Chapter 16~Rantaro's Betrayal.

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Rantaro's POV:

"How could you! Your the reason why Tsumugi knows've been working with her this whole time. Was our whole friendship fake...? Everything we've been through...? You could've kept her from hearing everything we talked could've helped us, but you didn't! You chose to help her! You betrayed me and everyone else...don't speak to me ever again."

Kokichi...I look down some. It's...not like that...I didn't want to do it, but..."Rantaro!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Kiibo, turning around to look at him, "Snap out of it! We have to figure out what to do now that Tsumugi knows everything!" He says, Miu nodding in agreement. "Yea...let's take advantage of this moment now that your not connected to her." Miu says, making me look over at my necklace, that's now smashed to pieces. "I know..." I say, looking back at what Kokichi wrote.

Kiibo notices me and sighs some, "Listen Rantaro...whatever the reason you decided to help her doesn't matter now...all that matters is-" "It does matter!" I say, interrupting Kiibo, "That 'reason' I helped her just ran out the door!" I say, Kiibo giving me a surprised look as I continue speaking, "I have to go look for him! If I don't..." I look down some. Kiibo walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder, "Then go..." He says, making look back up at him to see a smile on his face, "It would be good if you went to find him anyways, him being here may work in our favor." I give him a confused look. What does he mean by that...?

"It's true!" Miu says, smiling some, "I also may possibly know a way to get that remote to Kokichi's collar~" My eyes widen some, "You do!?" I say, making her nod in agreement, "Alright, Let me go find him! You two keep working on making or doing whatever you need to do for our plan!" I pick up Kokichi's pencil and quickly head out of Miu's lab, running towards the school's front doors. I have to find him...he couldn't have gotten far...I'm sure that he's-

I stop when I see him by the lockers, surprising and confusing me some. Well that was easier then I thought...I take a breath, slowly walking up to him, "Ah...Kokichi...?" Kokichi looks over at me, giving me a glare before standing up and quickly heading out the front schools doors, "Wait!" I say as I hurry after him, "We need to talk!" I watch as he runs over to a nearby tree, climbing up it when he gets there. I sigh a bit and shake my head. This is dejavu...

I follow Kokichi, looking up at him when I get to the tree, "Kokichi...please get down from remember what happened last time you did this..." I say, making him shake his head and grip tighter onto the top of the tree. I sit down against it, laughing some, "This brings back memories..." I say as I look down some, "This was where we first met...~" I sigh some, "I was...also working for Tsumugi at that time and have...been watching you like she wanted..."

~Flashback to three years ago~

Ugh! I don't get why I have to do this...nothing interesting ever happens to this kid...and him not having the ability to talk makes things even more boring. Why did that other girl that works for her have to be so useless! If it wasn't for those dumb inventions of hers starting to malfunction, I'd be at home relaxing instead of doing this! I sigh some. At least she's taking away what money I owe her the more I do this, so I guess there's some benefits.

I close the book I was reading and look down at my watch. I then look towards the front doors of the school, watching as the short purple haired boy walks through the doors. Right on cue...he's heading out to lunch...I was about to get up and follow him, until I see a group of guys surround him, one of them being a familiar spikey haired guy wearing a jacket that shows the galaxy inside it. I sigh some, opening and looking back at my book. It's Kaito...he's the school bully...and also someone Tsumugi hired. She wanted him to keep this kid miserable and hated...I...don't really get why. He seems harmless...

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