been trying to track her down for months...we lost her trail after her last incident involving the kidnapping of one of her clients." She says, making me think to myself some. it looks like Kokichi and his father weren't the only people she kidnapped... "Do you happen to know why she would kidnap them...?" I ask her curiously.

Kyoko thinks to herself some, "I'm not sure...she does do trading for machinery to make illegal devices, so my assumption is that it's because they don't hold up their end of the deals they make with her..." she says, surprising me some. "Illegal devices...?" I say, Kyoko nodding in agreement. "Yes...she gets the materials to make them from outside sources and then sells them to others for a good profit." She crosses her arms and leans on the lockers, "She's pretty well known by the precinct" she says with a slight sigh. So Tsumugi is a criminal in more ways then one...this is good to know...I'm thankful that I have a friend who's part time job is a detective.

"Why are you so interested in her anyways...?" Kyoko asks me curiously, making me look down some. "She..." I tighten my fists some, she killed my friends father and also took away his ability to speak using this collar she had made..." I say, making her look down some. "I'm...sorry to hear that...they must've gotten involved in her endeavors..." she says, making me shake my head. "No...his father found out about what she's been doing...that's why he was kidnapped and killed...Kokichi was just an unfortunate bystander who was taken along with him..." I say with a sigh. I can't believe think they got involved all because Kokichi's father saw one of her's possible that he could've also witnessed her kill someone, considering that she would have no problems doing something like that, which could be another reason why she killed him.

"Kokichi...that's what his name was...?" She asks, making me blush some. "Yea uh...we're actually dating now...~" I say, making her smile some. "I'm happy for you...~ You finally got your wish...~" she says with a slight laugh, but then saddens some, "I understand why you would want to stop protect him...he is a target of hers, which means..." she looks down some, "She's going to kill him...I'm assuming that the collar was used to keep Kokichi quiet, but now that you and your friends know about her and about what she did to his dad..." I look down some. Kokichi...

I look back up, feeling determined, "I'm not gonna let that happen...I'm going to stop her...I'll make sure that she pays for everything she's done...the lives she's taken...and for what she did to Kokichi." I say, making Kyoko sigh some. "Reckless as always..." she looks back up at me, "So what's your plan...?" She asks, making me think to myself some, "Your putting yourself at high risk going up against someone as dangerous as her..." I sigh some and close my locker, "First we need to find her hideout...since you have more information about her then I do, you should be able to easily track it down."

Kyoko leans away from the lockers and nods, "I have some ideas on where it could be, but what are you gonna do when we get there...?" I smile some and start walking away, "I'll...tell you on the way there..." I say, making her shake her head. "So you don't actually have a plan..." she says as she follows me, "Typical..." I laugh a little, but then go back to being serious. I may not have a complete plan, but I know that I have to do this...I look down a little. Don't worry Kokichi...I'll take her down...and get that remote so you can speak again...I promise...~

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