Chapter 4~The Bully...and The Hero.

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A/N~Sorry that this ones a bit short lol

Kokichi's POV:

I quickly hurry to my next class, starting to feel kinda bad. I didn't wanna do that, but I knew that he would want to talk to me...he has no clue that I can' hurts not being able to. I'm afraid of him finding out about it and...leaving me. What if he wants to quit being my friend...? What if he gets bored of me because I can't talk...? I look down some. I don't wanna think about that...though...I smile a bit to myself. I was...kinda happy when he wanted to stay after school with me, but I knew it would be a bad idea...for the same reason why I left so quickly...

While hurrying I run into someone, them turning around and glaring at me, "Watch where your going!" the boy with spiky purple hair and galaxy jacket says, making me a bit nervous. I've seen this guy before...he's Kaito...I don't like him at all. He likes to treat others badly...especially me. I don't know why me, but...I'm apparently his favorite to pick on. When Kaito realizes who ran into him, he smirks some, "Hey there Kokichi~" he says as he shoves me, making me fall and drop my stuff on the floor.

As I'm picking them up, Kaito laughs some, "Still as silent as ever~ I like messing with someone who can't fight back~" he says, making me look up at him with a glare. Fuck you and your stupid looking hair you fucking asshole! As I continue to pick up my stuff, I laugh a bit to myself. I wish so bad that I could tell him that...I may not be able to physically fight back, but I know that I'd definitely be able to verbally...if I could.

Kaito notices me, growling some, "What're you laughing about?!" he says in an angry tone as he pushes me down hard with the bottom of his shoe, "You think I'm funny?!" I shudder and look down some, starting to get upset, "Do you want me to-" Kaito's cut off when he feels a punch across his face, making him stagger, "Agh! What the Fuck?!" He says, making me look back up confused. What happened...?

"You stay the fuck away from him..." my eyes widen when I see...Shuichi? I smile a bit to myself. This feels like dejavu...~

~Flash Back to 1st grade~

I cry as a couple of boys in my class start pushing and hurting me, "Your so weak! You don't know how to fight!" I look away, saddening some. "B-But...I don't wanna fight..." I say with a slight whimper. I cover my face as they're about to kick me. Leave me alone...please leave me alone...I'm scared... "Hey!" I hear a voice, looking up to see a boy with short blue hair wearing a hat, "Leave him alone you bullies!" He says surprising me some. H-He's...protecting me...?

The other two boys laugh, "Why should we?!" they say, the blue haired boy smirking slightly as he looks over at the teacher. "Teacher!!" He yells, making the two boys eyes widen and quickly run away. He turns around to face me, kneeling down, "Are you okay...?" He asks, making his eyes widen when he sees tears running down my face. "I-I...I didn't want to fight..." I say saddening the boy some. "It's okay...I'll fight for you~ I'll protect you and won't let anyone hurt you anymore!" He says with a confident smile, surprising me some. He' nice...~

He holds his hand out to me, "My names Shuichi, whats yours~?" He asks, me nervously taking his hand, "I-I'm Kokichi..." I say as he helps me up. He looks me over, seeing that I have some bruises, "Let's go see teacher, she can help you feel better~" Shuichi says as he pulls me towards the teacher. I smile some and wipe my tears away. "T-Thank you...your my hero~" I say as I squeeze his hand, making Shuichi look back at me with a bright smile.


That's of course not the only time he's protected me...~ He always made sure no one would ever hurt me...even in middle school. In middle school...if someone did hurt me, he'd fight them...sometimes getting hurt in the process...I always had to bandage him up when it happens. It makes me happy that he's protecting me again, but I don't want him to get hurt anymore...Kaito growls and gets closer to Shuichi, "Who the hell are you?!" He says as he rubs his cheek, Shuichi walking towards him with no hesitation. "I'm the one who's gonna fucking beat the shit out of you for hurting Kokichi...I take it that this isn't the first time you've done it." he says in an angry tone, making my eyes widen.

"Hah! You think you can fight me! I'd like to see you try!" He says, looking back over at me with a glare, "Why're you even defending this wimp!? He's not worth anyone's time!" Shuichi growls as he prepares to fight him, me quickly getting up and grabbing his arm. He looks down at me, watching as I hug his arm tighter, "Kokichi...?" Shuichi says as I look up at him, shaking my head no. He calms down some when he sees my worried face, taking a breath before he looks back at Kaito. Phew...if I wouldn't have stopped him...who knows what would've happened...of course...I know that Shuichi would've easily defeated him if I did let him fight...~

Kaito growls and steps away when he sees a teacher head over, "This isn't over asshole!" he says as he stomps away, me sighing in relief. Im glad that he left, but...I can't believe Shuichi actually punched Kaito...Kaito of all people! That...kinda concerns me...I let go of Shuichi's arm, him quickly turning around and giving me a tight hug, making me blush some. "Kokichi...I'm sorry that I wasn't here for you when he bullied you...I won't let him hurt you again...~" he says, making me smile and hug him back. Shuichi...~

Shuichi lets me go, smiling happily, "I'm gonna stay with you after school...and I won't take no for an answer this time~" he says with a slight laugh, making me blush some. I then sadden some and look down a bit, Shuichi giving me a confused look, "Hey...what's wrong...?" You can tell me..." he says making me tear up some and shake my head. "Why not...? Why don't you wanna say anything...?" he asks curiously. I look back up at Shuichi, noticing that someone's standing behind him, "Shuichi...he can't speak..."

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