Chapter 15: The Young Master

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I gaped at the beautiful dress that the uniformed maid was holding in front of me.

"Is that for me?" I asked.

The servant--not much older than me--nodded vigorously. "Yes, miss. The young master told me to bring it to you. It is for dinner."

I noticed a bag that was hanging from her arm. "And that?"

"These are your shoes and accessories," she replied as if this were entirely normal. "Would you like me to help you dress, miss?"

I inhaled. "Uh, n-no. I'll be fine. Thank you." I watched as she hung the dress carefully in the closet. My jaw dropped when I caught sight of the dress. "Oh, my. Is there something special going on tonight?"

The maid turned to look at me. "When we have guests, dinner is usually formal."

"So is this because of...because of me?" I asked slowly.

She nodded. "Oh, yes, miss. The young master has never brought a friend, uh, like you to the house before, so the master wants everything to be perfect."

"The young master is Seokjin, right?" I asked, wanting things clarified.

She nodded again. "I will leave you then. Dinner is promptly at 7:30. If you change your mind about needing help, just press the first button on the intercom. My name is Sadie if you need me." She gave me a shy smile before leaving the room.

I saw that I had only about an hour to get ready. I wondered if I should call Sadie back, but then I figured I should not start acting like the lady of the manor just yet. That would definitely send the wrong message.

I did the best I could. I even curled my hair with the curling iron in the beautifully-appointed bathroom. I slipped on my shoes before looking at myself in the cheval mirror next to the closet. Jin had really outdone himself.

The dress was a stunning knee-length black dress overlaid with vibrant, colorful flowers and ending in a delicately scalloped hem. It was tight at the waist then flared out with a bouncy, airy feel. The sleeves had a beautifully, medieval feel, with the top of the sleeves tied to the dress with a ribbon. The long sleeves ended in a gorgeous flower pattern. He had picked out strappy black sandals with a slim heel.

I gaped at myself in the mirror and fought down a sense of panic. Just how formal were Kim family dinners? Why hadn't Jin told me about this?

At least the overall effect was more wholesome than sexy, and I wondered if my overreaction to his rooming suggestions earlier had prompted him to choose this classy, understated look. It was perfect for meeting his parents. I smiled, thinking about how much I loved his thoughtfulness before walking out of my room.

Jin had told me that he would wait for me at the top of the stairs, and there he was, looking unbelievably handsome in a tan and black checked two-button sport coat over black slacks. He wore a plain white shirt underneath, and his hair was slicked back from his face. When he turned to look at me, my breath caught in my throat. He was every inch the young master of the house, and he was stunning.

He took my hand and brought it to his lips. "I have no words, cara mia," he whispered.

"You look beyond amazing yourself," I whispered back. "Are you trying to make me regret asking for a separate room?"

His lips moved as if he wanted to smile, but then his face became somber again as he guided me down the staircase and across an open area toward a large door.

"Bella, before anything, remember that I love you, and I'd really like for us to talk tonight," he said softly. He squeezed my hand and seemed to be about to say something else, but one of the servants opened the door to the dining room, and we were suddenly on display.

We walked in and stood stiffly just inside the room. Three people standing around the table looked at us--the older man was obviously his father. I could see some resemblance. The unsmiling lady to his right must be his stepmother. I didn't know who the younger woman with curly, red hair could be.

"Welcome," his father said loudly.

Jin's jaw trembled a bit, as if he was holding in something unmentionable. Then he guided me further into the room. "Bella, this is my father Sunghoon."

Jin glanced at me then back to his father. "I would like to introduce Bella Domani."

"Welcome, my dear," his father said, taking a step closer. "I understand now." His eyes were on his son. Jin looked down.

"Good evening," I said shyly, feeling as if I should curtsy or something. "I am so pleased to meet you...all of you."

The older woman smiled in an overly sweet way that did not quite reach her eyes. "So nice to meet Seokjin's friend from university. Welcome, Bella. My, aren't you a lovely girl! I'm Micha, Seokjin's mother."

"Stepmother," he muttered under his breath.

She indicated the red-haired girl. "And this is Fiona Gettis." She paused a beat. "Seokjin's fiancée."

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