Chapter 1~The Past Of Kokichi.

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"Please...please stop! I'll do anything you ask!" I say as I struggle on the floor with the chains around my wrists and ankles. I watch as the dark figure turns towards me, a glint of light reflecting on what looked like glasses on their face. They walk towards me, giving me a devilish grin, one that would surly haunt your nightmares, "There's nothing I want from you~ My job here is done~" the figure says as they step to the side, revealing a horrific sight. I feel tears fall down my face, looking down with pure sadness in my eyes, "He's done nothing to could you kill him!" I say as she laughs, "H-He was..."

"Your good for nothing father~? Yes I know~" I look back up at them angrily with tears still falling down my face, "Let's just say...your father had this coming~ He was a target I couldn't let go~ However..." they get closer to me, their face finally in my view....a girl with long flowy blue hair and teal eyes, "I couuuuuld let you go, since I have no need to kill you right now~" she says, confusing me some. "Why would you do that...? I could just go straight to the authority's and tell them what you did!"

The girl smirks some, kneeling down to my level, "You have a point~" she says as she clips something around my neck. My eyes widen as I try to take it off, to no avail, "You can try and try all you want, but you won't be getting it off that easily~" she says as she stands back up and steps back, pulling a remote with many buttons out of her jacket pocket, "The only one who can take it off, is me~" she hits one of the buttons, the restraints releasing me. I try to say something, but...nothing comes out. I try again, hearing nothing...I put my hand to my throat, shaking some as I move away from her. W-What has...she done to me...?

She grins widely, walking back towards me, "You won't be telling anyone anything~" she says as she kneels down again, "That collar prevents you from uttering a word~ It's a great invention I got from a good friend of mine! She's an absolute genius and knows how to create a material that would never falter, so I promise you...there's no tool that could ever break it~" I glare at her, my hand still on my throat. This won't stop me...I may not be able to speak, but I can certainly write! I'll make sure they know about what she did...all those people she's killed along with my dad...I won't let her get away with this...

She stands back up, walking around the room we're in, "You may be thinking 'I don't need my speech to turn this girl in! I can just write!', but I can tell you right now...doing that would be a major mistake for you...~" she says, confusing and worrying me some. Why would it be...a mistake...? She smirks and continues to speak, "If you do anything to try and turn me in, everyone you care about will die~ Your mother, your friends if you even have any, and whoever you fall in love with...I'll always have my eye on you to make sure you don't~"

My eyes widen as I look at the floor, feeling defeated. I...I can't let her do that...I don't want anyone to die...especially...him. If anything ever happened to him...I'd be truly alone...not that my mother doesn't care about me, she's just...gone a lot due to her job. He's all I have since...I don't have other friends...I tear up some. I know that he's moved away and...isn't around me anymore, but that won't change how I feel about him. Even though he's not here...him just existing...being alive...makes me feel like I'll never be alone. I know I'll see him again'll stay silent...if it means he'll stay alive.

The girl with blue hair pushes another button, opening the door to the room so I could leave. I look over at it, having mixed feelings. I know I can leave, but...what's the point...? I can't say anything about what happened here...I can't bring justice for my father...I can' anything. I sigh some to myself as I stand up and walk towards the door, looking back at her as I do. day I WILL turn you in...some way...some how...I'll do it...and make sure your locked up for good.

I turn back towards the door, walking out as I hear Tsumugi's voice behind me, "Remember Kokichi...I'm always watching may not see me, but I'll always see you...don't forget that~"

Kokichi's POV:

I wake up, rubbing my eyes some as I sit up in bed. I had that dream's more like a memory. It's been four years since that happened to me...four years since I've lost my ability to talk...I look down some. That day when all this happened to me, I walked rained that day and I didn't have my dad to drive me...I also wasn't old enough to get my license, so...I just walked. My mom was stunned when she saw me...she kept asking me where dad was and what happened to me, of course I couldn't answer her. To this day...she believes that he left us...probably to run off with someone else, though...she always wondered why he never told her anything or left her some note before leaving. I wish I could tell her the truth, but knowing what would happen if I do...I can't.

I get up and walk over to my mirror, putting my hand on the collar. I never said anything about what this never really asked...not even my friends know...they think it's just some kind of stylish choker. Yes I have friends now, but...despite that I feel empty...not alone, but empty. Thinking about that made me remember my old friend...the one friend I've known since the first grade who I...truly cherish. I haven't seen him since he moved away in the 7th grade...I wanted to contact him, be honest I was afraid to. I don't want Tsumugi to find out about him...when she kidnapped both me and my dad, it was after he moved away, so she has no clue that we were friends. I look down and sadden some as I finish getting dressed.

Are we still friends...? I...honestly don't know...I wouldn't blame him if he hated me now...when I finish I look up at a picture on my mirror. That old school photo is of him...he gave it to me before he left...I gave him mine too, but who knows if he actually kept it. I give a half hearted smile as I put my hand on the picture. Shuichi...I miss you so much...more then you could ever know. I take my hand off the picture, grabbing my backpack as I head out my room door. I look back at his photo, sighing some. I...wish you were here right now...

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