Chapter 2~A New and Unexpected School Day.

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A/N~I'm in a pretty good mood today, so I decided to go ahead and post chapter 2 early~^v^ I hope you guys like it~^v^

Kokichi's POV:

Once I get to school, I head over to my locker to grab some books and my notepad that I usually write on for my classes. I use it to mainly answer my teachers questions and anyone who talks to me since I can't. When I close my locker, I'm instantly greeted by one of the friends I made when I first started high school, "Good morning Kokichi~ Did you sleep well?" I look over to see a boy with silver hair and blue eyes, me smiling a bit and nodding some. It's Kiibo~ He's a pretty nice guy and easy to get along with, but there's one thing that's slightly irritating about him...Kiibo looks at me curiously, "Are you sure you did...? You look kinda tired...did you have a bad dream...?" He asks, making me look down a little.

He can easily tell how I feel just by looking at me...I don't even have to talk...he just...knows. That's something that kinda bothers me...he would even guess the reason why I feel the way I do...and he usually gets it right. I swear that he can read minds somehow! I'm not saying that I hate him for it, but it does concern me. I'm always afraid he'd learn about my probably won't happen, but you never know. I'd usually just lie and say nothings wrong, well write, but for some reason I can't get the dream from last night out of my head...I've had it many times and usually try to forget it, but for some reason...I can't today.

Kiibo saddens some, "You did...didn't you...?" He says, making me sigh a bit and open my notepad, writing my answer and showing it to him, "I did...but it's fine..." Kiibo starts feeling concerned, "Are you sure...? Do you want to...write about it? It could help you feel better getting it off your chest..." he asks, me quickly writing an answer. "No it's okay, don't worry about it~" He sighs some and opens his locker, "Alright then...just letting you can always come to me if you have problems...okay?" Kiibo says as he grabs his books, making me smile and nod before I start walking to class. This is what I'm talking about! I swear he's like psychic or something...maybe he's a robot who can read minds? I have no clue...

He quickly catches up to me and walks by my side, starting to chat about what him and his father did for fun last night. He loves talking about his dad, which makes me miss mine...he doesn't know about him being dead...I always just say he left me and my mom. I don't like saying it, but I know I can't tell him the truth...every time I think about it, I think of Tsumugi. I haven't seen her since that day, but...after what she said when I makes me paranoid. What if she actually does somehow keep an eye on me at all times...? She may have someone doing it for her...she could even use an invention from her friend...I...I don't want to risk her finding out if I do try to tell someone...

Once we get to class, I walk over to my seat, Kiibo sitting behind me and my other friend sitting next to me on the right side, "Heya Kokichi~" he says, making me look over at the boy with green hair, wearing a striped shirt. He's Rantaro~ He's a pretty chill guy who's almost like a big brother...he at least gives off that feeling to me. He likes helping me with my homework, which is a bonus for having him as a friend...~ Once the teacher comes in, I turn back towards her waiting for her to start today's lecture, "Good morning class~ I just wanted to let you all know that we have a new student joining us today~" she says, confusing me some. A new student huh...interesting...I wonder who it is?

~Earlier Before Class~

Shuichi's POV:

I sigh some as I walk into the school building. Here we go teachers...I should be used to this by now. My parents and I move to new places a's honestly annoying. I hate it so much...I just want to say in one place...I'm so sick of us moving. Though...I wasn't expecting to come back here to my home town. I also wasn't expecting my parents to choose the best school here...I mean...there are a lot of high schools here...why the most expensive one...? I sigh some. I wonder if...he'll be here...knowing his family probably not. They wouldn't be able to afford a school like probably doesn't even live here anymore...I'm not gonna get my hopes up.

I walk over to the front office, them instantly introducing themselves and giving me my locker number. I get a locker this time...? I guess there's one new other schools didn't have lockers...we were expected to carry everything to every class...which was fucking annoying. I walk over to the lockers and find mine, sighing some as I put my stuff in it. Thank god I don't have to carry everything this shoulders will finally get some rest. Once I have everything in there, I put one more thing in the locker, smiling some as I look at it.

"Are you Mr. Saihara~?" I quickly shut my locker and turn towards whoever's talking to me, seeing that it's a teacher with long orange hair, "Ah...Yes mam, I am...~" I say, making her smile. I...hope she didn't see what I put in there. The teacher holds out her hand, laughing a bit, "Please call me Ms. Yukizome!" She says, me taking her hand and shaking it. "Okay, nice to meet you...~" I say with a slight smile. She seems nice...better then some of the other teachers I've had. "You're in my first class~ I can lead you there if you'd like? Since I'm heading that way myself~" She says, making me laugh some. "Sure..." I say as we start heading over. I sigh a little. I hope this school is better then the last one I went to...that one was god awful...I hated almost everyone there.

Once we get to her classroom, Ms. Yukizome opens the door and looks back at me, "Wait here for a moment~" she says, walking into her classroom. I guess she's gonna tell everyone about me being new here...I don't really care to be honest...I'm probably just gonna ignore everyone and focus on my school work. I watch as she motions me in, me taking a breath as I walk in. I glance around the classroom, looking at the students. These guys look...unique...their clothing styles are definitely not what I expected.

When I get to the teachers desk, I look forward, my eyes instantly falling on one student that...looks familiar to me. When I realized who it was, my eyes widen. I-Is that...? "This is Shuichi Sahara, he's new here and will be joining our class! Make him feel welcome~!" Ms. Yukizome says, looking over at me with a smile. I couldn't even eyes were glued to a boy with purple hair, wearing a familiar checkered scarf, "K-Kokichi...?"

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