Chapter 3~Seeing You Again~

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Shuichi's POV:

I...I can't believe it...It's him! My best friend since first grade~! What are the odds that we'd be going to school together again! I' happy...~ I'm glad that he still lives here...I missed him so much when I moved. I tried so hard to get my parents to stay, but it just didn't happen. Its exciting to see him, but...there's one thing I'm confused about. He told me that he would contact me so we'd always stay in touch, but I never got a call from him...I wish I knew why...I always waited by the phone to see if he would...I even tried calling him myself, but I eventually gave up. I sigh a bit. I'm not gonna think about that now...all that matters is that he's here~

"Ah...Mr. Saihara? Are you alright...?" Ms. Yukizome asks, snapping me out of it. "Oh ah...yea I'm sorry!" I say with a bit of a nervous laugh. I don't know why I feel nervous...I shouldn't be~ I look back towards Kokichi, seeing a boy with silver hair whispering something to him. I see him look away, laughing a bit to myself. He looks as nervous as I am...~ Ms. Yukizome notices me, smiling some, "If you'd like, you could take the left seat next to Mr. Ouma since you seem to know him~" she says, me instantly speaking up. "I will!" I say with a smile as I head straight over to the seat, sitting down happily. Maybe this school won't be so bad after all~

Kokichi's POV:

Oh my god...I can't believe this! My wish from this morning actually came true~! I glance over at Shuichi, smiling some to myself. There's so much I wanna say and talk to him about, but...I look back down at my desk sadly. I can't...I know I could just write everything down, but it's just not the same. I want him to hear it come out of my own can't talk about what I want to talk about with him anyways because of her...I put my hand on the collar that's hidden under my scarf, feeling frustrated. Fuck this stupid collar...Tsumugi will pay for putting it on me...

I glance back over at Shuichi, seeing that he's leaning on his hand, staring straight at me with a smile glued to his face. I blush some and look back at my notepad. Should I write something down and give it to him...? I mean...we'd just be passing notes...he wouldn't know about my silence yet...~ I rip out a piece of paper from my notepad, smiling some as I write something down, "Hey Shuichi~ It's good to see you!" I fold the paper and sneak it over to Shuichi, him instantly taking it. I watch as he opens it, smiling brightly. I always loved his smile...~ It's so infectious~

I watch as he writes something down, handing it to me quickly. I open it, reading what he wrote, "It's good to see you too~ I've missed you~" I blush some, glancing over to see that he's laughing a bit. He...missed me...? He really did~? I hear Rantaro clearing his throat, making me look over at him. He raises his eyebrow with a slight smirk, waiting for the teacher to have her back turned before leaning over and whispering something to me, "You like him huh~?" Rantaro says as he leans away, my face growing more red. I look away from him and hide my face, making him laugh a bit.

He's...not wrong. I've had a crush on him since we started middle school, we were good friends back then, but...I eventually started to have feelings for him. I move my hands away from my face, saddening a bit. I never told him because...I always thought that he wouldn't feel the same...I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship...I don't know what I'd do if he hated me. Shuichi notices me, looking a bit confused as he looks past me, seeing Rantaro laughing a bit. I shake away my thoughts as I write my reply to Shuichi.

Shuichi's POV:

I look away, tightening my grip on the pencil I have. Who's that...? Is he a friend of Kokichi's...? It looked like he said something that embarrassed him...was he flirting...? I start to get a bit irritated. I swear if he's trying to flirt with him I'm gonna- I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I see Kokichi holding the note out to me. I take it with a smile, opening it to see what he wrote, "So have I~" I notice that he also drew a smiley face, making me laugh a bit. Cute~ I write something down, smiling as I do, "You wanna hang out later~?" I fold the note, handing it back to him. I wanted to ask him about the green haired boy, but I'm gonna wait...I already hate him.

I wait a bit before Kokichi hands it back, me quickly taking it before Ms. Yukizome looks our way. That was close...I open the note, kinda saddened by what it says, "I can't today...I have to stay late after school..." He does...? I wonder why...? Oh I know! I quickly write a reply, giving it back to Kokichi. After reading it he looks over at me and shakes his head, confusing me some. No...? Why no...? All I said was that I could stay after with him...I thought he'd want me to...

After a while longer the bell rings. Finally! Now I can really chat with Kokichi instead of passing notes~ I look over at him, noticing that he quickly grabs his stuff and heads out of the classroom. I watch him leave, saddening some. Why'd he leave so quickly...? I...thought he would want to stay and talk...I was about to follow him, until that green haired boy stops me, "Hey there!" He says with a smile, "I'm Rantaro, one of Kokichi's friends~ How long have you two known each other~? He seemed happy when you two were passing notes~"

I sigh with a bit of relief. So he's not with Kokichi...great~ I'm still gonna keep an eye on him though... "Ah...well I've known him for a long time...we haven't seen each other in about four years." I say, surprising Rantaro some. "Interesting~ I didn't realize you two knew each other for that makes sense~" he says, me raising my eyebrow some. What's he talking about...? Whatever...I need to hurry and catch up to Kokichi~ I quickly pass by him, hurrying towards the classroom door, "Maybe we can chat more later, I want to catch up with Kokichi~ I'm sure he wants to talk with me~" I smile some, "That's probably why he left early, he wanted us to talk somewhere more private~" I say, confusing Rantaro.

" do know that he-" Rantaro's cut off once I head out of the class room. I gotta find him...I hope he's not at his next class yet...he's probably waiting somewhere for me~ I smile a bit to myself. There's more then one reason why I want to see him...if I have to be honest, before I moved away...I realized that I liked him. Of course I never got to tell him before I left, which is something I should've done...I...regret not saying anything. I regret it so much, which is why...knowing that he's here now...I have to tell him. I know there's always a risk that he won't feel the same, but I'm gonna take the chance~ As I look around for him I see his hair, smiling happily. There he is~

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