Chapter 2: Always By Your Side

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I had not been able to see Bella so far today because my study group had set up a session that ran all afternoon. I found myself getting distracted every once in a while when I wondered what Bella was doing at that precise moment.

"Hey, Kim," one of the guys had called out. "You're zoning out, buddy. You okay?"

I shook my head. "Yes, I'm fine. Sorry."

"Daydreaming," another of the guys said with a smirk. "I bet it's about that hot little undergrad girlfriend of yours, right? Hm-mm-mm. She's incredible. You're one lucky bastard."

I frowned at him. "That's my business," I said curtly, almost rudely. I did not like the tone of his voice nor the glint in his eye as he talked about Bella.

The guy held up his hands. "Yeah, sure." He looked around at the rest of the group, which included two other men and one female, then back to me. "Take it as a compliment, Kim. If she was my girlfriend, I don't think I could concentrate on anything else. I wouldn't even be here, you know what I'm saying. I'd be busy with her twenty-four-seven."

I immediately tensed up. "What did you say?" I hissed through clenched teeth. Something about his smirk made me want to punch it off his face.

He winked. "I thought a smart guy like you would understand what I meant."

"Oh, for heaven's sake, shut up, Harwin," the only female in our group spoke up, annoyed. "We really don't need to hear about your fantasies. You're not hot, obviously, so at least be smart. Get back to work and leave Seokjin alone." She glanced at me and gave a slight shake of her head, as if to say that it wasn't worth it to get angry.

The other guys laughed. Harwin's smirk disappeared, and I tensed up wondering if he was going to continue. Then he pouted.

"Yeah, okay, Trish, you're right," he conceded. "Kim, don't mind me. I'm sorry if I sounded like an asshole," he said to me.

"If?" Trish snapped, arching an eyebrow.

Harwin chuckled again. "Fine. Let's get back to work then. We barely started the spring semester, and we're already behind."

I nodded with a smile. "Let's get to work. No worries, Harwin."

"Anyway, let's finish this up before the turn of the century, shall we?" the first guy, Parker said. "Remember, Harwin, the sooner we finish, the more time you'll have to daydream."

I heard some chuckles, and I laughed along with them, grateful for their humor. I looked up and noticed that Harwin was not smiling. When he saw that I noticed him, he grinned and looked down. It didn't seem that he was amused.

As soon as our study session was over, I went outside and dialed Bella's number. It rang longer than usual before she answered. I was alarmed to hear her voice sounding shaky and hoarse.

"Baby, are you okay? Are you sick?" I asked with concern.

"Um, no. Not really sick," she replied weakly.

I tried to stay calm. "What do you mean? You don't sound well. There's something wrong, isn't there? What is it?"

"Jin, I...never mind. It''s no big deal."

"No big deal?" I asked. "You don't sound as if you're okay. Please, baby, tell me."

A pause. "Okay, well, I'm suffering from terrible cramps," she said slowly. "Um, I...feel weird telling you. I'm pain, but--but I'll be fine."

"You don't sound fine," I said, hearing the quaver in her voice. "I will be right over."

"Oh, no, don't! You don't have to," she replied.

Forty minutes later, I arrived at her apartment holding a bag from the drug store. I had my own key, which I had told myself I would never use unless it was an emergency. Hearing my girl whimpering in pain certainly qualified in this case. I knocked on her bedroom door until I heard her voice telling me to enter.

She was sprawled on top of her bed with an arm covering her eyes.

I went over to her and kissed the top of her head. "I'm here, baby."

"Jin," she sighed, removing her arm from her face and smiling at me. She made a move to sit up, but I held her down.

"No, don't get up. Just rest," I said. "I will take care of you."

I walked into her bathroom and ran the water in the sink until it got hot. I filled up a small water bottle I'd brought and went back to Bella's side.

"Here, darling," I said softly, placing the hot water bottle on her abdomen. She let out a whimper that ended as a sigh. "Just hold that to your tummy. I'll be right back."

I went to the kitchen and prepared the ginger tea I had bought. I added some lemon and brought the cup to Bella.

Her beautiful eyes fluttered open. "You didn't have to do all this."

"I know," I smiled at her. "I wanted to. Here, let me help you sit up." I very gently helped her to a sitting position. "Drink some of this. It will make you feel better." I kept my arm around her waist and held the cup to her lips.

She blew on the tea before taking a small sip. "Th-thank you, Jin. This sometimes happens to me just before, you know, my period starts. I didn't want to bother you. It's no big deal."

"It is to me. Drink up," I said.

After she had emptied most of the cup, I put it on the night stand and eased her down on the bed again, lying down next to her. After a while, I moved my hand down until I touched the hot water bottle. I moved it away and splayed my hand over her abdomen, feeling the heat left by the bottle. I began to massage the area carefully but firmly. I heard her relieved sighs and smiled.

"That feels wonderful," she whispered.

"What about this?" I asked before bringing my mouth down on hers. I ran my tongue over her lips before pushing into her mouth. I kissed her deeply, sucking on her tongue gently, until I felt her body relax against mine.

"That feels beyond wonderful," she said with an exhale.

So I kept kissing her, tenderly and lovingly, hoping to distract her from her pain until I lost track of time. After I finally moved away from her, she snuggled deeper into my chest. Harwin was right. I was a lucky bastard indeed.

"My poor baby," I murmured. "You know, I could keep going. There's one more thing I can do to help you. Having an orgasm can help alleviate cramps." I moved my hand from her midsection up to her breast and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Oh, really? I'm not going to ask how you know that. I'll just end up getting jealous," she replied with a pout. "But, thanks to you, I'm already feeling better. You are the sweetest, most caring boyfriend known to mankind."

I gave a little laugh, pleased with her pronouncement. "Well, that's because you let me be sweet to you. I always want to make you feel loved and cared for, Bella. I want to do that for the rest of my life."

"That's quite a statement," she said. "Are you sure about that, Mr. Kim? The rest of your life?"

I moved back a bit so that I could look into her face. "My sweetest darling, I certainly mean it. You are the love of my life. I knew you were special the moment I saw you. If you give me the chance, I will make sure you are the happiest woman in the world. All you have to do is stay with me and tell me you love me."

She smiled. "I will always be with you. I love you more than anything else in this world."

"That's all I needed to hear," I said. "I promise that I will always be by your side, Bella. One day, of course, I hope for...for something more, you know. For now, I just want your love, as you have mine. Nothing will take me away from you." I slipped my hand under her shirt. "Now about that orgasm..."

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