Chapter 9~An Unwanted Encounter...

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Kokichi's POV:

This is the best day ever~! We got to do a lot of fun rides, eat more food, and play games~ It was so fun~! I even got the bear I really wanted along with some other stuff~ I hug it tightly. I feel bad that I wasn't able to win him anything...I'm...not that good at those games, but Shuichi was very good at them~ I look around saddening some. It looks like it's getting dark...I...don't want this day to end.

Shuichi notices me, smiling some, "We'll come back the next time it's here~" he says, making me smile and nod. I look back at the entrance, freezing when I see a familiar sight. T-Tsumugi?! Oh god...she can't know about us being here. Shuichi looks at me confused, "Kokichi...? What's-" I interrupt him by quickly dragging him away. I gotta find somewhere to hide...I look over at the Ferris wheel, quickly running towards it and dragging him into one of the capsules. "Kokichi...What's the matter...?" he asks as I close it, the wheel starting to turn. I let out a slight breath, looking out the window. I hope she didn't see us...

"Kokichi..." Shuichi takes my hand, me looking over at him and noticing that...he looks serious and concerned, "I want to know what's going on..." I watch as he takes out my notepad and pencil, handing it to me, "Please...I need to know what's worrying you..." he says, me looking down at the notepad sadly. I'm sorry Shuichi...I...I can't...I can't do it...I move my hand away and tear up some, hiding my face behind the notepad. I-I can't...I feel tears flowing down my face.

Shuichi sighs some, moving next to me, "Kokichi listen to me..." I uncover my face, looking over at him, "You know that I'll always protect know that. Whatever's going on I'll help you get through it...I won't let you hold in whatever's bothering or scaring you...I'd do anything for you~" he says, making me blush and tear up more. Shuichi smiles and gives me a short kiss, hugging me tightly, "I love you so much...more then anything...~ So please...I wanna help you...I'm here for you...~" he says, making me hug him back and lean my head on his shoulder.

When he lets me go I look down at my tear stained notepad, feeling even more upset and terrified. I...I can just lie to him...yea...he won't have to know if I just write down something...I shakily pick up my pencil, preparing to write. It would be easier too...Tsumugi won't do anything to him if I just lie...he'll be safe...I know he- "Kokichi." I jump some and look back at him, seeing that...he looks even more serious, "Don't lie to me..." Shuichi says, surprising me a bit. How does he...I look back down tearing up again, "After everything I still wanna lie to me...?" He asks, making tears flow down my face again as I start writing, him watching as I do.

"I'm sorry...I just can't do might as well just leave would be better that way...your gonna get hurt if you stay with me..." I start to cry more as I continue to write, "You must hate me now because I won't tell you...I don't blame you...I'm just gonna keep lying to you because I want to protect you."

Shuichi's POV:

My eyes widen some when I read what he wrote. Kokichi...the capsule stops at the top, making me look out the window, seeing that we won't be moving for a while. I sigh some and look back at him, watching as he just silently sobs. For once...I don't know what to say or do. Honestly...I could tell Kokichi was going to lie. He didn't even have to speak for me to know...I mean...I've known him long enough to tell.

I think to myself some. There's a couple of things I can take away from what he thing is that I'll get hurt if I stay with him and he's lying to protect me. This must mean that he's lying because of someone...whoever the person is must be threatening him...maybe saying that they'll hurt whoever he tells the tru-...wait...I look over at the choker Kokichi's wearing, my eyes widening some. Oh my god...

Kokichi looks over at me, giving me a confused look, "That choker...that's the reason why you can't talk anymore...isn't it...?" I ask, his eyes widening as he looks back down, shaking some. I knew it...I knew it was fucking suspicious! He never had that on back then...and the way he'd react when I mention or even touch it...I sadden some and hug him tightly, pulling him closer to me, "First of all...I would never hate or leave you..." I say, making Kokichi blush some. "Secondly...I have a feeling I know what's going on...your lying because of someone right...?" I ask, making Kokichi lean his head on my shoulder sadly. I had a feeling...I sigh some. I refuse to let him go through this alone...I don't care what happens to me...whoever's making him lie...whoever put that choker on him...they won't get away with this.

I kiss his head as I let him go, "Now...why can't you just write what you actually wanna say to me...? How would that person even know...?" I ask, Kokichi sighing some in defeat as he starts writing again. "She said that she has eyes everywhere...that I may not be able to see her, but she'll always somehow see me..." I look at what he wrote, confusing me some, "I don't get how that would be possible..." I say, watching as he continues to write. "She has a friend that makes inventions so that she could do it...she probably also has people who work for her spying on me too..."

I tighten my fists some. That woman...she made it to where Kokichi would be paranoid and afraid all these could she do this to him?! I'm not sure what she wanted to keep him from saying, but I need to find out who that inventor is so I can get some information out of them...about whatever they made, who the spies could be if there is any, and more about whoever the woman that did this to him is. I think about something, making me look back at Kokichi, "When did all this happen...?"

Kokichi nervously looks back down, making me sigh some and put my arm around him, "Kokichi...I want to know...I won't be mad okay...~?" I say, making him blush some. Kokichi smiles a bit and leans his head on me, starting to write more, "It happened in the 7th grade...not too long after you left...I was kidnapped by her. She put this collar on me to keep me from saying anything about what happened...I haven't spoken since that day..." Once I read it I look down, trying my best to keep in my absolute anger. You...You fucking bitch. I swear to're gonna fucking pay for this. You. Will. Pay.

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