Chapter 11~The Next Day...

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Kokichi's POV:

I yawn some and look outside. Morning already...? Meh...I'm still tired...I rub my eyes some, looking over to see...Shuichi sleeping next to me. I blush some and smile a bit. I guess he brought me back to his house...I had a feeling he would...~ Honestly...being at my house is dangerous right now...she knows where I live and probably has that place bugged everywhere. I don't think that she knows where Shuichi lives, so we might be safe, though...she could just have someone or something follow me here...I sigh some and take his hand, looking down some. What am I gonna do...? Shuichi's-

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel Shuichi's grip on my hand tighten. Huh..? Is he awake...? I look over at him to see, blushing as I feel him pulling me closer. He wraps his arms around me, smiling warmly, "Good morning Kokichi~" he says as he kisses me. I pull away and hide my red face in Shuichi's chest, making him laugh some. He's too affectionate! I swear he never misses an opportunity to kiss me...I know Shuichi said that he has loved me for a long time, but jeeze! I smile and wrap my arms around him, looking at him face to face. I get it though...I mean...I've loved him longer...~

I lean in and kiss Shuichi, surprising him some. He closes his eyes and kisses back, running his fingers through my hair as he pulls me even closer to him. I will say...he's a damn good kisser~ After a bit we pull away, us both out of breath. Shuichi smiles happily, "Hehe you finally kissed first~" he says, making me look down some with a blush. "No need to be embarrassed...~" he says as he kisses my forehead, "As much as I'd love to do this more, we have some stuff to do today..." Shuichi lets me go and sits up, confusing me some. We do...?

Before he tries to get up I hug him from behind, making him laugh a little. I pout some as I sit my head on his shoulder, making him smile and pet my hair softly, "I know you don't wanna get up, but we have to..." Shuichi says as he kisses my cheek. I let him go, saddening a bit as I watch him walk away. I just wanna stay in bed with him all day...

I sigh a bit and get out of his bed, realizing that I didn't bring any clothes. Dang it...I didn't know that I was gonna stay over...I walk over to Shuichi, seeing that he's bringing something over to me, "Here's some clothes for you, they should fit~" he says as he gives them to me and walks out of his room, surprising me some. Has he been preparing for this?!

Shuichi's POV:

Man...I was not expecting that from Kokichi...he actually caught me off guard with that kiss...I liked it~ I wish he would do it more...~ I sigh happily as I sit and wait for him down stairs. I'm so lucky...~ I was genuinely worried that I'd never see him may sound dumb, but that's how I felt. Back then...when he never called or picked up the phone...I thought that...maybe he was upset or mad at me for leaving and was just hiding it. I...thought that if I went back...he wouldn't want to even see me because of that...I clench my fists, looking down some. I'm so mad at myself...I should've just...went to see him anyways. More then that...I should've never left...I should've just stayed with him...if I did he would've never-

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I see Kokichi walking down the stairs, his notepad and bear in hand, making me blush some and smile lovingly at him. I love the outfit I got for him~ It's a purple shirt with black along the top if it, a black and white striped long sleeve shirt underneath it. He's also wearing blackish grey pants with purple accents along the bottom of them, which pretty nicely around him~ I laugh a little when I notice his scarf tied around the bears neck. Looks like he has no reason to wear it anymore, since he's not hiding the collar now, but...I guess he can't let it go...

Kokichi looks up at me, blushing some when he notices I'm staring at him, "It looks so cute on you~ Do you like it~?" I ask curiously. Kokichi nods, smiling happily as he walks over and sits by me. He sets his stuff down and leans on me, making me put my arm around him. I sigh a bit, "Kokichi...your not gonna like this, but I messaged Kiibo and Rantaro...asking them to come over..." I say, making him look at me surprised and grab his notepad, quickly writing in it, "Why would you do that?! They're gonna be in danger too..." I move hair out of his face and kiss his forehead, "It'll be okay..." I say with a small smile, "I promise you that they won't get hurt...I'll make sure of it...~" Kokichi blushes some, looking down and nodding a bit as he leans his head back on me.

As much as Kokichi was afraid to tell them, I knew that we would need their help...since it's the weekend, Kiibo and...Rantaro...should have no problems coming over. They're his friends...I know that they'll wanna help him as much as I do. I pretty much texted them about Kokichi's whole situation...they didn't reply back, but I'm sure they knew that-

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the door bell ring, along with loud banging on my door. Looks like they're here...Kokichi leans off of me as I get up and walk to the door, tightening my fists some. Rantaro's lucky that I even told him about this...he better not try anything...

I sigh some as I open the door, nearly being run over by Kiibo and Rantaro as they head over to Kokichi. looks like they really were worried about him...I look over at them, seeing them both hugging Kokichi sadly. "Oh Kokichi...we had no idea you went through all that...I wish that we would've known sooner...I wish would've come to me about it..." Kiibo says sadly as he lets go, Rantaro tightening his hug around him. "We won't let her take you okay...~? We'll figure out a way to get that collar off of you and deal with that girl..." he says as he pets Kokichi's hair, looking straight at me. I dig my nails into my hands, growling some. He's just asking for me to fucking beat the shit out of him...

Kokichi notices me and moves away from him, hurrying over and taking my hand, dragging me over. I calm down a bit and sit back down on the couch, grabbing Kokichi and holding him close to me. Kiibo looks at us curiously, while Rantaro raises an eyebrow and smirks some, "Looks like I don't get to keep him huh~?" he says with a slight laugh. I glare at him and give Kokichi a kiss, him blushing some when I pull away, "Fuck no." I say, making Kokichi look at us both confused. I sigh some and grab both his bear and notepad, giving him the bear, which he holds tightly, and sitting the notepad next to us, " are we gonna do this..." I say as I look back over at them.

Kokichi's POV:

As I'm listening to them all talk, I tighten my hug around the bear. This is all nerve wracking...the more we talk about this, the more worried I get that Tsumugi will find out. I'm...honestly scared...and now that Kiibo and Rantaro are involved...I sigh some and lean on Shuichi, tearing up some. I...don't want to lose anyone and be alone again...I blush as I feel Shuichi's hand petting my hair. I smile contently and nuzzle him some, glancing over at Rantaro. I wonder why Shuichi looked angry when Rantaro was hugging me...? He was just acting like how a big brother would normally act...

"I'm sure that I can figure out where anything that's spying on Kokichi is...I have very good eyesight, it'll be no problem for me~" Kiibo says with a smile. "That's great...if we can find most of them, or at least the ones in that inventors work room at school, we can have somewhere to keep Kokichi where Tsumugi won't see him." Shuichi says, Kiibo nodding in agreement. "Miu should have no problem letting me in the room...I've recently been there...helping her with her inventions..." he looks down some, "I...can't believe she's involved in all this..." Kiibo says, saddening me some. I grab my notepad and write something down, showing him when I finish, "Maybe we can help her too...I'm sure Tsumugi's controlling her..."

Kiibo smiles some, "That's true...~ I'd like to help her since were...kinda friends." He says as he rubs his arm, making both Shuichi and Rantaro smirk some. "Does someone have a crush~?" Rantaro asks, surprising Kiibo some. "N-No it's not-" Shuichi laughs some, "Looks like he does~" he says, interrupting Kiibo. Kiibo blushes and looks all embarrassed, making me smile some. I'm glad that everyone's getting along~ I...hope that everything turns out okay...I look up at Shuichi, him smiling and kissing my forehead. I blush some, sighing a bit. Despite our plan, I honestly have a bad feeling that Shuichi's...gonna do something's just a feeling...

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