I'll be waiting

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My own thoughts on a possible season 4 finale

Marinette sat staring at the ring in her hand. She could have had everything she wanted if she hadn't been so stubborn, but now it was too late. He'd handed it back. He was leaving.

"You've finally found out?" Alya walked to sit next to her best friend wrapping an arm around her waist.

"I completely messed up, Alya. We could have been together all this time."

"You didn't know. How were you supposed to know? You were told not to reveal identities, you followed the rules of the Guardians." Alya was trying to comfort her friend. She didn't think Marinette would take to kindly to what Alya really thought.

When Adrien revealed himself to Ladybug, no one could have been more shocked than the heroine herself. The boy she loved was her faithful partner, who consequently loved her back. They could have been together all this time. They hurt others for nothing, Luka and Kagami were collateral damage in a love square and it wasn't fair.

"What are you going to do?" Alya moved away from Marinette as she looked over the pictures still present in her friend's room. The pictures of a smiling Adrien, next to a smirking Chat Noir. Marinette's two beautiful boys who only happened to be one.

"I turned him down for himself, he'll hate me!"

Alya turned and stared at her friend.

"Think about it Mari, he didn't see you either. What's the difference? You both care and respect each other. It might not be love straight away but now you know he likes you isn't it worth the chance to admit it to him."

Marinette looked up at Alya before looking back down at the ring. Could it be that easy?

"What time does he leave?"

"That's my girl. You have half an hour."

Marinette stood up and brushed herself down, it was now or never.

Making her way out the bakery, ring still in hand, she ran. She ran as fast as she could. As she approached the Agreste mansion she saw Nathalie outside.

"I need to speak to Adrien."

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, he's about to leave."

"It's important! Please!"

Nathalie blocked Marinette from accessing the mansion, trying to placate the girl getting increasingly frantic in front of her.

Adrien stepped out towards the car, head down and suitcase in hand.

"Adrien!" Marinette shouted. His head shot up.

"Marinette?" He made his way down the steps to stand in front of his friend.

"I need to speak to you, it's urgent."

"I'm about to leave Mari, can you text me?" The tears began to pool in her eyes. "Hey, don't cry. It's ok." He turned to Nathalie. "Can I have a minute please?"

Nathalie looked between the car and the mansion. Gabriel was nowhere to be seen.

"You've got five minutes."

Grabbing her hand Adrien led her into the mansion and up to his room. As he shut the door he turned to face Marinette.

"Don't cry, please. I'll be back before you know it." He stepped forward to embrace the crying girl; only for her to step backwards. He stood there in shock.

"I love you." She blurted it out.

"Oh," was all he could reply.

"I know this is out of the blue, but I really love you Adrien. Since the day you gave me your umbrella. It has always been you."

She grabbed his hand and placed her own clenched fist into his. Opening her hand, he felt something thick and heavy move into his palm.

"And I just want you to know, I'll be waiting for you." She gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before leaving him alone in his room.

Adrien couldn't comprehend what had just happened. Marientte loved him, she was waiting for him. Only when the shock eventually wore off, did he open his hand.

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