Chapter 17: Amusing

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"Bella, I love your dress," Fiona cooed. She was leaning toward Bella as they both sat on the dark leather sofa facing the fireplace.

My father and Micha were sitting on the love seat set at a right angle to the sofa. I stood rigidly by the drink cart, swirling a cognac in my hand. I could feel a painful tightness in my chest at being part of this disgusting charade.

"Is it yours?" Fiona asked. "I saw this show once where girls rented designer dresses for parties. Beautiful dresses!" Her tone was sweet, but her intention seemed snarky.

"The dress was de la Renta's, but it's hers now," I snapped, "which I much prefer to whatever ready-to-wear you have on. I never figured you'd go for frumpy." I smirked and raised my eyebrow at her outfit. I heard her gasp and downed my drink with cruel satisfaction.

Fiona smoothed out her dress self-consciously. "I...I didn't...really pack much."

Bella's eyes glanced at me then returned to her hands on her lap.

"Nonsense," Micha began, scowling at me. "Fiona, you look adorable."

"Yes. Nice and relaxed as if you just came from the country," I added spitefully.

"Seokjin!" my father hissed at me. He plastered a smile on his face. "Both of you young ladies look beautiful, no matter what you wear. I myself pay little mind to the ridiculous fashion trends that force women to panic if the length or the color is démodé or other nonsense. Wouldn't you agree, Seokjin?"

"Bien sûr," I replied and poured myself another drink. I headed to the sofa. Fiona indicated a space next to her, away from Bella. I exhaled and perched myself on the armrest next to Bella.

"So, Bella," Micha began, "what brings you out here? Don't you have classes to attend?"

Bella inhaled. "Yes, I do have classes, but I...I..."

"She is here because I invited her," I broke in. "She is my--"

"Friend," Bella said suddenly. "I am Seokjin's friend from school. I had a bit of time off, so I decided to come visit and to...bring him some of his papers for his classes." She clasped her hands tighter.

"Well, that is just so sweet of you," Micha crooned. "I'm glad you are here. I'm sure you were happy to meet Seokjin's fiancee. Such a happy occasion. How long have you known about his engagement?"

I shot Micha a glare, which she ignored with a self-satisfied smile.

"I hadn't told her," I said. "I guess it just slipped my mind. I had more important things to deal with, such as running KWI while my father was in the hospital." I frowned at my father. "I also had to catch up with my classes, sort my sock drawer--you know, things that actually matter to me more than...this."

"Oh," Fiona murmured softly. Her lip trembled as if she was about to cry.

"Jin," Bella said softly in admonishment. "Stop that."

"She's right," my father said. "Stop trying to upset Fiona. It's not amusing."

"I assure you that nothing about this evening has been amusing," I snapped.

"Tell us about your family," Micha continued. "What does your father do, my dear? Do we know him?"

Bella took a quick breath. "No, I don't think you would know him. Or my mother. They, uh, they own and manage a catering business." Her eyes glanced quickly around the room. "A small catering business in our hometown. I doubt that you've heard of it."

"Oh, I see," my stepmother trilled in her high-pitched, jarring voice. "So you wouldn't have met my son at any type of function. I guess you are just school friends."

"She wouldn't have met your son at any function," I said through gritted teeth, "because you don't have a son...that we know of." I sneered at Micha's look of outrage.

"Seokjin," my father's voice boomed. "Apologize to your mother."

I drained my second--or third--snifter of cognac in one long swallow. I glared at my father. "I might if I could ever find her, but just like true family, she doesn't care about me."

My father's face darkened, and his hands shook.

Micha got to her feet. "I would love to stay here and continue our pleasant chat, but seeing as how Sunghoon needs to get his rest, I'm afraid he and I will have to retire early." She shot me a scowl. "But why don't you young people go out and have fun. I'm sure there are many places that you will find amusing around here."

Fiona's face lit up. "Oh, yes! I would love that!" She kept looking at me. "There's a new nightclub that has a real celebrity DJ. Let's go there!"

I sighed. "I don't think I'm in the mood for clubbing."

"Oh, come on, Seokjin," Fiona insisted. "I'm sure Bella would love to go." She tapped Bella's arm. "Wouldn't you?"

"Sure," Bella said softly, and Fiona clapped gleefully.

"There! You see?" Micha said. "Have fun!" She murmured something to my father, and he nodded.

After they left the room, Bella turned to me.

"Seokjin, actually I'm still tired from the trip," she said. "I have to beg off, but you two go and have fun. Don't let me put a damper on the night."

"Really?" Fiona asked. "Are you sure you don't want to come?"

I knew that Bella and I needed to have a long talk, and I didn't want to delay another minute. "Maybe we should take a raincheck. I'd rather stay in as well."

"Oh," Fiona whined.

"No, don't!" Bella exclaimed suddenly. "You go ahead. I will be fine by tomorrow."

"Bella," I said, but she shook her head at me.

"Your fiancée wants to go out," she said slowly. "You should take her. I'm sure it will be amusing. I think I've been amused enough for tonight." She turned to Fiona. "It was wonderful meeting you. I will see you tomorrow."

"Oh, I can't wait," Fiona said with a smile. "I want to be friends with all of Seokjin's friends. I'm so glad I met you, Bella. I'm sorry about earlier. Your dress really is amazing."

"Thank you. Good night," Bella said curtly and hurried out of the room.


All I could do was stare after her, wondering what was going through her mind. I wondered how I could make things right between us again. Hell! I should have told her. I should have prepared her. She had to know that there was no way I would consider marrying anybody else. She knew that I loved her, only her. She couldn't possibly believe that I was seriously considering marrying another. I felt Fiona twine her fingers through mine and didn't even care.

"Let's go," she said. "I'm sure your friend will be fine."

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