Chapter 20~Say My Name~

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Shuichi's POV:

Damn it! This woman is fucking relentless! I shove Tsumugi off of me and scoot towards Rantaro, who has her remote. "Hey! Are you okay...?" I ask, making him laugh a little. "I'm alright...~" he says, sitting up and holding his hurt arm. I sigh a bit. He took that hit for me...I owe him, even though I know that he was gonna try and kiss one can tell me that he wasn't going to. I look at the remote in his hand, taking it and looking at the buttons, "Which one is for Kokichi?" I ask, making Rantaro smile some. "You don't need the remote...~" he says, confusing me some. Huh...? What does-

My thoughts are interrupted the moment I heard a familiar voice, "S-Shuichi!" My eyes widen some, turning around to see...Kokichi, "Shuichi!" He says again, making me drop the remote, tearing up some. "K-Kokichi...~" I quickly get up and hurry over to him, hugging him tightly, "You can talk~" I say, making him sob some. "I can~" he says, nuzzling into my neck some, "I-I'm free...~" I pet his hair, holding him closer, "You are, you don't have to worry about her now~" I say, laughing a bit. His voice was a bit raspy, but...he said it. He finally said it, after so long~ It may sound dumb to be happy over something like this, but...the thought of the person you love never being able to say your name again...its hurts.

"How?!" I release him from my hug, turning around and seeing Tsumugi pick up the fake remote from the floor, "How did you get my remote?!" She says in an angry tone, "There's only supposed to be one!" Rantaro laughs some, "Thank Miu, she made a replica to make it seem like you had it~" he says, irritating her more. "Damn it!" Tsumugi says as she throws it down, breaking it, "This isn't over!" Before I could say anything, I see the door open, watching as Kyoko walks in with some other cops, " is." She says as a couple of the cops surround and cuff her, making me smile some. Kyoko~!

"Took you long enough~" I say, making her look over and smile at me. "I was just waiting for Kaito to send me the okay to come over, I wanted to wait until Kokichi got his collar off." Kyoko says, surprising me some. Wait...Kaito was on our side?! I look over at him, seeing that he's talking to some of the other cops. I'm guessing it was because of Rantaro, he must've convinced him to help. I think to myself some before looking at Kokichi, "Go see how Rantaro's doing, I'm gonna go talk to Kyoko for a bit...~" I say, making him smile and nod before running over to him.

As I walk over to Kyoko, I sigh some. I can't believe we did it...~ Tsumugi is done and over with, but I still feel like there's some missing links in this whole thing, like Tsumugi's Bosses death...I wonder if Kokichi knows the truth behind that...

Kokichi's POV:

I quickly head over to Rantaro, kneeling down next to him, "Are you okay...?" I ask, making him look over at me, smiling some. "So that's your real sounds cute~" he says, making me blush some. "Ah...Yea it is...~" I say with a bit of a laugh, sighing some, "R-Rantaro...I'm-" "Don't be sorry..." he says, interrupting me, "I should've said something before, though even if I would've..." he looks down, saddening me some. He...really did like me...

After a moment I hug Rantaro tightly, "Thank you...for being there for me...~ If it wasn't for you, I would've had no one at school..." I laugh a bit, "I probably wouldn't have even stayed in school..." I let him go, looking at him face to face, "I may be with Shuichi, but know that I do care a lot about you...~" I say with a smile, "I mean...we're still best friends...~ I'm not gonna push you away or anything you know..." Rantaro smiles and ruffles my hair, "I I said before, even if you did you wouldn't get rid of me that easily...~" he says, making me giggle some. I really do owe Rantaro a lot...~ I get up, helping him up as I do, "You should go get checked out...your arm needs to be treated." I say, him nodding some. "I will, don't worry about me~" he says with a smile as he heads towards the person with the first aid kit.

