Chapter 15~The Day You Left Me...

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A/N~Wooo long chapter! This is to make up for taking a while to post another chapter lol. This Chapter is Kokichi's full POV~ The next chapter will also be a certain someone's full POV, but I won't say who it is! You'll just have to wait and see~
Kokichi's POV:

I stir some when I hear loud talking, sitting up and yawning some. "What do you mean he's gone...?" Kiibo says, confusing me some. Huh...? What's he talking about...? Rantaro looks down some, "Shuichi left...he's..." he stops talking when he notices I'm awake, "Oh ah...Kokichi...~" he says with a slight laugh, "Did you sleep well~?" My eyes widen some. Shuichi...I look around the room, starting to worry some. Where is he...? Where...did he go...?

Rantaro sighs some and pets my head, "Don't worry Kokichi...everything's fine~" he says, me shaking my head and pushing him away. Everything's NOT fine! I quickly grab my notebook, writing in it and showing Rantaro, "Where is he...?" Rantaro looks down a little, "He ah...left the room to...go do something..." he says, me tightening my fists some. He's keeping something from me...he knows where Shuichi went. I start writing again, "Rantaro...tell me where he went...right now." He looks at what I wrote, staying quiet. Why won't he say anything?!

"Rantaro...? What's going on...?" Miu asks, sounding kinda concerned, "We were all supposed to stay here till-" "I know I know..." he says, interrupting her, "He's just..." Rantaro looks over at me, grabbing my shoulders, "Listen Kokichi...I need to tell you something." I give him a confused look, but nod in confirmation. What's he about to tell me...? Is it about where Shuichi is...? Rantaro was about to speak, until a familiar voice appeared.

"Well well well, It looks like it's time to reveal myself~"

My eyes widen some. T-Tsumugi...? Rantaro looks down at his now glowing necklace and then back up at me, "Kokichi...I-I'm-" Miu's eyes widen, "Tsumugi! W-What are could you hear us?! Kiibo-"

"Oh I'm well aware of what he did Miu...and I'm not too happy about it. Why did you let him into your lab...?"

Miu looks down some, "I-I...well I...thought that maybe he fix the inventions you needed...since I found out he was good at it..." she says, looking over at Kiibo sadly.

"Well...because of you, my targets know about your friend being my hostage and me killing Kokichi's dad, which no one was supposed to know about besides you, Kokichi...and of course my favorite pawn Rantaro~"

As I hear her laugh, I look down and tighten my fists some. Rantaro...why...? Why would you work for her...? Does she have something that gives him a reason to do it...? Like Miu with her friend...?

"You betrayed me know what has to happen now~"

Miu shakes some and starts tearing up, making Kiibo put his arm around and hug her, "Don't worry Miu...we're going to save him..." he says, making her smile a little and lean her head on him. I look over at her, saddening some. Miu...

"Oh don't worry, I'm not gonna do it yet~ I have someone better coming my way that I want to kill before him~"

My eyes widen some. Shuichi...he's...

"Yes...your little boyfriend is coming after me Kokichi~ I'm so glad that I was warned by Rantaro before hand~"

I look over at Rantaro, who sighs in defeat, "It's...true. My necklace is...a direct connection to her..." he says as he takes it off, showing it to us, "She can hear everything from it...I do have the ability to turn it off, but..." I start feeling irritated. He can turn it off?! He could've turned it off when he came in here...why didn't he...?

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