Zip Gate

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Inspired by the Miraculous Awakening
Chat Noir Renderings

"I'm telling you it's a zip!"

"How the hell would you know? How close have you got to him?"

"A lot closer than you."

"Yeah, yeah! Only because you keep being akumatised."

As Marinette entered the classroom, on time may she add, there were numerous conversations floating around about ... well ... zips.

"Mari, come here." Alya signalled for her best friend to come and take a seat next to her. Alya currently had her phone out and seemed to be as caught up as everyone else on this zip debate.

"You've been close to Chat Noir, right?" The foxy haired hero asked as Marinette took her seat.

Panic began to rise in her chest, did Alya know? She couldn't possibly! It had been a year which would make perfect sense but then the magic was meant to mask the face so she couldn't be identified. Oh no, what was she going to do? This was a disaster.

"Earth to Marinette."

"Sorry, I spaced out. Why do you think I've been close to Chat Noir? I mean he's a hero and I'm just, you know, lonely little bakers girl." She let out a giggle as Alya gave her the once over thinking her best friend had finally lost it.

"Mari, I know you've been saved by him a couple of times. So what do you think?"

Alya pulled up the latest magazine article from Chat Noir. At now fifteen years old he was truly maturing in the face and body and Marinette couldn't help but swoon. Her relationship with her partner was slowly starting to develop and she couldn't believe she'd been so blind to how insanely attractive he was. Honestly, he could be a model.

As Alya zoomed the picture in at Chat's chest, Marinette could notice a lift in his suit, the kind of lift you only see with a zip.

"Zip or design?"

Marinette stared at the picture. How had she never noticed that before? It was obvious something was there, or something designed to look like it was there.

I wonder what we're dressed like under the suits?

Yes Marinette was now fifteen, and her hormones were kicking up big time. But everything seemed to be Chat Noir related. Her life was becoming all about Chat Noir.

"Design, totally! Why would he need a zip?" A new voice entered the conversation. Adrien.

"Perhaps he's hopeful." Nino slid into his desk chair, followed by Adrien as he wiggled his eyebrows. "I mean let's be honest, he's growing up you can tell from his appearance. Perhaps the dude is allowing easy access for his bug?"

Adrien let out a snort of laughter, as Marinette had to try and tone her cheek shade down.

"You seriously think they have time to even consider that?" Adrien's words made Marinette smile, it was very rare she got chance to spend time with her kitty. Even if she did she'd have to plan a month in advance. Seriously, the guy did so much stuff outside of being a hero.

"Well you know, it's not like they have other things to do ... like defend the city, keep their identities hidden, oh and run a normal life."

For some reason Adrien lifted his hand to Marinette, allowing her to high five it. Neither understood why they did it, but both couldn't stop the laughter that followed. It was almost like they were a team.

Nino and Alya looked between the two. What was going on?

"Are you two tag teaming us?" Alya gasped out, "not fun girl!"

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