Chapter 7~Catching Up...

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Kokichi's POV:

As we're walking to Shuichi's house, I look down at our hands, smiling happily. This feels like a dream...~ I can't believe that...his feelings for me were the same as mine for him...~ Yea his are a bit more...forward then mine in some ways, but they're feelings nonetheless~ He notices me, squeezing my hand some, "I'm so glad that we're together~" Shuichi says with a smile, "I can't wait for us to catch up on stuff~" I look down some, remembering everything I went through. It's gonna be hard for me to not mention anything about Tsumugi, but I know I can't...I don't wanna put him in danger...

Once we get to his place, I look up at it. It looks just like I remember it...~ I can tell that's it's been painted and some shingles look fixed while the others look old, but it still looks nice...~ When he moved back here, I guess his family was lucky enough to get back their old house...Shuichi leads me to the door, unlocking it and walking inside, "My parents shouldn't be home right now...which is good...~" we head over to his couch, us both sitting down, "So...what's been going on with you~?" he asks as I take the notebook and pencil out of my bag, writing something down, "Nothing moms always gone and my dad left it's just been me by myself at home..."

Shuichi reads what I wrote, saddening some, "I wish I would've known...I would've come back to see you..." he says, making me blush some. I'd like that...if Tsumugi wasn't in the picture...I sigh a bit. Honestly...this new relationship we have now is a big risk...what if she somehow finds out about it...? I...don't know what I'd do if she did...Shuichi notices me, putting his arm around and pulling me closer, "You won't have to worry about being alone anymore~ I'll be here~" he says with a warm smile, making me blush more and lean my head on him. God...why does he have to be so perfect...~

I pick my notebook back up, writing down my reply, "What about you...? What've you been doing~?" He reads it, laughing a bit, "'s hard to do anything when you move around a lot..." Shuichi looks down some, "None of the schools I went to have been great be honest...I had to fight. It was the only thing I could do to get people who treated me badly to leave me alone..." he says, surprising and concerning me some. Oh Shuichi...I hate that you had to fight others...I wish that you wouldn't have...but I guess sometimes you have no choice.

Shuichi notices me, smiling a bit, "Don't worry about it...I don't have to fight anymore~ Unless someone gives you trouble..." he says in a serious tone, me hugging him and shaking my head. Please don't fight anymore...I'm not worth it. I tear up some, him noticing and petting my my head some with a slight sigh, "You know that I'll always fight for you...I'll be your hero...~" he says, me looking up at him, "I love you Kokichi...don't forget that...~" he kisses my forehead, making me blush again and hide my face in his chest.

We continue catching up, me smiling as I listen to him talk. It's interesting to hear about the places he's gone to...he may not have liked it, but it sounds kinda fun to me...I'd honestly love to travel...~ He also told me that he did meet one person at his last school that he ended up being friends with, which is good considering he didn't have any at his other schools...~ What I mainly wrote about was how I met Kiibo and Rantaro along with what all we did together, though...his reactions when I would mention Rantaro were unexpected...he seemed...kinda irritated. I sigh a little and look down some when I think about it. I honestly don't know why...I wonder if something happened between them when I left...

Shuichi notices me, smiling as he leans back on the couch, pulling me on top of him, "How about we get more comfortable~" he says, making me blush more. Seriously Shuichi?! I hide my face back in his chest, making him laugh and nuzzle me some, "Your so cute~" he says as he starts petting me again. Shut up...I glance up at him with puffed cheeks, making him laugh more, "Don't get all know you love me~" he says with a slight smirk. I smile a bit and lay my head back down, snuggling up to him. Of course I do...~

Shuichi's POV:

After a little while Kokichi falls asleep on me, making me giggle some. He's so cute, even when sleeping~ I pet Kokichi's hair some, making him stir a bit and nuzzle me. I sigh lovingly. How could anyone not love him...~ Well...there is one person who apparently does...I look down, remembering what happened before I went to the library. Rantaro...I start getting irritated. What he said before...that he'll keep Kokichi away from me...I pull him closer. He'll have to pry him from me...I refuse to ever let Kokichi go...I'll beat the shit out of that fucker if I have to.

As my hand moves closer to his neck, I notice something under his scarf. I look under it, seeing some sort of black choker with what looked like light blue accents. What's this...? Kokichi stirs some again and lifts his head up, rubbing his eyes. He looks up at me with a blush, me smiling some and giving him a small kiss, "Did you have a nice nap~?" I ask, him nodding and leaning his head back on me. I laugh a little and sit us both up, "Now that your awake, how would you feel about going to the amusement park~?" I ask, Kokichi's eyes lighting up.

Kokichi quickly grabs his notepad and writes something down, showing it to me when he's done, "I'd love to go~! I haven't been to it since it arrived here..." I smile and kiss his forehead, "Alright~" I smirk slightly, "Wouldn't this be our first date~?" I ask, him covering his face with the notepad. Hehe I'll take that as a yes~ I see the choker peaking through the tip of his scarf, moving my hand towards it, "How come your wearing that...? You've never worn it before..." I ask, his eyes widening some. He quickly hides it back under his scarf, confusing me some. Why does he...look worried...?

Kokichi fumbles with the notepad, shaking some as he starts to write again. Okay...something's definitely up...he turns it around, showing me what he wrote, "It's nothing...just a stylish choker is all..." Kokichi puts the notepad down and gets off of me, quickly heading to my bathroom. I watch him leave, feeling concerned. I can tell when somethings wrong with him...he's hiding something. It must involve that choker somehow...I sigh some. Whatever it is...I have a strong feeling that it's something bad...I'm not sure why, but...there's just...something about it that doesn't feel right. His reaction when I mentioned it says enough...I look down some. I need to find out more about it.

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