Chapter 8~Fun at the Amusement Park~

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Shuichi's POV:

After a while Kokichi walks out of the bathroom, looking kinda upset, but smiles at me like nothings wrong. I look down some and stand up, walking over to the front door, "Let's head over to the Amusement park before it starts getting dark..." I say, making him look at me confused. He quickly grabs a his notepad and a shoulder bag to put it in, hurrying over to me. I watch as he walks through the front door, sighing a bit. Kokichi...whatever your hiding from me...I'll figure out what it is and help you.

As we head over, I notice Kokichi glancing over at me, then looking back away and saddening some. I watch him take out his notepad and write, showing it to me, "Are you upset with me...?" I sigh and take his hand, making him blush some, "I'm not...I promise~" I say with a warm smile, "It's okay...~" Kokichi lets out a small breath and smiles as he lets my hand go, putting his notepad back in the bag and hugging my arm happily. He thought I was mad at him...? Why would I ever be...? I'll admit though...I don't like that he's keeping something from me, but I'm not gonna think about it right now...I just wanna focus on spending time with my new adorable boyfriend~

Kokichi's POV:

I'm so excited~! I've been wanting to go to this amusement park since it got here, but didn't want to go alone...Kiibo and Rantaro said that they would be busy, so I was just not gonna go. I glance over at Shuichi, smiling happily. I'm so happy that I get to go with Shuichi...~ I wonder how he knew it was here though...he did just move back here recently, so maybe he saw it when he first got here.

I think to myself some, putting one of my hands on the collar. He's...starting to get suspicious of this...I knew that he would eventually, but not this soon...I guess hiding it under my scarf didn't work...I sadden some. I didn't...wanna lie to him...I just...wanted to protect him like how he protects me. To be honest...I'm...kinda afraid he won't be with me anymore because of this lie...and the many more I know I'll have to tell...I hug his arm tighter. Curse you Tsumugi...your gonna ruin everything for me...

Shuichi notices me, stopping us before we get to the amusement park. I let go of his arm and look up at him confused, him smiling and giving me a kiss. I blush some as I return his kiss, putting my arms around him when I do, leaning my head on him after we pull away. I swear he doesn't care one bit about showing public affection...he loves to embarrass me...Shuichi hugs me tighter, leaning his head on mine, "You know you can trust me...right...?" he says, surprising me some. Of course I do...I just...can't tell you...

I look up at him and nod, making him smile some, "I really wish you would tell me about the choker, but I get that you don't want to right now...just let me know when your ready to...okay~?" He says before kissing my forehead. I blush some and look down a little. have no idea how badly I want to...I just...tears start falling down my face. I just can't...I can't...not when I know she could do something to you...Shuichi's eyes widen some as he pulls me closer, petting my hair some, "Hey Hey Hey...It's okay...~ It's okay Kokichi...~" he says calmly.

I sniffle some and wipe my tears away, saddening Shuichi some as he lets me go, "It's alright...let's just focus on having fun...okay...~?" he says, me nodding and going back to hugging his arm. I'm so glad he's here with me...~ He always knows how to make me feel better and calm down...~ Once we get to the amusement park, my eyes widen. It's so amazing~! It's been so long since I've actually been to one...I can't wait to ride rides and eat the food here~ Id love to try and get something from the games too, but I know they're usually rigged so it probably won't happen...

Shuichi's POV:

Oh Kokichi...I wish so bad that I could help you...seeing your reaction when I bring up that choker...seeing you cry like hurts my heart. I can tell that the choker plays a part of this whole thing...I just don't know what it is...which frustrates me. I sigh a bit. Something else that still bothers me was when he asked if I was upset at him earlier...of course I wasn't! I just couldn't get his reaction of me trying to touch the choker out of my mind...I can't help but worry about him...I guess I was so focused on that...that he thought I-

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel Kokichi pulling on my arm, looking up to see that we're at the amusement park. I laugh some. He looks so excited~ I take his hand and walk with him inside. Kokichi...I promise that I'll make sure you have fun~ I won't let whatever made you wanna cry ruin it...As we walk around, I look over and him and smile, "So...what do you wanna do first~?" I ask, him taking out his notepad and writing a reply. "Can we get a slush and cotton candy~?" I look at the notepad, laughing some, "Sure we can, anything for you~" I say making him blush and elbow me. So cute~

Once we got our stuff we continued to walk around, Kokichi holding his cotton candy and slush while I just have a regular soda. I look over at him, laughing a bit as I watch him happily sip his slush. He got some sort of...purple one? I think they said it's a panta flavor...not really something I'd be into, but he likes it so it's okay~ Once we finish and throw those away he starts eating the cotton candy, concerning me a bit. He's totally gonna have a sugar crash later...

Once I see that he's eaten half of the bag, I sigh a bit. He's eating the whole be honest I thought we were gonna share since there was just one bag left...I haven't even gotten some...not that I really mind...~ Kokichi notices me, looking down at the cotton candy bag and back at me. He nudges me, making me look over at him, "Something wrong...?" I ask, seeing him giving the bag to me. I laugh a bit, "It's okay~ I don't-" he interrupts me by pushing it towards me, puffing up his cheeks some. I take it, watching as he takes out his notepad again and writes something, "Don't you lie to me. I can tell that you want should've said so..." I look down at it, smiling some. Looks like I can't hide anything from you...~

As I eat some of the leftover cotton candy, I see Kokichi look down a little. He must feel bad about eating most of it. I ruffle up his hair, making him look over at me, "It's okay...don't feel bad~" I say as I move the front of his hair and kiss his forehead, making him blush. I notice Kokichi looking passed me, his eyes lighting up. What's he looking at...? I look over in his direction, seeing a game with glass bottles and a bunch of plushies. He smiles happily and drags me over to it, making me laugh some, "Alright Alright~ We'll play some games~" I say with a smile.

When we get to the one he wanted to play, Kokichi looks around at all the plushies. "See one you wanna try and get~?" I ask, watching as he points to a bear that's half white and half purple. "For that one, you must knock down three sets of bottles~!" the guy running the game says with a laugh, "You have three tries!" I pick up a ball and look at the bottles, noticing that they look a bit sturdy. This is rigged...I can tell...I look over at Kokichi, who looks a bit sad when he realizes the same thing. I tighten my grip on the ball. Okay...I'm definitely gonna win him that bear...rigged or not.

The guy watches us leave, looking absolutely stunned. Hehe he wasn't expecting me to actually knock all three of them down~ I watch as Kokichi writes on his notepad, showing me with a slight blush and sweet smile, "Your so strong~" I blush some, laughing a bit. Most people who know me underestimate how strong I actually am...those guys I dealt with in my past schools also had no clue. I notice a heart on the notepad, making me smile happily. To be honest...I mainly wanted to get stronger to protect Kokichi, but I won't tell him that...~

I take is hand as we continue to walk around, "Where would you like to go now~?" I ask, him excitedly dragging me over to the next place he wants to go. Hehe...I'm glad that he's having fun~ Seeing Kokichi all I could ever want~

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