Chapter 17: Kaz

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        He watched as Inej and Wylan cut and served cake to everyone. She handed out the last piece, then came to join him. He held her hand, his gloves were still on because he forgot to take them off after Inej and him went scouting around East Stave. They mingled with the gang, as the hours ticked by. Inej went to go talk wedding details with Nina, so I went to the bar. Jesper was managing it and he served me a hard whiskey. I turned the thick glass around, butterscotch coloured liquor sloshing on the sides.

        About an hour later, people started to disperse, saying their goodbyes and good nights. Nina and Matthias headed upstairs and Inej and I decided to do the same. She silently followed me into my room, her presence a familiar comfort. Inej perched on the window as I set my cane down against the wall. Removing my gloves, I went to take a quick shower. I washed my body, shampooing my hair. Slipping on a pair of black pajama pants, I watched Inej as she undid her hair, coal black in a tight braid, my own wet with the scent of cedar wood. She turned her head and looked at me. Those deep brown eyes were always so quiet and mysterious. Inej got up and walked towards me. She ran her fingers through my tangled, wet hair then placed a soft hand on my face. "I love you." she said. He still found it hard to believe that she had chosen him. He still thought that she was too good for him, even if his heart was glad of her choice. "I love you, too." Kaz said. He laid down on the cool sheets beside her, head resting on a pillow. "Would we ever get married?" he asked. Kaz wanted to known what she wanted and what their future held. "Maybe. Not anytime soon." Inej responded. "Why?" she asked. "I just wanted to know if you would ever marry me." It was the truth, and he could hear the despair and desperation in his voice.

        Kaz flicked off the light and stared at the empty ceiling, watching the fan circle above him. His eyes started to drift close when he suddenly opened them. He had remembered that he hadn't given Inej her gift. "I have a gift for you." he whispered unsure if she was still awake. She squeezed his hand, encouraging him to go on. Kaz sat up and tugged the beaded chain of the lamp. A soft glow erupted into the darkness, giving light to the room. He pulled out the top drawer of his bedside table, a low creak coming from the rusted metal. Kaz searched the drawer until he found what he was looking for; a small velvet pouch that used to belong to his mother. Kaz turned to Inej who waited, unsure of his gift. He tugged at the drawstrings until the delicate necklace tumbled out. "It was my mother's." he said, feeling shy and bashful. His mother had given it to him in her last moments, telling him to give it to the girl he fell in love with. Inej shifted her position slightly, holding her hair back. Kaz reached forward to put on the heirloom. "It's beautiful." Inej said, looking at the small, crescent moon pendant. The silver and sapphire filled shape glowed in the dark night. She leaned toward him and kissed him, warm lips against his cold ones. Kaz was happy that she like it. He kissed her many times, then lied back down. He squeezed her hand as she put her head against his bare chest. They fell asleep, curled together and hands still clasped.

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