Chapter 6~The Mastermind and her Pawn.

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A/N~Heres some new POV's for you guys~^v^

Tsumugi's POV:

I lower my book as I watch Kokichi leave with the blue haired boy, smirking some. looks like Kokichi does have someone he loves~ It would be so fun to take that guy away from him, but it's just not the time yet. Maybe I will soon...who knows~ I glance over at the clock with an annoyed sigh. Where the hell is she...? She's supposed to be here by now...I swear that girl pisses me off so much...but if I didn't have her...keeping an eye on my targets and Kokichi would be difficult...

After a while longer, a girl wearing a pink outfit and goggles walks in, "Sorry I'm late! I was just gathering some supplies for later!" the girl says as see sets down her box of gadgets. I sigh some as I take the box from her, looking through it, Where are the new spy cameras...?" I ask, her quickly remembering what I asked for the other day. "Oh yea! They're in here...~" she says as she takes off her bag, pulling a small box out of the front pocket. I grin once I see it, "You made them less noticeable and more enhanced right~? I say as I take the box, "They can also move around better right~?"

The girl nodded and gave a half hearted smile, " one should be able to notice them...sorry for messing up last time..." she says, me standing up from my seat and walking towards her. "It's alright Miu...I know that you won't make the same mistake again~" I stand behind and wrap one of my arms around her, "You wouldn't want anything more to happen to your mechanic friend...~" I say as I use my other hand to pet her hair. She looks down some, "Right..." Miu says, making me smile. She's so easy~ I love someone who won't try to defy me~

I let her go and walk back to my seat, looking through her box again, "Any new inventions I should know about~?" I ask her curiously. Miu shakes her head, sighing some, "I've just been trying to fix the ones I's difficult to do without Souda being here..." she says, smiling a bit, "I know he's more of a car person, but he always helps when I mess something up..." I roll my eyes as I continue looking through the box. Souda Souda Souda! That's all I hear's so fucking annoying! I almost wish she would find a new friend so she can talk about someone else...I could even take that person away from her too...just so I can watch the happiness she gets from them be crushed~

I sigh some, "There's nothing useful here..." I push the box back towards her, feeling irritated, "Come back to me later with something I can actually use...if you don't..." I laugh some, "'ll know what'll happen~" I say, making Miu nod and sigh a bit. "I will..." she says as she picks up her box, saddening some as she leaves. Ah...what a beautiful sight...~ I twirl a strand of my hair, grinning some as I watch her leave. I love seeing the misery in her eyes...~ Using her as a pawn has made my plans so much easier~

I look down at the new and improved spy cameras, "Lets hope they work for me this time...I swear if they don't...she'll regret it~" I say to myself as I put up the box, realizing something important. Damn...I should've asked her if she knew who that boy with Kokichi was...oh well...I'll do it later~ I'm sure she'll tell me~

Miu's POV:

God I fucking hate that bitch so much...I just wanna push her off a cliff and watch her die...having to work for her is the absolute worst, but...I don't have a choice. She has my best friend locked up somewhere...probably being torchered...I grip tightly onto the box I'm holding. I hate the thought of it...the fact that Tsumugi could do whatever she wanted to him...I just...want him back...I sadden some. She's keeps hurting Souda because I keep fucking up my inventions...I'm honestly surprised she even took those spy cameras after the first ones didn't work well enough for her...hopefully they will now...

I suddenly run into someone, the box falling and my inventions scattering on the floor. Damn I start picking up my stuff, the person I ran into turns around, "Are you alright...?" I look up to see a boy with silver hair, wearing an...unusual outfit. "Here...let me help you!" he says as he kneels down and starts picking up some of my inventions. I think this guys name is Kiibo...I've heard Rantaro say his name which is why I knew it...I've never really talked to him, but from what I've seen he seems like a nice guy.

As we continue picking up my stuff, Kiibo stops, looking at one of my inventions curiously, "Is...this a drone?" He asks, me laughing a bit. "Yea it is, but I haven't gotten it to work the way I there's some attachments I wanna add, but I'm not sure how they'll fit on it..." I say as Kiibo flips the drone over, showing the exposed wires inside. "W-What are you doing?! Your gonna make it worse..." I say, making Kiibo look back up at me. "Don't worry, I may know how to fix it~" he says with a smile, confusing me some. He can...fix it?

Kiibo looks back down, turning and looking inside it curiously, "From what I seems like some of the wiring is off...and the material your using to hold them there isn't working very well...if you just move this here...and switch this one with the other one, maybe twist these two should get it to at least function, but finding a material to hold it may be a bit difficult..." he says, surprising me some.'s almost like he's...done this he knows how to easily fix it...I look down some. Maybe I'm just...not meant to do this...I may be good at designing and replicating my inventions, but...I can't get the mechanisms to work...I always mess them up somehow...

Kiibo notices me, looking concerned, "Hey...what's wrong...?" He asks, me just staying quiet, "Is something bothering you...? It's not me is it...?" My eyes widen some as I look back up at him, "No no it's not you! I promise...~ Its just...I feel like everything I do isn't good enough..." I ball up my fists, saddening some, "It...makes me want to quit inventing..." I say with a sigh, surprising Kiibo some. "How could you say something like that...? From what I've seen, your inventions have great potential~ Yea they may have some problems, but it's nothing that we can't fix~!" He says, smiling warmly at me.

I blush some, "W-We...?" I ask, making him blush and rub his arm. "W-Well yea...I mean if you'd like my help...I don't mind...~" Kiibo says with an awkward laugh, making me giggle. He' sweet...~ "I'd like that...~ Maybe you can even help me with some inventions that I'm...making for a friend...~" I say with with a half hearted smile, making Kiibo look back at me. Of course~! Anything to help you out~" he says with a smile, but frowns some when notices my expression. I don't wanna use him like this...but if making my inventions work can help keep Souda safe and...her satisfied...I'll do it. I'm sorry Kiibo...

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