Chapter 5: Inej

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     Inej's ship had docked about an hour ago and once she'd sorted through her thoughts and somewhat mentally prepared herself, she decided that it was time to see Kaz. She took a running start then leapt into the air, her feet clinging to the brick. She scaled the wall of the Slat just like she had many times before, but this time it felt different. This time she was in love with Kaz Brekker. Pulling her body through the window, she reached Kaz's room. He wasn't here and she could no longer sneak-up on him, so the moment he arrived he would sense her presence. Walking around his room, she noticed that it was a mess. The normally neat and tidy desk was covered in papers and documents while clothes were strewn across almost every possible surface. Inej knew Kaz, he was neat and always had his affairs in order. She hoped that he was alright and taking care of himself. After browsing around for a bit she took a seat on the window sill, it felt like old times.

Author's Note:
I'm so sorry for the short chapter, but the next two will be fairly short. I wanted to do different point of views, so each part is a different chapter. Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

                                        -Bianca Caliban

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