Chapter 13~Miu's Explanation.

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Miu's POV:

H-How did he get that?! He wasn't supposed to know about it...this is bad...Tsumugi is gonna kill me...she's gonna know because of the cameras. I look at one of the cameras, noticing something weird. Wait...why are the wires messed up...? I look at the second camera, noticing that the wires are messed up on that one too. Why are they...I look at Kiibo, my eyes widening some. He didn't...he couldn't have..."Did you do this...?" I ask, him nodding his head, "Why...? How come you-" I'm interrupted by Kiibo, who walks over and takes my hands, "I know about your situation with Tsumugi...I told you that I was gonna help you...~" he says with a sweet smile.

I blush some, but look down when I realized what he has done, "S-She's gonna kill me...she's gonna know that somethings up when she notices that the cameras don't work..." I sadden some, on the verge of crying, "On top of that, she's gonna hear everything I say though that mic that you have..." Kiibo smiles, confusing me some. he smiling...? "You don't have to worry about that, I disconnected the mic so she wouldn't hear our conversation...~ For an extra measure..." he drops the mic on the ground and stomps on it, easily breaking it.

I looked at him surprised, "Kiibo...why would you do this for me...? I...I used you and betrayed your trust..." I say sadly, making Kiibo sigh some and bring me in for a hug. "I can tell that you didn't want to do it, yet you're doing it for a reason...whatever it is must be important to you." he lets me go, keeping his arms around me, "I know you don't mean any of what you've done...I can tell, so I'm gonna help you Miu...despite everything...~" he says, making my eyes widen. Kiibo...

I smile some, wrapping my arms around him and giving him a small kiss on his lips, "Thank you...~ Your amazing...~" I say, noticing his face growing red. Hehe he's so cute~ He lets me go and rubs the back of his neck, laughing awkwardly, " problem...~" he says with a smile, but then snaps out of it and sighs a bit as he turns around, heading over to the door, "To be honest...I didn't do this just for you..." I watch as he knocks on the door, it opening to reveal...Kokichi and that boy he was with, along with Rantaro from my class. I sigh some. I...had a feeling that this was why...

I look back up, noticing that the boy Kokichi is with was walking towards me, an angry glare on his face, "Get this collar off of Kokichi...right now!" he says, making me look down some, "There's no cameras don't have to worry about that bitch finding out..." He's not wrong...with no cameras and the mic that was on my shirt, there's not a way she'll find out...the problem is..."I...I don't have a way to remove it..." I say, making that boy even more angry then he already was.

"WHAT?!" he starts to get closer, Kokichi quickly running over and grabbing his arm as Kiibo steps in front of me, "Why the fuck didn't you find a way before it was put on him?!" He says, Rantaro hurrying over to him. "Shuichi calm down! You can't blame her for this...I'm sure that Tsumugi wanted her to make sure it was unbreakable and didn't want her to find a way to break it." He says, making me look down some. I don't blame him for being mad at me...I really should've figured out a way to get it off before giving it to's my fault that Kokichi can't speak anymore...I...have to help him somehow.

After a bit I realize something, looking back at the boy. So his name is Shuichi...I sigh some. It's a good thing that the mic is broken...if it wasn't, Tsumugi would've figured out his name.

Shuichi's POV:

Damn it! This fucking girl...she should've had the common sense to figure out a way to remove it despite the material being unbreakable! I look at Kokichi, who's tightening his grip on my arm and looking upset. I sigh some. Rantaro, as much as I hate it, is's not her fault. I shouldn't have blown up at her...I even made Kokichi upset...I take a breath and look back at Miu, "I'm sorry...I just...I want this collar off of Kokichi so bad...I...want to hear his sweet voice again..." I say as I look down some, making Kokichi blush. I feel him pulling my arm sleeve, making me look over at him, "Kokichi...?" I say, sounding a bit confused. Before I could even react he wraps his arms around my neck, leaning up and kissing me.

When Kokichi pulls away, I blush some, laughing a bit, "What was that for...~?" I say, him letting me go and taking his notepad out of his bag, writing something on it. "Thank you for apologizing to her...~ I get that your mad about this whole situation, but please...don't take it out on know that she's not at fault..." I read what he wrote, sighing some. "I know...I promise you...I won't yell at her like that again...~" I say, noticing him blushing as he continues to write. "Also...your so embarrassing and what you said was corny as hell...~" I laugh a bit and hug him tightly, "Your so cute~" I say, his face growing more red.

Miu laughs some, "You two are pretty cute together~" she says, making me release Kokichi from my hug and look over at her, "I'll do my best to get the collar off...I...owe it to Kokichi..." she says as she rubs her arm. I sigh some. She really does feel bad about all this...I feel bad for yelling at her..."Thank you Miu...I'm counting on you...~" I say, making Kokichi smile and hug my arm, nuzzling it some. Rantaro notices us, clearing his throat, "Anyways...Let's change the subject. Miu why would you work for that woman...?" He asks, making me glance over at him and smirk some. Looks like someone's jealous~

Miu stays silent for a moment, taking a breath before looking back at us, "I'm doing this...because she's holding my childhood friend hostage..." she says, my eyes widening some, "She used him as a way for me to cooperate with her...every time I messed up an invention or didn't do something right, she would...hurt him..." I notice her tearing up some, making me ball up my fists. That bitch...she's giving me more reasons to hate her...I notice Kiibo saddening some and taking Miu's hand, "We're gonna save him...I promise...~" he says, making her blush and hug his arm. "I know you guys will~" she says with a slight giggle, making Kiibo blush and me raise my eyebrow. Did something happen between them while we were waiting for Kiibo's signal...?

I shake away my thoughts and bring my focus back to Miu, "Do you know why Tsumugi is doing all this...? What reason would she have for taking Kokichi and his dad...? Why would she kill his dad of all people...?" I ask, making Kokichi look down some. I feel bad for bringing it up, but we need to know. Miu sighs some, "To be completely honest, I don't know her true reason why she does what she does, but I do know why she killed Kokichi's dad..." she says, looking down some, "His father...found out that reason that I didn't know about. She believed that he was gonna go to the authorities about it, so she decided that...he needed to disappear..."

Kokichi saddens some and tightens his hug around my arm, me looking down some and petting his hair as Miu continues to talk, "Another reason is that...he wronged her..." she says, confusing me some. "What do you mean by that...?" I ask, making her look back up at us. "I don't know what Kokichi's father did to Tsumugi, but I do know that it has nothing to do with her secret..." she says, surprising me some. What...? What did Kokichi's dad do that was so bad...? Maybe...Tsumugi is just lying about his father wronging her...she must be...I definitely know that his father isn't a bad guy.

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