Chapter 12~Confronting the Inventor.

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Kokichi's POV:

~A Couple of Days Later~

As we walk through the school hallway, I can't help but feel extremely nervous...the fact that Tsumugi probably knows now...means that she could come after me and the others at any time. I look at my friends and Shuichi, starting to feel a bit embarrassed. I feel like I have three bodyguards protecting me...everyone keeps staring at's...kinda weird and awkward. I look back up, seeing that Kaito is walking our way. My eyes widen and I quickly grab Shuichi's arm, making him look over at me confused. I know he's gonna try and fight him if he says anything bad to me...I can't let him.

"Well well well~ If it isn't the little wimp and his overprotective asshole~" Kaito says, Shuichi looking up at him and glaring some. I tighten my grip on his arm. Don't do it Shuichi...he's not worth it. Shuichi notices me, taking a breath before speaking, "As much as I would LOVE to beat the shit out of you, we have important matters to attend to..." he says as we walk past him, irritating Kaito some. "Why you little...get back over here and fight like a man!" he says as he walks towards us, Rantaro blocking his way, "Seriously?!"

As Shuichi, Kiibo, and I walk away, I look back at Rantaro, seeing that he's talking with Kaito, concerning me some. I hope that nothing bad happens to Rantaro...I look down some. It's good that he's keeping Kaito preoccupied but...what if he gets hurt...Shuichi notices me, leaning over and kissing my cheek, "Don't worry about him...he'll be fine..." he says, me looking over at him a bit confused. He sounds...slightly's always when Rantaro is mentioned or when he does something...I sigh a little and lean my head on Shuichi's arm. What's wrong with Rantaro...? I don't get it...

After a little while Kiibo stops at a room, looking over at us, "Here's her work room...I'll go inside and check around it for any surveillance cameras or anything that women could be using..." he says with a bit of a smile, "Everything will be okay Kokichi...~" I smile and nod, Shuichi smiling slightly. "Thanks for helping us...if it wasn't for you we'd have no clue who the inventor was..." Shuichi says, Kiibo sighing a bit. "It's no problem...if anyone is causing Kokichi problems...I wanna help any way I can...~" Kiibo says, surprising me some. Kiibo...he really is a good friend...~

I let go of Shuichi and give Kiibo a hug, surprising him some. He smiles and hugs me back, "I'll let you guys know when it's safe to come in..." Kiibo says as he lets me go, me going back to hugging Shuichi's arm. "Sounds like a plan...~" Shuichi says with a bit of a laugh. It's kinda weird...he treats Kiibo differently then Rantaro...Kiibo hugged me and Shuichi didn't react like how he did with Rantaro...what's the difference...? They're both my friends...I sigh a bit. Oh well...I won't think about it right now...Shuichi and I move away while Kiibo walks through the door. Here we go...I...hope things go okay...

Kiibo's POV:

As I walk into Miu's room, I see her, sighing a bit. It's hard to believe that Miu is involved in all of this...I know there's a reason why, but it still upsets me. I feel like...I was played in a way...most of my time with her was fixing these small cameras she had along with that drone. I wondered what she needed those cameras for, but didn't think to ask her...I look down a bit. I feel so stupid...but I can't do anything about it full focus will be on helping Kokichi. Even if...she is my friend...I need to stop her.

I look back up, smiling a bit as I walk over to her, "Hey Miu...~" I say, making her turn around and smile happily. "Kiibo~! I'm so glad your hear, I need some help with something~" she says, making me laugh a little. "Alright...~ What do you need help with...?" I ask, Miu giggling some and heading over to her box of inventions, "Let me find it, it's somewhere in my box~" she says, making me a bit curious. I wonder if it's related to that woman she's working for...I wouldn't be surprised if it was...

As she searches I look around the room, noticing a couple of cameras. There really are cameras in be honest I don't know thoughts are that Tsumugi wants to keep a eye on her to make sure she doesn't betray her. It's...sad...I wonder how long Miu has been working for her...what would make her want to do it...? I...need to know...

I head over to one of the cameras, disengaging it and hurrying back to the table before she heads back over to me, "I found it~!" Miu says, smiling happily. I smile some, "That's good~ Put it on the table so I can look at it...~" I say as I walk to the other side of her, glancing over to where the second camera is. I need to distract her so I can deactivate the other camera...I look at the invention, thinking to myself some before coming up with an idea, "Where are the blueprints for this invention...?" I ask curiously. "Ugh...I left it in the box, hold on..." she says as she walks back over to it. Nows my chance. I quickly head over to the other camera and deactivate it, hurrying back to the table again before she walks back over to me.

"I got it~" she says as she sits the blueprint on the table, "Sorry, I should've grabbed it when I grabbed the invention..." I laugh some, "It's alright...~" I look over at the invention again, "What's this one for...?" I ask, making her look away some and rub her arm. "Oh's just something for a friend of mine...~ They wanted something that they could use record class lectures..." Miu says, making me look down and sigh some. She's lying...I can tell. It must be for that woman...what would she need an invention like this for...?

I glance back up at her, noticing something black underneath her shirt collar. What's that...? As I try to get a closer look, Miu looks back over at me, "Ah...why are you staring at me...?" she asks, sounding confused, "Are you staring at my chest~?" I blush some and look away from her, "N-No! Why would I do that...?" I say, making her giggle some. Miu raises an eyebrow and smirks, "You don't have to hide it, I know you were~ I don't mind~" she says with a wink, making my face grow more red. "I wasn't!" I say, making her giggle more.

Ugh...this is embarrassing...I swear I wasn't staring...definitely not. She may be pretty, but I wouldn't look at her like that. She's...more then just a pretty face...she's...I sigh a bit to myself. I shouldn't focus on that right now...I need to get whatever that thing under her collar is. I shake away my thoughts and look back at her, "Let's just change the come you looked upset when I asked you about what that invention was for...?" I ask curiously, making her look back down. "I...wasn't sad..." Miu says, making me sigh some and walk closer to her. "I can tell you're can't hide that from me." I say as I put my hand on her shoulder, "We're friends right...?"

Miu blushes some, "Uh...yea that's true, but really...I swear that nothings wrong...swear..." she says, as she steps away from me. I sigh some, starting to feel somewhat irritated, "Miu...I want to help you. Whatever is upsetting you...whatever your hiding...I'll help you..." I smile a bit, but go back to being serious, "The first thing you can tell what this is and why it was on your collar." I say as I hold up the small black device, surprising her some. Maybe now I can finally get some answers out of her. I have to...for Kokichi.

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