I watch as he walks away before walking back over to Shuichi, who's currently sitting against a wall. He notices me and smiles, "Hey, how's Rantaro...~?" He asks curiously as I sit by him. "He's okay, I had him go get his arm treated...~" I say as Shuichi puts his arm around and pulls me closer. "That's good...~" he says, sighing a bit, "I'm sorry that I left without telling you...I just couldn't stand the thought of her taking you from me..." he says, making me sigh some. "I knew you would..." I say as I lean my head on him, closing my eyes. I can finally rest...knowing that I don't have to worry about her anymore. This will probably be be best sleep I've had in a long time...~

~Later that Night~

The moment Shuichi and I walk into his house, I flop onto his couch, "Ugh finally! I'm so done with talking to cops...the more I talk to them about all this, the more upset it makes me..." I say, making Shuichi sigh some and sit on the couch by me. "I know, they just want to know what all happened...they need to in order to convict Tsumugi..." he says, making me groan and sit up. "I know I know, but Miu, Kaito, and Rantaro know more about everything she's done...I just know about..." I look down a little, "You know..." I say, as I sadden some, leaning my head on Shuichis shoulder. It hurts when I think back to that moment...

~Flashback to the Day he was Kidnapped~

"D-Dad where are we?!" I say, sounding scared. "Shhh it's okay'll be okay..." he looks at me from across the room, saddening some, "I'm so sorry..." he says, confusing me a bit. "F-For what...? This isn't your fault! It was just-" "No, it is my fault...I should've never taken it..." he says, interrupting me and tightening his fists some, "If I didn't, we wouldn't be in this situation...everything would've been fine..." What...? "What did you take...?" I ask, making him sigh a little. What did he do...? What made this person want to kidnap us...?

After a little while of silence, he speaks again, "Kokichi...whatever happens, just know that I love much...~" he smiles some, "Please...take care of your mother for me...~" I My eyes widen some. "D-Dad...You-" "I swear...I won't let anything happen to you...I won't let them kill you." He says, interrupting me and making me cry some. "I-I dont want them to kill you either!" I say, sounding a mix of upset and mad, "Don't give up Dad! Please! W-We can make it!...We can..." He looks down a bit, staying silent as the door to the room opens.

Shuichi's POV:

As I put my arm around Kokichi, I notice tears running down his face, saddening me some, "Kokichi...I'm sure that he was framed...Tsumugi said that he killed her boss, but I know that there's no way he could do something like that!" I say in a semi serious tone. Kokichi nuzzles me some, "Your probably right..." He says with a slight sigh, "I remember dad saying something about taking something...maybe he was trying to keep Tsumugi's boss from getting killed by taking the weapon from someone, but ended up getting blamed or something...I don't know." I think to myself some. It could be something like that...Kokichi's dad is the kind of guy that would try to protect someone...definitely not kill them.

I wrap my arms around Kokichi and pull him onto my lap, kissing his forehead, "Whatever happened was in the past...we don't have to worry about it now..." I say, saddening and making him look down some. "I know, I am I gonna tell mom..." he says, sounding a bit upset. I kiss his forehead again, making him blush and look up at me, "It'll be okay, I'll be there with you...~" I say with a slight smile. He smiles some, wrapping his arms around and hugging me tightly, "I know...~" he says as I pet him some.

After a bit of silence, I take a breath, "Hey Uh...can you...say it again...?" I ask, making Kokichi let go and look at me confused. "Say what...?" He asks, making me blush some. "Well name..." I say, laughing a bit, "I just...wanna hear you say it...~" He laughs some, "I can do better then just your name...~" Kokichi leans in and kisses me, pulling away with a smile, "I love you Shuichi...~ I've always loved you...~" He says, making me blush and smile happily, tearing up some. "I love you too Kokichi...more then anything in this world~" I say, kissing him back. Kokichi blushes and hides his face, making me giggle some. Knowing that I'll be able to hear his sweet voice every day from now on...makes me happy...~ I'll never get tired of it...~

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