Chapter 19~Saving Shuichi.

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Kokichi's POV:

The moment I walked through that door and saw Shuichi, my eyes widened. He has metal restraints on his wrists and ankles, keeping him glued to the chair he was in...his wrists look kinda bruised...he must've tried to get them out. My eyes fall onto a noticeable cut along his cheek, making me tighten my fists some. She hurt him...I'm not surprised, but at the same time I am because...I expected more then one cut on him. I thought that he would end up like...I look down a little. I'm so glad he didn't end up that way, but at the same time...why restrain him in a chair? That's not something she normally does.

I feel a hand on my back, making me snap out of my thoughts and look at Rantaro. I look away and take a breath. I have to focus...this is about saving Shuichi...remember the plan. Rantaro said that I have to prepare for whatever Tsumugi says or does and just go along with it...I know that it'll be bad, but we have to at least stall for time until Kiibo and Miu can get him out of that chair...then we can get that remote.

"Kokichi!" Shuichi says, saddening me some. Tsumugi laughs, "I knew that you guys would try to save him~ I'm glad Kaito caught you, though..." she turns to look at Kaito, "I wasn't expecting for you to be here today..." she says, making Kaito laugh some. "I caught them as I was heading over, they were trying to get into the building." he crosses his arms, "They tried, but couldn't even make it passed me!" He says with a slight smirk, "What jokes~" I glance over at him. Kaito is doing his part well so far, Rantaro told him about the situation and convinced him to help us...I'm honestly surprised he agreed, but we needed him in order to fool Tsumugi.

I look back at Shuichi, seeing that he looks very angry. Another thing that helps this plan is that Shuichi has no clue that Kaito is helping us out. He doesn't at all know that Kaito and...Rantaro work for'll make our plan a little easier to fool Tsumugi with.

Shuichi's POV:

Damn it! Fucking Kaito...I should've known that he had something to do with this. I remember when he treated Kokichi badly last week...I should've done more to him...though...I look over at Kokichi. It would've made him upset for me to get into another fight...I remember back then when he would bandage me up and chew me out for fighting...I smile a bit to myself. He was always worried about me, but of course I had my reasons for doing it...~

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Tsumugi laugh, "Well then, now that Kokichi's here, the fun can begin~!" she says, looking over at Rantaro, "First things first...your punishment for betraying me" she says, confusing me some. Huh...? Betraying her...? Tsumugi glances over at me and smirks some, "You look surprised~" she walks closer to me, "Kaito and Miu weren't the only two people who worked for me~" she says, my eyes widening some, "Rantaro did too, his job was to keep an eye on Kokichi for me and to not interact with him no matter what happens~"

I look over at him, "You..." I tighten my fists, "You traitor!" I say in an angry tone, making him look down some. "Ooooooo Someones pissed off~" she says with a smirk, "Do you now understand what I was taking about earlier, how someone trustworthy could be a traitor~?" I look down some. She was right...I tighten my fists more, digging my nails into my palm. I trusted him...despite how I felt about him being around I trusted him with Kokichi...that was a fucking mistake. I think to myself some before realizing something. Wait...she didn't want him to interact with Kokichi, yet they're really close friends...maybe he betrayed her earlier on...? Ugh I don't even know...all I know is that I want to beat the crap out of him...for at least not saying anything about his connection to Tsumugi.

"Anyways~! Rantaro, your punishment will actually be directed at Shuichi~" Tsumugi says as she heads back over to them, confusing me some. Directed at me...? She walks behind both Kokichi and Rantaro, pushing them forward, "Rantaro, show Shuichi your reason for betraying me~ If you don't I'll show it, and you wouldn't want my version since it would be more painful~" she says, making me look at them both. I have a bad feeling about this...Rantaro looks over at me, his look kinda surprising me some. He actually looks...upset.

Rantaro looks back at Kokichi, "Kokichi...your the reason why I betrayed her." He says, sighing a bit before continuing to speak, "After getting to know you, I realized how much I cared about you...and how stupid I was to listen to Tsumugi." I glare some at him. I know where the fuck this is going..."The truth is..." Rantaro glances over at me, making me growl some. I swear to fuck, if y- "Shuichi!" I hear a sudden voice, making me look around. That sounds like Kiibo, but where is it coming from...? Out of the corner of my eye I see something small flying around. It has to be one of Miu's inventions!

"Keep going Rantaro, don't stop there~" Tsumugi says, snapping my attention back to them. I can't make it obvious that I see must be a part of their plan. "Kokichi...I...the truth is I...have feelings for you." He says, making Kokichi's eyes widen. I glance down, seeing the little machine at one of my ankles, removing one of the metal restraints. Come on..."I wanted so much to ask you out, but I was afraid that Tsumugi would hurt you if I got closer to you then I already was. You were already being used against me...I couldn't stand the thought of something actually happening to you, because I knew something definitely would if I confessed to you." He says as the second ankle restraint comes off, the little machine now at one of my wrists. Hurry up! This is really beginning to piss me off.

"Get to the good part already~!" Junko says, looking over at me as the little machine hides, smirking some. I glare at her, but keep quiet. I know if I say something, she might interrupt them and hurt much as I don't want Rantaro to continue talking, I have to bear with it until I can escape.

Kokichi's POV:

Once Tsumugi looks away from Shuichi I glance over, seeing that the little machine Miu made reappears. He's almost free...I look back at Rantaro, blushing some. I knew that he cared about me, but didn't realize that he...actually liked me. I honestly saw him more as a big brother, I thought it was the same for me since he has a bunch of younger sisters. He seemed so normal around me...I didn't notice any hints or anything...was I the only one who didn't realize it...? Did Kiibo know...?

Rantaro takes a breath before speaking again, "When Shuichi came here, I was jealous. The way you looked at him...I could tell how much you loved him...I knew that I had no chance..." he says, making me look down a bit. I also get now why Shuichi didn't get along with him...he must've already known that Rantaro liked me. I look back up at him, noticing that he's closer towards me, "But now I finally have one...~" he says, making my eyes widen some. He...he's not about to...I glance over at Shuichi again, seeing that he looks absolutely pissed. At this rate, Rantaro will make it where Shuichi will want to kill him more then Tsumugi...

I take a breath and look back at Rantaro, seeing that he's leaning close towards me, pausing for a minute before speaking, "Now!" He says, hurrying over and tackling Tsumugi. I quickly head over and grab her remote as he's holding her down, hurrying away towards Shuichi, who's now free. "I don't think so!" I hear Kaito say as he grabs me, watching as Tsumugi angrily shoves Rantaro away, "I got him!" Tsumugi gets up and walks towards me, "You little shit! Give that back!" She says as she grabs the remote from me, preparing to press one of the buttons until Shuichi attacks her, making her drop the remote. "Don't you fucking dare!" He says in an angry tone.

I quickly get out of Kaitos grip and hurry away, hiding behind the chair Shuichi was in. I got it! I pull out a remote, looking back at Tsumugi and Shuichi, who are still fighting. I have the real remote! Miu made a fake one that looks just like the original...I switched it out while Kaito had me in his grasp, thank god for his inside jacket pocket. I look back at the remote, looking through all the buttons. Which one is for my collar?! I have no clue!

I look back at them again, seeing that Rantaro is hurt and Tsumugi is trying to stab Shuichi. I have to hurry, we don't have a lot of time till she realizes the one they're fighting over is fake. As I look at the buttons again, I put my hand on the collar, realizing something. The light blue! That must be it! I find the button of that color on the remote, taking a breath. Here we go...I press it, watching as the collar falls off of me, the light blue light it once had now grey. I feel my neck for a second, shaking some. I-It's's actually off!

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