Chapter 10~The Truth is Revealed.

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Kokichi's POV:

This is bad...this is so bad...I shouldn't be telling Shuichi any of this...she's...she's gonna find out. I'm gonna lose him...I don't wanna lose him, but...he knows. Maybe not all of it, but I know that he's just gonna figure out everything...he's almost like a detective. The moment he mentioned my collar and realized what it was for, it was over...

I look back up at Shuichi, seeing that he looks...upset, "I'm sorry..." he says, confusing me a bit. What...? "I'm so fucking sorry...I...I wasn't here for you...none of this would've happened if I was here..." he says as he tears up a bit, surprising and saddening me some. I'll be honest...I've...never seen him cry...he was always so tough and...happy around me.

I hug Shuichi tightly, making him look back at me. He smiles a little when I nuzzle him, petting my hair some, "I know your just trying to make me feel better...~" he says, laying his head on mine some, "but it truly is my fault...I never should've moved away..." I picked back up my notepad, Shuichi watching as I write, "It's not your fault...quit blaming yourself. If anything...I think it's my dads fault..." Shuichi looks at me confused. "Why do you say that...?" He asks, me tightening my grip on the pencil. I've been keeping this bottled up for so long...I...need to let it all go...

I take a deep breath as I start to write, "When she...kidnapped us...she was more after my dad then me. I shouldn't have even been there...he did something to make her target him...I don't know what, but I guess it was bad enough for her to...kill him..." I let out the breath I was holding, looking over to see Shuichi's shocked face. "He's...dead?! I thought that he just left..." Shuichi says, making me shake my head and look back at the notepad, continuing to write, "I couldn't tell my mom or anyone because of the collar she put on me...I didn't write it out of fear that she would find out...Mom has no clue that dad's dead..." I sigh a bit, "I...always wondered about what he did..."

Shuichi saddens some, "Kokichi..." I look back up at him, "I'm sorry that you had to go through all that...I'm sure we'll find out more about why all this happened..." He says, making me look down and sigh a bit. Shuichi looks at the collar, trying to find a way to get it off of me, "Is there a way we could somehow take this off...?" He asks, me sadly shaking my head as I start writing again, sitting it back down once I'm done, "Only she can take it off...I think it's one of the buttons on a remote she carries around...there's also no way to cut it or anything because of whatever the material she used was..."

Shuichi starts to look frustrated, making me hug his arm, "I know you don't want me to be mad, but I can't help it. That woman...she made you suffer for so long...I hate much..." he says as I lean my head on his arm. I know Shuichi...I know. I think to myself for a moment, my eyes widening when I realize something. I quickly pick back up my notepad and start writing again, Shuichi looking at me curiously, "What's wrong...?" He asks, me finishing what I wrote and showing it to him. "I just remembered something! She didn't make it! She said that the collar was made by her inventor friend and was made out of a material she created!"

"So...that means that the inventor who made it would know how to get it off!" Shuichi says, making me smile and nod, but then sadden a bit when I remember something else. I look back down and continue writing, "She did say that the material was unbreakable though..." He smiles warmly at me, "I'm sure the inventor knows how to break it...nothing's unbreakable~" Shuichi says, making me smile again. If she could break it...I could get it off and...finally be able to speak again...~ I...I hope she can somehow...

Shuichi's POV:

I can't believe that Kokichi hid all of this...that...he witnessed his father being murdered...I tighten up my fists. We've got to get that collar off his long as it's on and that woman has some sort of surveillance on him, he'll...I sigh some. If we can't figure all this out...he may never be able to talk again...I'll never be able to hear his sweet him say my name...I sadden some. We have to do this...I do have some ideas about the whole surveillance thing, but I don't know who the woman or inventor is...

"Hey Koki-" I look over at him, noticing that he fell asleep. He must be tired from all that crying...along with our amusement park fun...~ The capsule finally starts moving again, concerning me some. What am I gonna do...? If that woman really is here...she may come after us...she probably knows about Kokichi telling me everything. I'm not sure how she doesn't really make sense. Once we get to the bottom, I look out the capsule door. I have to get him home...if she sees could turn out bad. I pick up his notepad, putting it and his bear in the bag before I pick him up, walking outside the capsule.

Once out, I feel Kokichi wrap his arms around my neck, nuzzling into me. Hehe...he's so adorable...~ I quickly head towards the exit, stopping when I hear a womans voice behind me, "You two are a cute couple~" I hold Kokichi closer, staying quiet and facing forward as she starts walking towards us, "I'm very disappointed...he was doing so good for so long~ Until you came into the picture..." she says, making me growl some. It must be her..."Who are you...?" I ask as calm as I can, making her laugh. "I guess I can tell you now that it doesn't name is Tsumugi~" she says happily. Tsumugi...her name even sounds like poison flowing from your mouth when you speak it...

"Since I told you my name, how about you tell me yours~" Tsumugi says, irritating and confusing me some. She...doesn't know...? I thought that she would considering the surveillance Kokichi was talking about. " don't know my name...? If not then I'm not telling you." I say, making her laugh some. "Fine, but I'll find out eventually~" She says as I hear her step back and walk away from me, "Just so you two are my next targets, so be prepared~" I look behind me as she walks away, seeing the back of her head. She has long blue hair...I'll remember that. I turn back and look at Kokichi in my arms. I won't let her take you from me...

~Time Skip~

Once we get to my house I head up to my room, still carrying Kokichi. My arms are so legs too, but I don't care. Once there I carefully lay him down on my bed, sitting the bag down and taking out his bear. I smile as I slip the bear into his arms, him hugging it tightly. I laugh a bit and sit on the other side of the bed, petting his hair some. Kokichi...I'm glad I could finally get you to tell me...I understand why you wouldn't, but...I was determined. I knew that I had to find out...I'm...sorry for making you cry so much today...

I notice Kokichi turning towards me, tightening his grip on the bear and tearing up some. He must be having a bad dream...I sadden some and lay down, pulling him closer. It'll be okay Kokichi...I kiss his forehead, making him smile a bit and snuggle up to me. I keep my arm around him and lay my head close to his. I promise you my sweet Kokichi...I won't let Tsumugi get her way...I'll make sure she doesn't hurt you. I' anything to keep you safe...even if I have to take some risks that...may upset you...I close my eyes, sighing a bit. I'll do whatever it takes because...I love you...~ I know I've said it a lot, but...I truly do...~

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