Chapter 11: Kaz

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        He said goodbye to Nina and started towards his office again. Inej popped up by his side and she slid her hand into his. "So, what are we doing tonight?" she asked. We stopped in the hall and I turned to look into her deep, chocolate brown eyes and answered her. "I was just going to my office to finish up some paperwork, and then we're free to do whatever we want." I said while entwining our fingers. "Okay, meet me when your done." she said bringing her hand up to caress my face. Slowly, she leaned forward, as I did the same. She kissed me deeply and I reached forward to put my hands on her small back, pulling her in to lengthen the kiss. Someone cleared their throat, interrupting our kiss. I opened my eyes and slowly pulled away holding just Inej's hand. Matthias stood next to us, a sheepish look on his face. "Sorry to interrupt, but could I speak with you, Inej?" he asked. I didn't know why he wanted to and neither did she, but she nodded her head and followed him back down the hall.

        I went into my office and sat down at the large, black, walnut wood desk. Quickly skimming across the papers, I arranged them into neat piles. There were bills, business offers, stock market charts, the shares from the sugar mills Kaz had bought months ago and other random documents. He read them, signing the necessary ones and ripping the unimportant ones then throwing the pieces into the roaring fire behind him. His eyes flickered towards the clock that hung on the wall opposite him. Crap! Just under two hours had past. He had lost track of time and Inej was probably waiting for him. Kaz stood up leaving his cane by his desk on the way out of his office and to Inej's room. He had gotten used to walking without it, but couldn't go a long distance without it. Her bedroom was on the floor below his office and was hidden in the side of the wall. Kaz quietly knocked on the door three times, waiting for an answer. A few seconds later, Inej opened the door her small face peeking through. She waved her hand, welcoming me in. The hidden room was painted a drafty grey colour, and the hardwood was a dark, smoky, black. A queen-sized bed sat in the middle. With a large window taking up most of the west wall, providing a serene view of the night. Kaz remembered the day that Inej first arrived. She was unsure of her boundaries, used to not being able to speak without it being requested. He had given her a tour of the Slat and showed her the available rooms. Normally, new recruits were given smaller rooms on a lower floor, but Kaz felt that she deserved a better room. She had told him that the window calmed her and the sea reminded her of home. Inej had brought in her few belongings and he had given her some kruge to buy new clothes. The room hadn't changed much since the day she had moved in.

        Kaz leaned down and kissed Inej softly, their lips moving together in a familiar practice. Love and warmth spread into him and she stretched her arms up, placing her hands on his neck. Inej stood on her tip-toes and he bent down, giving her better access. They kissed once more before pulling away to catch their breaths. Inej pulled him towards the bed and they sat down. "Kaz, we need to talk." she said. He nodded his head, they still hadn't worked out the details. "Do you want to stay?" he asked her, eagerly awaiting the answer. "You know I want to. But, what about my ship and crew. Not to mention the slavers that could be getting away." Inej said, answering his question. Kaz knew how important slaver hunting was to her. It was the reason he bought her the boat, it made her happy. "I wouldn't want to take away your happiness and I know how important the hunting is. You could come visit us sometimes and I could visit you." he suggested, unsure what to say. He layed down on the soft, thick, plush duvet and felt the bed even out as Inej did the same. "Or I could take a break, put one of my best men in charge." she said, clasping their hands together. He turned to read her expression, "Are you sure that's what you want? I don't want to be the one that's holding you back." She nodded her head, "It would only be temporarily, then I could go back out. And besides, there might not be any more slavers after I'm finished with them." Kaz gave her a weak smile, unable to avoid the pain that came with the thought of leaving Inej again. "I love you, Inej." he said. His life was built on lies, but nothing else had ever felt more true before. "I love you, too, Kaz." she replied and he could hear the truth and love behind the words. Inej gave him a quick kiss. "We should get some rest, I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a big day." Inej said through a long yawn that made him feel like yawning, too. He rolled off the bed to pull back the covers, then slid back in. "Goodnight, Kaz" she said. "Goodnight, Inej." he said while turning to face her. His eyes slowly started to shut, the soft glow of the moon dimming, and sooner than he knew, he fell asleep.

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