Chapter 19: Jesper

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         Jesper spun in front of the mirror, then gave his reflection a bright, sparkling grin. Matthias came back, holding two tuxedos, one in each hand. "Which one do you like?" he asked holding them in front of himself. "What do you mean, they're both the same?" Jesper asked. "This one is off-white and this one is cream." Matthias explained, a hint of exasperation in his tone. Jesper shrugged his shoulders, they both looked the same to him. They were in a small, quaint, dainty tux shop for Matthias's upcoming wedding. He was happy for the big Fjerdan. Even though he could be a grump and a party pooper, they had become good friends. Jesper was extremely happy for Nina, who had become one of his best friends over the years.

        The fitting room opened on his left, and out walked a flustered Wylan. A smooth, expensive-looking, burgundy red tuxedo clung to his tall form, accentuating his muddy brown curls. Jesper let out a low whistle which only made the pink blush on Wylan's face turn darker. "Wow, Wylan. You look dashing!" Jes said, excitement ebbing his voice. "So do you." Wylan said, a bashful look upon his face. "You look better than I do." he continued, looking down at the shiny black shoes he wore. "Aww, Wy, there's no need to be modest." Jesper said. Matthias came back, still holding the same coloured tuxedos. "Are these the same colours?" he asked Wylan, annoyance clear in his voice. "No, of course not. This one's off-white and that one's cream." Wylan responded, sounding as if someone was asking him if the sky was blue. "Thank you." Matthias said, an I-told-you-so look in his eyes. "They're totally different, who would say that they're the same?" Wylan asked. Matthias jerked his head in my direction and Wylan looked at me, a baffled expression on his face. Matthias went into the fitting room and I turned back to the mirror. "I like this one, it suits me." Jesper said. "Get it. Suits me." he said, gently nudging Wylan. He just rolled his eyes and went to go change back into his normal clothes.

        The dark, emerald green waistcoat popped against his Zemeni skin, his grey eyes hidden amongst the colours. Gold buttons decked out the front and a colourful tie lay beneath the fancy vest. It was exactly his style, he would wear it on the streets if it wasn't so expensive. Jesper thumbed his twin, mother-of-pearl revolvers, a comforting habit. They even matched his suit, Jesper thought. He went back into the fitting room, swiftly changing out of the suit and into his regular clothes. He left the fitting room, where Wylan waited on a cushioned bench. They waited for Matthias who had decided on the cream suit. They paid for their outfits, then waited for the elderly lady who owned the shop to take their measurements. She told them to come back in a few days to collect their clothes once they were tailored. Jesper grabbed Wylan's hand and they walked to the Slat, hands swinging in the evening air.

        He slouched on the leather sofa in the lobby of the Crow Club, next to Wylan who was sketching in a fabric-covered book. Jesper tilted the thick glass of scotch into his mouth, the liquid gently burning his throat. They had been at the Club for a couple of hours and he was exhausted and thrilled. The rush of adrenaline sped through him as he played, gambling, winning and losing. Jesper was tired from the long day, but at the same time, he was joyous from betting against the odds. He looked over at Wylan, who's eyes had started to droop, guess he wasn't the only one. A drawing of him, guns poised at the ready, was partially finished on Wylan's sketchbook. Jesper carefully planted a soft kiss on his forehead."Hey, Wy. Let's go home." he whispered. Wylan only nodded, half asleep, then dragged his body up and out of the hall. They made their way back home, Wylan's head resting on his shoulder. Jesper and Wylan went to bed, both falling asleep within the minute.

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