Chapter 4: Jesper

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        He watched Kaz limp away, a mournful look on his face. Kaz hadn't been the same since Inej left. He didn't know what happened between them, but Kaz was worried sick about her. He hardly ate and was always in his office working through the night. He missed Inej and the Club was different without her, but she was out doing what she always dreamed of and he was happy for her. Jesper just hoped that Kaz would get better soon or who knows what would happen.

        He turned his attention back to Wylan who waited patiently, bright blue eyes looking up at him. They wanted to take a trip yet they didn't know when was the right time or where to go. "What about a tour around Shu Han?" suggested Wylan. "How about a cabin on Novyi Zem's coast?" he responded. "Nah, neither of them sound right." Wy said with a sigh. Jesper looked over at him, coppery curls brushing his forehead. They had been helping around the Club as often as they could taking up little jobs, giving orders to the Dregs and managing the floor in order to take some of the weight off of Kaz's shoulders. In return, they were extremely tired and in desperate need of a break. Kaz usually went out for important business only so he couldn't help but wonder what Kaz was up to. It wasn't any of his business so he turned to Wylan, thinking about a vacation. Wylan opened his mouth, letting a huge yawn escape,  as Kaz strolled in. His once clean and crisp white shirt was now splattered with deep red blood and his hair was slightly ruffled. "Hey, Kaz" greeted Wylan as he passed them. He gave them a nod of acknowledgment and went to his room, crow cane quietly tapping the floor.

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