Chapter 18~Why I did it...

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(A/N~I'm sorry for this chapter being so make up for it I made it a long one~^v^)
Tsumugi's POV:

I watch on my screen as the girl in purple hurries away with Souda, making me laugh some. Well well well...this is an interesting development...~ I knew he would come for me, but wasn't thinking he would do it like this...I shrug it off and laugh a bit to myself. Oh's not gonna change what I do to him~

I pan over to another screen, watching as he walks into the main room, "I know your here Tsumugi! Come out and show yourself!" Shuichi says, making me grin some. Someone's sounding confident, how cute~ I giggle some and stand up from my chair. Well then, it looks like I should give him what he wants~ I push a button on my remote, watching as a grey smoke fills the main room. Time to have some fun~!

Shuichi's POV:

As the grey smoke fills the room, I cover my mouth and start coughing. Ugh! I can't fucking breath! It's so heavy...I can't even see...I...feel dizzy...damn it. I fall to my knees, briefly seeing a figure before passing out. After a bit I regain my vision, looking around before noticing that...I'm in a chair with...metal restraints on my wrists and ankles. What the fuck...?

"Did you have a nice nap~?" I look up, seeing a girl with familiar blue hair, "I'm so glad that you came to see me! I've been waiting for you~" she says with a smirk, irritating me some. Tsumugi...this is the first time I've actually seen her face to face...she definitely looks like a manipulative bitch...and killer. I bring my focus back to her, glaring some, making her laugh, "I can see that pure hatred in your eyes, its not because I ruined your poor useless boyfriends life is it~?" She says, making me growl some.

"Your gonna fucking pay for what you did to him!" I say, making her sigh some. "Oh gosh, what ever shall I do~?!" She says dramatically as she pulls out her remote, smirking some, "If you try anything against me, Kokichi will die~" My eyes widen some. "W-what do you-" "That collar can do more then just remove his ability to speak~" she says, interrupting me. Damn it! I look down a little. What can I do...? I...don't want Kokichi to...

"Awwwww lost your confidence~?" She asks, making me look back up at her. "Fuck off." I say, making Tsumugi giggle some. "It was pointless of you coming here you know~" she says, me shaking my head. "No...I have my reasons for coming..." I say in a serious tone, making her sigh some. "Let me guess, you want to switch places with Kokichi because you don't at all care what happens to you aaaaand you want that collar off of him so he'll be that right~?" She says, making me look down some. She's reading me like a book...ugh what now...?!

"I'm right aren't I~? Well I can make you a better about I just kill you and make Kokichi fall into despair~? That sounds like a better idea~" Tsumugi says as she pulls out a knife, making me look back up at her. She sounds...serious...I mean I'm not surprised, but...I think to myself some. "You can't do that...there must be a reason you did this to me...if there is you have no reason to actually kill me." I say, watching as she walks closer to me. "True, I don't have a reason...right now anyways~" she says, me sighing some. I knew it...she wants Kokichi lured here...she's gonna use me as bait...she's gonna take him away from me...she's...

I tighten my fists some. I won't lose to her...I'll make sure that Kokichi won't get hurt. I tense up some when she runs the tip of her knife along my cheek. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if him and the others came after me...if they do I'm sure that they must have a plan...I need to stall for as long as I can before she actually tries to kill me. I think to myself some before speaking, "Why did you kill Kokichi's dad...?" I ask, her going silent for a bit until she quickly removes the knife from my cheek, cutting it as she does before walking away.

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