Chapter 5~Apologies and Confessions

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Shuichi's POV:

I turn around, seeing Rantaro, "What do you mean he can't speak...?" I ask, watching as Rantaro walks past me and over to Kokichi. "He doesn't have the ability to talk...I found out when we first met that he couldn't..." he says, making me even more confused. What...? "He was able to talk when we were younger...he should have no problems talking now..." I say, making Kokichi sadden some. He quickly picks up the rest of his stuff, running away from us, "Wait! Kokichi!" I say as I was gonna follow him, Rantaro quickly stopping me. "It would be best if you left him alone for now..." he sighs some, "As far as I knew, he wasn't able to speak...I had no clue that he could before..." he says, frustrating me a bit.

"Why would he lie about not being able to talk?" I ask, starting to irritate Rantaro. "He really can't! I've seen him try! Maybe he was able to back then, but he can't anymore! If you don't believe me, think about everything that just happened!" he says, surprising me some. I think to myself for a moment. Now that I think about it...when Kokichi stopped me from hurting that guy who was bullying him, he never said a word. He also didn't say anything when I hugged him...I would've thought that he would definitely say something about that. I also noticed that he didn't say anything when I told him I was staying with him after school...he would just shake his head instead of saying no...he did that in class too...

I start to feel bad, "I...must've upset him..." I say, making Rantaro nod. "He knew that he couldn't actually talk to you, which is probably what made him upset and leave...or maybe he thought of something else that could've caused him to leave." he says, making me look down. Kokichi...I tighten up my fists. I'm such an idiot...I need to apologize to him! I'll do it after schools over...I did say that I would stay after with him.

~Later after school~

When the last bell rings I quickly head out of my class, looking around for Kokichi. I gotta find him...where could he be? Ugh! I don't know my way around this school yet...what do I do...? Suddenly, I feel a crumpled up piece of paper thrown at me, looking up to see Rantaro, who's walking away. I pick up and look at the paper, fixing it so I could read what it says, "He's in the library...don't upset him even more then you already have...if you do I'll keep him away from you. Your not the only one who likes him..." I crumble it back up, fuming with anger. Like hell you will! I won't let anyone take him away from me...I won't let you have him.

I quickly head to the library, opening the doors to see Kokichi at one of the tables, laying his head down. I sadden some and walk over to him. I don't know why he can't talk now, but I can't let him get upset like this...I don't want him to avoid me. We just saw each other after four years...I don't want our friendship to be ruined because I was stupid...I care too much about him. I sigh a bit, smiling some. You know...this is actually the perfect chance to tell him how I feel...~ I hope he feels the same...

Kokichi's POV:

I hate this. I hate this so much...I hate that I can't talk to him anymore...I feel tears streaming down my face. I know he wants me to, but...he probably won't want anything to do with me now that I can't. Talking was all we would ever do...we could talk for hours on end...making each other laugh or smile. It was something that always made me happy...knowing that I had at least one person who would even give me the time of day...who would ever speak to me...and who I could talk about anything with, but now...I sigh some. Writing just isn't the same...though I guess the one good thing about it is that...writing makes it easier to lie.

"Kokichi..." I look up, my eyes widening some when I see Shuichi. I look back down, wiping the tears out of my eyes. He sighs and sits next to me, "I'm sorry...I...didn't know..." I look over at Shuichi, seeing that his fists were balled up, "I upset you...which is the last thing I'd ever want to do..." he says, making me blush some. He...must really feel bad about this...I take out my notepad, writing something on it before handing it to him. Shuichi takes it, reading what it says, "I'm sorry too...I was afraid to tell you because I thought wouldn't wanna talk to or see me anymore..." his eyes widen.

"Kokichi...why would I ever think that...?" He saddens some, "I'll always want to be by your side...I promise...that won't change...~" Shuichi says, making me blush more as I cover my face. Oh my god! Why does this sound like the start of a freaking confession?! I feel like I'm in one of those corny love stories...Shuichi laughs some and takes one of my hands, uncovering my noticeable red face, "I know you can't talk now, but it's okay...~ Whatever the reason, it won't change anything..." he says with a smile, "I'll always protect and care about you...~ You being here with me is all I could ever want...~"

I look over at him, feeling like I wanna cry. I...I can't believe what he's saying...he...really feels this way~? I quickly get up from my chair and hug Shuichi tightly, making him blush some as he hugs me back. He pulls me closer, making it to where I'm practically sitting on him, and runs his fingers through my hair, "You know what all this means...don't you Kokichi~?" Shuichi asks, making me let go some as I look at him, noticing that he's still holding onto me. I...think so...if he does what I think he's about to do, I'll definitely know...~ He smiles and leans in, giving me a soft and short kiss, "I've been wanting to do that for so have no idea...~"

I blush as I hide my face in his chest, making him laugh some. Shuichi...your not the only one who's been wanting this...believe me...I've wanted this for way longer then you...~ I blush more when I realize something, making me lift my head up and grab my pencil along with the notepad. I write something on it and shove it in his face, Shuichi looking at it and laughing some as he reads it, "You're so embarrassing! Why would you do this here!? I'm sure people are watching us!" He sets down the notepad and brings me in for another kiss, surprising me some. I melt into his kiss, wrapping my arms back around him. I feel like I'm floating on air...~

Shuichi releases me from the kiss, smiling warmly at me, "I want everyone to see that you're mine...because I love you more then anyone else does...~" he says, making me tear up some. Shuichi...~ He laughs some, letting me go so we could both stand up, "You wanna come to my house~?" Shuichi asks, surprising me some, "We could catch up there if you want to, maybe go somewhere fun later~? Honestly...the main reason why I'm asking is because I want to spend all my time with you...~" So blunt! I look away some, trying to hide my blushing face. Why does he have to be so embarrassing...~ I glance back over at him and nod, smiling happily. I'm not gonna lie...I've wanted this too~ I want to spend time with Shuichi, who I love more than anything...~

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