Made for Each Other

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Inspired by Castle on the Hill - Ed Sheeran
Luka returns to Paris whilst reminiscing about his past.

Luka grabbed hold of the necklace sitting perfectly in between his collar bones. A Jagged Stone guitar pick, scratched and battered from years of wear and tear. One of his last remaining items of his teen life in Paris. Slinging on his leather jacket, he secured the zip and smirked. He was going back to Paris.

He hadn't spoken to anyone in quite some time, a lot had happened since they'd defeated Hawkmoth including him leaving Paris to better his life, not that it wasn't good in Paris, just there was more to the world than what he'd experienced in the city of love.

He'd already spoken to his sister, and her girlfriend, plus the rest of Kitty Section. They were eager for his return, for him to fill them with the knowledge of what he'd learnt during his time away.

Slinging one leg over his motorcycle, he slammed his foot on the pedal and sent the vehicle into motion. Five hours until he reached his destination. Five hours until he was back in Paris.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into his body. He'd like to say she fit perfectly, but there was always a slight awkwardness to them being this close. Was it him? Was it her? He never knew.

He was travelling back to the Liberty. He had the money for his own place but at the moment he thought he could be a good son and stay with his mum for a while, after all it had been months since he'd last seen her, and if her messages were anything to go by she wanted to spend some time with him too. She'd had him for sixteen years before his father took him away for five, it was obvious she had withdrawal symptoms from him. He didn't mind though, he was definitely a momma's boy.

She couldn't tell him the truth, yet he thought he knew it anyway. She had something going on which didn't include him, something that included someone else. Someone with as many secrets as her, someone she was made for.

Only three hours until Paris. He pulled up at a gas station and headed inside. He needed a couple of items before he made it home. His phone rang in his pocket, Juleka.

"Hey sis,"

"Hey yourself, how far out are you?"

"About three hours." He said, paying for his items and giving the sales assistant a nod. He could tell he was recognised, he was recognised in most places now and in his own right too. No longer was he just Jagged Stone's son, no longer just one of Ladybugs helpers. He was Luka Couffaine, guitarist and composer extraordinaire.

"Great, we'll see you then. Everyone will be here to welcome you back."

"I can't wait." And he wasn't lying either, a lot had changed and he was quite sure his friends had changed too. It was going to be nice to meet up with everyone again, especially her.

"Oh, and Luka?"

"Yeah?" He questioned.

"We've all missed you." He smiled down his phone, placing himself back on his mechanical stallion and continued on his way.

He looked at her. The lights reflecting on her hair and in her eyes. She was beautiful and he was sure no one else would ever look this good. Not to him anyway. They hadn't spoken in so long and it hurt, she was special not just to the world but to him too. Friends? She wanted to remain friends. He would take what he could get, time with her was always better than time without.

He pulled to stop in front of a group of teens. Each smoking and shouting loudly, having the time of their lives. They were surrounded by a carefree aura, no clue to how their lives would be different if it wasn't for himself and his closest friends. A group of teenage superheroes saving the world. They'd missed out on so much, so much that he needed to leave Paris to get some control of his life back. The last battle was tough, tougher than what any of them ever thought it could be. He was broken from it, not physically, no, the Ladybug's fixed all that, but mentally he'd be scarred for years to come.

She screamed in agony, each member of their super team not knowing what to do. Luka tried to step forward but he couldn't, something was holding him back; the intensity of her grief. Rena moved first, then they moved one by one, giving her the power to fix what was broken. To bring him back. Luka knew heartbreak from when he lost her, but losing her was nothing compared to this. She was broken, a crumpled heap of a person curled up next to her partner on the floor, his head in her lap, her voice screaming for his revival.

It was in that moment he understood the intensity of their love, he was a mere speck, a memory, a first romance. He wasn't hers, and they weren't meant to be. He'd had his time with her, and he'd treasure every moment. He was her past, the boy lying lifeless on the floor was her present, and future. With a flick of his wrist he called on his power.

"Second chance."

He'd make sure she'd never feel that broken again.

The lights changed to green and he was on his way again. Following the bright lights of the city of love, twisting and turning down the once frequently visited paths. He'd done this trip millions of times via peddle bike, oh, how different it was to have the wind sweeping through his hair as he moved at ninety miles per hour down the roads on his bike. Freedom. Aging. Growing up.

He pulled up outside a bakery, memories of earlier days flashing through his head. A costume fitting, a delivery, a drop in, a tearful goodbye. It's all happened here. It needed a plaque 'Luka Couffaine lived, loved and laughed here.'

The lights changed again, passing his collége before heading down to the river. There she stood in all her glory. 'The Liberty'.

He parked up his bike noticing the very fancy red Mini Cooper next to a Coral Fiat 500. No doubts in his mind who they belonged to. A very well known Bug and Fox. She had left Paris, moving to New York to further her designing career and get away from the historic occasion, before moving back 'home' six months previous. They'd met at the Rockefeller Center two Christmas' ago, ice skating was their thing, a reminder of their first date. Reminders of what they once were and what they could have been.

He walked on board, placing his helmet under his arm. Greeting his friends as he passed. Friends that had loved, friends that had lost, those who had moved on to greener pastures, and those still trying to figure out what they wanted to do in life. From one friend to another waving greetings between them, his eyes searched. Finally, they set upon her. She was breathtaking. He heard squeals of excitement as she showed her hand to her friends, rosy cheeked and wide eyed.

Luka searched for the guy who made that smile and blush happen, finally finding him in the midst of back slapping from their friends. He looked as thrilled as she did, scratching his neck at the attention he'd drawn to himself. Luka watched as the cat's eyes met the glorious blue of the bugs, both smiling, both overwhelmed.

She turned her head and caught Luka's eyes. Giving him a little wave, showing the back of her left hand. Luka smiled. Genuinely smiled. For once seeing her didn't reopen wounds, seeing her no longer stopped his world from spinning, seeing her didn't hurt anymore, seeing her was ... nice.

Suddenly two arms wrapped around his waist and he looked down. The familiar black stone buried in yellow gold winked at him as it sat next to the plain yellow gold band, one that matched that of his own. A smile stretched across his face as he turned to face her.

Paris was no longer his home and his heart no longer beat for Marinette Dupain-Cheng, it hadn't for a while. He was made for this girl in front of him, his lifeline and his home. For where she was, was where he needed to be too. They were made for each other.


Let me know who you think Luka's wife is. There's no wrong answer, it's your own interpretation.

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