I can't love you anymore! Can I?

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Random one shot based on season 4 if Marinette finds out Chat'a identity in a one sided reveal.

This is very angsty and covers the five stages of grief, so please be cautious reading.


So that was it.

After all this time of hiding their identities the cat was out of the bag.

Adrien Agreste was Chat Noir, and Marinette was numb.

She sat silently on her bed, transformation dropped and looked up at her corkboard.


So many pictures of Adrien.

So many beautiful, wonderful pictures of the boy that she loved. The boy she thought she knew. The boy she thought she had a future with.

A silent tear streaked down her face, dropping onto her hands positioned in her lap. The wetness was ignored due to the battle currently playing in her mind.

She'd never considered it. She'd never thought her happily ever after was just a dream, that it would never happen. But now she knew. She knew that she was destined to be alone.

Never had she thought her loyal kitty would be the boy she loved so helplessly, the boy she wanted a future with, the boy she dreamed of ... the boy who destroyed the world because of their love. The boy she could never be with.

Stage One: Denial
Denial is not only an attempt to pretend that the loss does not exist. We are also trying to absorb and understand what is happening.

Marinette pulled a picture from the wall of Adrien's face and stared at it. She turned it sideways, she flipped it upside down, she pulled her phone up to look at a picture of Chat Noir and positioned them next to each other.

They looked nothing alike.

Chat had messy hair, Adrien didn't. Fact.

The hair alone made them seperate people, didn't it? It's not that easy to flip from one hairstyle to the next? It's not like Adrien went around changing his hairstyle multiple times throughout the day. That would be insane.

And the smile ... Their smiles were different too.

Adrien's smile wasn't as bright as Chat Noir's. Chat's beamed a thousand watts whereas Adrien's was more in the lower hundreds. So, of course, Chat wasn't Adrien. Rolling her eyes at the silliness of the situation, Marinette placed the picture back on the board and wiped under her eyes.

Adrien couldn't be Chat Noir, right? Of course not! She was just tired. The pressure she was putting on herself was causing delusions because there was no way Adrien was Chat Noir. She was seeing things today. She did not see her one true love stand exactly where her partner was.

Adrien Agreste did not tell puns.

Adrien Agreste did not turn into a catlike superhero.

Adrien Agreste was not Chat Noir.

Adrien Agreste was not Chat Blanc.

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